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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Guys, seriously, this spin that BD2 is underperforming just because some of us got caried away and supported over $150 mio club won`t fly. It`s going to open over BD1 which is already a jump, it still has a shot at passing NM opening because Friday number makes over $140 mio OW more likely than under.
  2. How the hell is $140 mio OW and $71 mio friday "suffered" anything?
  3. US is always first to set a trend but also cool off on what isn`t considered cool anymore or is replaced by new cool thing. hence why actors who aren`t big in US anymore are still big OS and why franchises that drop Stateside increase OS.
  4. At the end of the book, Volturi (Sheen, Dakota,etc) who are,like, vampire government and police, come to Forks from Italy to judge and likely kill Renesmee. Because they believe she is so-called immortal child, a turned child who naturally won`t grow but due to being immature would be too instinct-driven and kill too many people thus proving to the world vampires exist. And Volturi want to keep that a secret. So, anyway, Cullen Clan gathers vamps form other countries to testify that the demon fetus who broke her mom`s spine while kicking in her womb is totally harmless to humans and vamps alike. Cause she`s half-human half-vamp and will grow to maturity so no fear of hungry kid`s tantrums.Anyway, all vamps have some super power like poor man`s superheroes. So Bella can create a shield like Sue Storn, Edward can read minds like Professor X, there`s Electro Girl,etc. But what happens when Volturi army appear is that they all talk this one out, Volturi are convinced, kill some vamp chick Irina for lying that spine-breaking fetus is dangerous, and leave in peace. No fight.In the movie, they have vamp Alice who can show you future when she touches you touch Volturi leader Aro so carnage that follows is really just her vision of the future if they fought. Vision stops when Bella decapitaes Aro with her Bella Fu who wakes up from the trance and decides that spine-breaking fetus who looks like Marlon Wayans in Little Man isn`t a treat to anyone and takes his army back home to Itlay. Everyone lives happily ever after.
  5. Oh, please, BD2 defeated threats to kill Twitards at midnight so all the talk about disappointment is LOL. Skyfall is holding well. Now for really bad news, Lincoln`s kicking ass! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Les Mis can`t come soon enough.
  6. I`m so happy Renesmee is noticed for that awful CGI face. I hate the character and actress was annoying as fuck in Flashforward where everyone was annoying as fuck so I`m glad that CGI absolutely overshadowed the character and actress in every way.
  7. The number is great, consistant with biggest Twi midnights, anyone who thinks differently should seek therapist.
  8. I hope. So far they haen`t done really nasty shit to Rick that has already happened in comic books. Nor to Michonne for the matter.
  9. I have a terrible feeling that Daryl is set up for big kill end of the season. Reasons being: Merle is playing Governor`s right hand and Daryl`s on the opposite side They never killed a popular character, only annoying and useless ones so it`s time to raise stakes and off a fan favorite If you read the comic book you know that originally Lori and her baby were shot in the big battle and after certain scene in the last episode I think this is how Daryl will go down.I think it`s a set up. He`s my fave so I don`t want him to die but my gut feeling is that he`s a goner.
  10. Because it looks like something that tries too hard to be baity and edgy at the same time. How cna you be edgy with the story about some stupid bitch who wrecks her marriage, get dumped by everyone including her boyfriend and than jumps under the train? You can`t. Even stage-like production can`t save this drivel from being an oldfashioned drivel nobody reads anymore.
  11. She may look like a movie star but she is anything but. She bombed too many movies. he ronly success are Johnny Depp vehicle, Star Wars and a soccer flick that naturally did well in UK because of beckham name.
  12. he is serious. Her buzz is OK but nothing spectacular. She isn`t getting the best reviews of her career that`s for sure and eveyrone pretty much says that costumes steal the movie. if she gets in, it`ll be ebcause the year is weak in this field. BTW, David Edelstein is my new hero. he nailed Kk`s shorcomings to a T: http://nymag.com/movies/reviews/edelstein-anna-karenina-2012-11/ She`s trying way too hard. That`s never a good thing.
  13. Not really. Twi OW`s always massive. Nothing new. OTOH, this is really mind-boggling for Bond.
  14. Nope, wider. As far as women go, the age group is wider. But won`t affect WIR.
  15. QoS was terrible and was badly received but Bond movies are standalones (despite QoS trying to be direct sequel to CR) so people aren`t inclined to skip it like they do with story arc movies. It was obvious from trailers that the story went into different direction and had nothing to do with QoS so why not give it a chance?
  16. I`ve seen them all and I voted Titanic. I adore SW but I`m a bigger fan of ESB. SW drags between stellar opening and Han Solo entrance.
  17. he`s famous for cutting actors out of his movies even though they spend significant time on the set. Latest example is cutting Rachel Weisz from To the Wonder and reducing Ben Affleck to almost no-liner.
  18. What, wield money and power and sanitize shit literature? He told Paramount that he`d adapt an R rated book, which only had graphic sex among minors going for it and nothing else, as a PG-13 CGI fest. They loved the idea until the movie bombed miserably with critics and audiences alike.
  19. ramsey was developing TLB years before PJ wielded his money and power to buy the rights and santize that piece of shit book. Her work that you mentioned shows she would have bene a much better fit for the material.
  20. She`s a real beauty. I get offended when people can`t distinguish her from KK. c`mon,not even close.
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