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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. But TTT was not a normal blockbuster. It was a major Oscar contender. Same goes for FOTR and Shriekapoo. This time 10 or so years ago, those movies were mentioned everywhere. Awards are important because they pull undecided to see a movie they previously dismissed as silly.So take that into TH hold count.
  2. Since her first estimate was $96 mio it looks like someone`s reading this site.
  3. It`s a valid point for sure but those who say disaster and bomb know it`s compared to expectations or what was perceived as a minimum that prequel to LOTR was going to make. OTOH, sheep that cheer Friday number honestly believe TA`s going down. I`m not kidding.
  4. It does here because people actually understand the reality of the boxoffice. Everywhere else, uneducated (in terms of BO) fanboys think that breaking December record equals beating TA. The sheep from TORN are extatic about it.
  5. I don`t think that TH`s problem (if there`s a problem, we still haven`t got Saturday number) is WOM or lack thereof but general disinterest. Well, kind of "disinterest" that translates into $85-95 mio opening instead of $155 mio and over. Think about X Men:FC. That one was critically praised and had a great WOM but ended up making less than critically panned, bad WOM`d Wolverine. The reason? There was more interest in Wolverine and not much interest in X Men sans him or X Man set in the past. This is what sunk KK more than bloat and running time. General disinterest. It had pretty good WOM at the time of the release but interest just wasn`t there. Well, kind of interest that turns a $205 mio movie (sans marketing) into a bone fide no "But`s" hit. And when there`s disinterest, WOM doesn`t help because WOM works when there`s interest but people are on the fence. Like Avatar. There was curiosity that turned into definitely yes when WOM kicked in.
  6. I just think that many people familiar with TH story don`t think it`s worth a look on the big screen. I know that Smaug is overhyped in some circles but that just shows you were the problem with the book lies - it has nothing special going for it except the dragon and it isn`t like movies aren`t full of dragons already. From How to Train Your Dragon to Sucker Punch, there`s a dragon.Moreover, TH follows the story of a marginal LOTR character and bunch of new faces that are far less developed and relatable than LOTR characters. Sure, Gandalf has a prominent role but he is Obi Wan figure and Obi Wan alone wouldn`t have sold TPM.Finally, LOTR really covered all the basis well so a trilogy about characters who don`t even add up to events in LOTR (Bard, dwarves, Mirkwood Elves - you really don`t need to know about Thorin party and Thranduil court to appreciate Gimli and Legolas in LOTR) may not induce interest to learn more. I know that some fans here think that ME is the bigger selling point than characters itself but how much of the same scenery without equally compelling story and characters one can take?
  7. Reviews are not negative because 65% isn`t negative. They are just unenthusiastic, dispassionate and indiferent to the movie which is typical for been-there-done-that-movies.
  8. Because they are factoring in Saturday jump from midnights + Friday not from Friday alone.
  9. If this is expected to play like a family movie than it isn`t an awfully good news because there will be some direct comeptition. Such as Parental Guidance. Now OS movie goers may not care for Crystal/Midler combo but American do. A lot.
  10. Not happening. WETA will be busy with Tintin. They cannot physically work on both mo`cap and digital-set heavy movies.
  11. I wanted to create TH under BD2 club but I guess it would have been locked. That was way before BD2 came out, around the time of the trailer. I still hope Twihards gets vindicated by the success of my never created club.
  12. HFR will be the future with the right movie but TH movies clearly aren`t that. It`s the same thing like pre-Avatar 3D. Gimmicky. Then someone who knows how to use it will make a movie and turn things around.
  13. She`s right in general. It takes a special movie to raise attendance. It isn`t somehting that happens every day or for every movie. Which, again, proves your point that if a movie`s attedance isn`t high than it isn`t special.
  14. How much has Nikki received from WB to pimp this as bigger success than it really is? I don`t recall her pulling for a movie so much and calling averige results "record breaking" in capital letters and then "for December" in microcopic like she does here. No "No record" like with TA which she rushed to dismiss.
  15. I don`t recall the same argument when BD2 was turning rotten and it earned A at Cinemascore. You guys were saying, sure, fangirls inflated the rating. Well, guess what? Fanboys always inflate the rating for a franchise movie. Cinemascore is not accurate for movies with built-in fandom because fans flock to cinemas OW and get polled. Now, I`m reading a huge spin that TH OW is driven purely by GA as if TH built-in fandom suddenly disolved into thin air. That`s rubbish.
  16. I think that people are confused because of the headline. It`s still saying over $1 billion OS and everyone agrees that`s out of question. $1 billion WW is doable. But people see the title and go hell no $1 billion OS even though discussion already moved to Over/Under $1 billion WW.
  17. I`m sorry but why is a prequel (TH) espected to follow original movie (Avatar) pattern? Apples and oranges.
  18. I hope it falls way below Skyfall total. I`m very happy Skyfall is UK #1. Well deserved. LOTR was #1 in its day so it`s time for other movies to shine.
  19. This week still isn`t holiday week so business will pick up for holiday period for all movies though most likely not leaps and bounds over underwhelming start. But shot at WW remains. HELL IT DOES! BOMB!
  20. Did TDK have expended markets or not? I know that DMC didn`t and yet made more WW than OST with expended markets. And Titanic didn`t have markets at all or something.
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