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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I`m sick of BD2 and SF $300 mio yo-yo. Just as it seems they are on track, comes some stupid freakin lower number and here we go again. I can`t take it anymore. I CAN`T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bond 23 proved that it can hold its own against glittering vampires so much so many around here give it a bigger chance to reach $300 mio. All that w/o romance and characters skewing younger (Wishaw`s Q notwithstanding). Averige age of Skyfall cast is well in 40s yet the movie`s playing well with teens and women.
  3. Skyfall was beating the "big change" drum which helped it overcome negativity from QoS. Also, it stirred clear of being a direct follow-up to QoS which helped the matter enormously. It`s easier for standalone movies to overcome turkey installement than for arc movies where you know that garbage will roll over or at least be addressed in the next.Finally, it`s a damn good story and characters. Instead of focus on style (girls, gadgets) it gave us substance thus making Judi Dench the most profitable Bond Girl ever.
  4. Yeah, but I guess that NM ran out of steam and theaters so they couldn`t fudge $4 million although Disney fudged $2 million to take Tangled over $200 mio by 1 dollar or something. I expect BD2 to get in the zone much more comfortably for Lionsgate/Summit to land a help if needed. Buzz is better. There was a line-up when I went to watch SLP so it was unclear if line was for auditorium 4(SLP) or 5(BD2). So we lined up and then heard people in front of us talking how awesome Sheen is in this. Sounds like repeat business. So we,were,like, wrong line-up.
  5. I think so too. Especially since BD2 is slightly ahead of Skyfall. I guess we have to see what post-holiday drops will be like for everyone to get clearer picture but I think both are passing the mark. BD2 needed around 125% jump to stay on track and it did it.
  6. That goes without staying because it`s a known general ruiner of movies, not something that bugged one individual.On purely individual basis, movies are ruined for me when hero and his love interest share an obligatory kiss in the end although they were barely together and didn`t have any chemsitry. Case in point the horrible Xavier/Moira kiss at the end of FC. The movie didn`t even try to hide that Xavier and Lensherr were a gay couple and then comes the het kiss out of blue to please Fox homophobes. No wonder Vaughan left FC2.
  7. IMO, epic fantasy with pointy-eared characters looks terrible in animation. I hope Epic bombs because it looked terrible.P.S. Pointy ears look only good on Spok. Elves and fairies look horrible and it`s laughable to call them most beautiful creatures in the world when pasty-faced Edward looks better.
  8. Oh, geez, another ban? You`ll run out of bad replacement IDs, BKB. Please come back as yourself.
  9. Just got back from SLP. It`s playing in older skewing theater so, naturally, Skyfall, LiP and Licnoln were selling out like crazy. SLP and BD2 were on limited seating (aka almost sold out).
  10. he already has. This just confirms it. So much for Crone`s claim that only Kstew opened SWATH, not KStew, Hems,Charlize combo.
  11. No worries here. Both Skyfall and BD2 will get big Friday increases so hopes will be restored for all of them. There`s absolutely no reason why there wouldn`t be a jump.
  12. Accent should be on estimate not on is. Estimates can go up. I doubt this one will go down. Shows are too busy for such overestimation.
  13. george kirk, Jim`s father. He was great, brought so much emotion into the opening of the movie. I spotted him right away and wondered who he was. So happy he`s big now.
  14. You can count on grandparents and the movie becoming one big family event. Billy Crystal and Bette Midler combo is exactly what underserved audience is clamoring for. This will play well across the board, 8-88. Inoffensive, lots of laughs, something for eevry generation. Absolutely.
  15. I haven`t seen trialers for this but trailer for Epic was fuckin terrible. Animation, maybe. But as far as fmaily movies go, just wait for Parental Guidance. It`ll break out like nobody`s business.
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