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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. About time everyone, no matter what their ultimate franchise is, bow to Twilight. I certainly am. :worthy:
  2. Harvey doesn`t know what the fuck he`s doing (he also fucked up Django`s awards chances by not sending screeners to SAG on time because he ddin`t press on QT to make him fuckin mind and cut the movie on time) but I guess that quality of his movies is saving his ass now more than his bullish campaign tactics.
  3. I`m glad you called that douche a douche. Gloom Junkie? Shareholder? Is that the best rebuttal he can make? LOL,no wonder you kicked his ass. They`ve no clue what they are talking about and their staff is even worse. The criteria for running that site isn`t professionalism and competence by the blindness of faith in Bin Jackson. One of those Pjihadists McCere Mr Cere whatever Cere something wrote the most embarrassing review in which he called PJ the only visionary in movie business. :rolleyes: So, yeah, nothing goes through those tick heads. Loved loved LOVED your rebuttal especially calling him out for being new to the forum at least in compariosn to your long membership. Tick headed douche. yes.
  4. :rofl: :rofl:I didn`t realize Barba got the ultimate star fuck GG like Depp in Tourist. Comedy is now the place for such awards.
  5. Very true.I`m glad that BOFer at TORN took his gloves off and called a TORN douche douche. Well done.
  6. I guess they are banking on Barbra who was in Fockers. IMO, GT and PG are fighting for Fockers spot.
  7. GT hasn`t been screened for critics yet or I assume it wasn`t for there are reviews for Les Mis and Django but not for GT. That`s self-explainatory.
  8. Hey, Wormow, check this out. Someone from our forums is trying to explain to TORNlibans that TH boxoffice isn`t all that impressive when you count 3D/IMAX premium, inflation,etc. This person gave a very professional and polite explanation why numbers aren`t as hot as hype wants you to believe. He/she is now called names and insulted at every turn by those PJihadists. This is a type of situation many realistic boxoffice analysists around here got from rabid fanboys. Convinced now?http://newboards.theonering.net/forum/gforum/perl/gforum.cgi?guest=59543687&do%3Dpost_view_flat%3Bsb%3Dpost_time%3Bso%3DDESC%3Bpost%3D541684=View+Flat+Mode
  9. People who dislike "bitchiness", "rooting for failure" (all nick-names for objective analysis of the stuation) should spend more time in the place of perpetual PJ woshipping bliss full of weed-smoking like this: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2012/12/15/67291-boxofficemojo-com-the-hobbit-breaks-another-record-with-37-5-million-friday/ Conidering that Friday number isn`t considered exciting around here, those who are annoyed by lack of enthusiasm should balance that out by mingling with the high crowd at TORN. When you feel that objectivity and realism of BOF is too much for you and you need light head and some halucinogens.
  10. Who also contributed to LOTR boxoffice with their obsessive compulsive repeat viewings on top of good WOM drawing casual fans. Oh, and ladies became obsessive-complusive too. I just can`t see obsessive-compulsive repeat business for AUJ, regardless of good WOM. It take special kind of attachment to keep seeing the same thing over and over and by a larger number of people. I think that you and B are on the same page but kinda don`t meet.The point is that what you say makes perfect 100% sense. But what he is saying is that rabid fanboys not only lack your logic but were prosecuting everyone who tried to reason with them and give arguments like yours. It seems to B that you don`t believe people can be so jaded whereas he`s saying they can and they were and still are.
  11. Agreed. Nothing until Xmas day where we have Les Miz, Django and PG. I don`t have faith in Jack reacher or This is khaki 40
  12. Not yet. I`m seeing Les Mis and Django first to earn free ticket for TH. I`ll pay for LM and Django because they are my essential viewing but TH isn`t hence why I`m waiting to see it gratis.
  13. How about expensive tickets? More and more people are selective of what they are going to spend money on they see only movies they consider their essential viewing. You said yourself "you don`t dislike TH book." That kind of feeling about the book does not make a movie based on it an essential viewing because the book obviously isn`t considered an essential reading.
  14. Thank you.And I want to clarify that I`m not saying Toldja with a triumphant glee. I`m simply stunned that so many people couldn`t see what was pretty obvious. Futurist tried to explain that too. Also B and others sorry that I`m not listing everyone.LOTR movies were benchmark for epic fantasy in 2001-2003 and later. Now the benchmark for epic fantasy is GoT. People read GoT books, watch the show and discuss plot point at the watercooler. They don`t read TH and if they do you won`t hear discussion for there isn`t much to discuss. It`s an enjoyable book but it isn`t analyse, live,breathe,eat,dream 24-7 type of a deal.Everything, especially boxoffice, should be put into a historical context. Market changes and not just physically (inflation, expended markets, 3D) but psychologically. Different things become "in" at different times. Skyfall is obviously capitalizing from Nolanization because Nolanesque is now the big way. Superheroes are now the big thing. Gritty R-rated epic fantasy is now ultimate epic fantasy not wimsical NZ travelogue like 10 years ago.YA is big with women.50 Shades of Grey...eh.Etc.LOTR came at the perfect time when franchises weren`t all the rage they are now,and, most importantly, aftershocks from TPM suckage were still felt. So something needed to fill the void. Matrix was supposed to be that but sequels sucked. LOTR kept high quality and emerged as the thing. But 10 years later, and in big part thanks to LOTR, franchises are raising the bar and there are too many of them for one to emerge as the ultimate one. And they are aslo getting creative. Once filming 3 LOTR movies back to back was a huge undertaking, now it`s how Marvel properties were developed and tied in in order to make TA as the ultimate Marvel movie. That`s what everyone look up to now, not filming back-to-back or splitting books because those are business as usual now.So, historically speaking, TH as a lighter LOTR arrived into psychologically and competitively different market than the one that greeted LOTR.
  15. I was saying this way before the opening. I did up my opening predix to $130 mio when Shawn said tracking was slightly behind TDKR`s and I give it to some fans (peludo) that they can be very convincing about why they think their champion will be huge . But tracking is off more often than not. And I was always pointing out that TH isn`t LOTR and that different characters will make a difference. It created LOTR audience. This is TH. Yes, ME is the same, but many things are different. Trailers and posters did a good job showing the difference.This opened between TTT and Shriekapoo adjusted so on par with old movies. Not a failure. If fandom grew for LOTR, it doesn`t mean it grew for a movie set in ME that isn`t LOTR.
  16. Both are books but one is a passion-inducing book. THG is a passion-inducer as of now (don`t know about 10 years from now but movies will be done in less than half of that so who cares) TH was never passion-inducer. LOTR was. LOTR created a Tolkien cult. TH was liked but it wasn`t discussed 24-7. It was,yeah, I like it, cool dragon, now so you think that Frodo was a hero or a coward? Is Sam the real hero here? Etc.
  17. He was. he was one of Top 2-3 characters and definitely top with women. Fans of LOTR movies who never read Tolkien books still ask if he`ll be in the movies. And objectively speaking, his journey is the most compelling to all demographics - a king in exile who spends his day as a hermit-like badass protector of little people, forbidden romance with the most beautiful woman in the world (women loved the whole sacrifice and choice of mortality for love part), what`s not to like? That they are trying to model Thorin after him so much so many call him Aragorn dwarf shows you that they knew Aragorn(like) presence will be missed.
  18. Nope. It`s the fanaboy unreasonable and hostile overpredicting this-will-crush-that that most people want to fail. if you make a completely competitive, gauntlet-in-the-face club like TH Over HP or THG or any movie Over different movie than you bet that fans of the other movie will want the club to fail. Stick to your own franchise and there won`t be wars and failure-wishing. I was saying so many times that TH fanboys should drop competing with HP and aim at beating Shreikapoo because beating DH2 is also beating Shriekapoo but making a club that`s anti-DH2 irks DH2 fans. Simple.
  19. It`s totally realistic to expect less. TH =/= LOTR. If this argument is considered valid against critical bashing that TH isn`t as good as LOTR because it isn`t LOTR than it should be valid for explaining why OW did not blow past $100 mio or past Shriekapoo adjusted. It isn`t LOTR. Simple.This is comparable to FC really. Same universe, younger versions of familiar characters but! No Wolverine (no Aragorn), it`s a prequel (we know how the story ends and getting there is never as compelling as when you don`t know what`s gonna happen), new characters don`t register like old ones.
  20. No. You are bitching. When people want a movie to fail they wish for $5 mio OW. TH OW of about $85-90 mio is anything but fail and that`s in relation to its budget too.Also, there is a difference between wanting for something to fail completely and wanting for something to fail in relation to ridiculous expectations. I certainly want every TH movie to fail to fulfill Neo`s :rofl: overpredictions and I want them to fail in that regard by a really REALLY large margin. That wouldn`t make the movies failures at all when you objectively think about it.
  21. Yeah, it`s funny that even people who hang out on BOF or even started on BOM always "forget" the difference between a brand new property`s boxoffice run and sequel/prequel when their favorite movie isn`t doing so hot.Titanic and Avatar are absolutely uncomparable to franchise movies. When franchise movies break out, they break out comparable to francnise breakouts, not those 2 boxoffice anomalies.POTC:DMC, Skyfall, Shrek 2, TDK, T:NM, are all franchise-type breakouts. They posted huge jumps but they are not Titanic/Avatar because their run was entirely different.
  22. This. It is a normal blockbuster opening. I think the term normal is really what should be used for tentpoles that are far from crashing and burning and far from laughable expectations of their most rabid fanboys.IMO, unless a movie is totally new property like Avatar so people are yet to meet characters, see if they`ll become their new movie heroes or not, extreme openings (TA, THG,etc) happen when a movie features heroes of their generation. Every generation has its own heroes. I think that TH/LOTR heroes are heroes of 2001-2003 generation. They are still loved by their generation but new heroes are more loved by the current generation that is the biggest revenue-generator. hence why normal opening for something that opened bigger in its day and abnormal opening for few new movis.
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