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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. So BD2 $17.2 and SF $17.0 could end up switching places? SF looks poised to overate at some point next week unless it loses too much screens or something.
  2. I don`t overestimate anything. The patent to overestimation belongs to TH fanboys.
  3. I don`t care because there will be an epic meltdown. I already see TH predix that "if tracking is slightly behind TDKR at this point and it opens like TDKR, $500 mio is happening." So, yeah, looks like fanboys do care about NA market and want TH to beat superhero movies. Well, too bad TH blows its load in 2012-2014 and after that it`s superheroes turn to push them down. I never said they wouldn`t be successes. It`s impossible not to be a success with such built-in fanbase. i`m just saying that there will be epic meltdowns when all 3 start slipping down the charts fast. I mean, look at Ringer psychology. While other fandoms have no problem pitting the boxoffice from one movie against another from the same fracnhise, you won`t see any TH Over ______(insert LOTR movie) Club. It`s as if they don`t want to face the fact that it inevitbaly means LOTR is falling down. So we get TH Over DH2 even though it really means TH Over Shriekapoo. But, pssst, we don`t talk about that, lets close eyes and ears and pretend it isn`t happening.
  4. Don`t you worry about that. TH fans will have epic meltdowns when TA2 and SW push all 3 TH movies off the cliff.
  5. That`s true. JC had the whole story outlined so they aren`t cash grab type of a deal like POTC.
  6. TA vs SW is epic enough. This can fight with PR 2, the new mega franchise that`s gonna make your jaws drop how much money it`s going to make. To great critical acclaim.
  7. This list is made of movies I remember seeing this year. I`m sure I`ve seen more but can`t remember what they were which means totlaly forgettable and unworthy of showing on my list:Best:TASkyfallArgoWorst:TDKRLife of PiMost overrated movie that doesn`t hold up the more one thinks about it:LooperPretty good:THGCloud AtlasSLP21 Jump StMagic MikeNext to see this year:DjangoLes Mis
  8. Batman for me. If I were rich I`d do something like Bruce, except that I`d kidnap talentless people who want to be famous, toss them into bath of shit and post that on YouTube so whole world can see their humilations because they have no talent. I
  9. DH2 for me because I hate Shriekapoo for reasons you are all too familiar with. And i`m happy that LOTR actors didn`t become stars, that Blanchett has no way in hell of catching up with Streep`s oscars (Next Streep my ass) and that PJ`s non-ME movies disappointed and flopped. LOTR ammassed the most annoying overrated people on the planet so serves them right they didn`t go big like RDJ and Depp. Oh, and Viggo Mortensen`s face lift is an embarrassment. hahahahaha, now that one was ridiculous. His PR tried to sell him as genuine manly man, sleeps in the woods with a sword prop, roasts roadkills...and than it turns out he`s as vain as any pampered Hollywood type, hence face lift. Wet fart that one.
  10. Having seen the movie I`d say it`s a tough sell because it jumps from drama to comedy to romantic comedy to sports fans movie,etc. You have a speech about basball and ballroom dance. This is hard to sell. It`s seemingly for everyone but girls were yawning during certain character`s awesome baseball speech. It also asks you to laugh and than instantly stop laughing because something happens that isn`t fun anymore, it`s very serious, and than after the shocker comes something that`s fun and basically there`s tons of stuff that is fun though it really isn`t and you don`t feel comfortable with yourself for finding it funny. Because it tells a story about very serious shit in a funny way. Not mainstream at all.
  11. So where are BD2 and SF heading? Still on track to $300 mio or not?
  12. i`ll take Bay over Fincher any day. Bay movies are fun. I didn`t enjoy any Fincher movie save Seven which was awesome. But BB was a boooooooooooooooore and Blanchett was ridiculous as latex-faced "teenager" :rofl: Also, Maramania = best insomnia cure ever.
  13. Honey, supreme being do exists and the proof is boxoffice tracking. He created it. End.
  14. well, they are anti-religious as it gets so maybe that`s the reason.
  15. This isn`t coming out before 2016. Though december 2015 is a possibility but it`s really pushing it. I mena, is WETA going to be free to work on it end of 2013?
  16. Is BD2 closing the gap with NM?
  17. Oh that shit drives me nuts about BD2 and SF. MAKE UP YOUR MIND (means betetr be $300 mio each)!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Great for LInc, I guess. The rest...so freakin low.
  19. It`s a myth that Lohan was talentless. In fact, she was very talented and people thought she`d go places after Mean Girls. Too bad that`s where downspiral started. "music" career, then drugs&booze, bi promiscuity, jail, etc. It had to affect her acting. I hope she cleans up but it doesn`t seem to happen anytime soon, sadly.
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