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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. WILL YOU PEOPLE STOP WITH TSN AND ZDT COMPARISSONS???????????? Nobody among AMPAS cares for Facebook. Nobody. OK? get that into your heads. They had the obligation to nominate TSN because of reviews but nobody trully cares for the subject matter to be fully engaged in business of those obnoxious hipsters. OTOH, they care for politcs and terrorism and that kind of shit so ZDT rings much closer to home than hipster shit. They awarded THL because Iraq means something to them. Facebook doesn`t. It isn`t just oh, they love emotional movies. If they love them so much and always why did THL win? Cold movie if there was ever one. But it`s thematically interesting to them at least enough to consider it important. Facebook ain`t that. Bin laden, especially in the year where President who took him down won again, is the shit. ZDT can happen and can happen big. There.
  2. les Mis got best ensamble. OMG Leo and Cooper! OMG OMG OMG!
  3. Fuck yeha Cooper and Leo! ZDT train continues, suck it Linc.
  4. I hope that they stick to cast diversity and if they have to fill in Jaegers with new cast members (presuming they kill off some in the first movie, big or small).
  5. Nope, sorry. It needed to be a hit to get some backing. Split reviews don`t help either.Satellites aren`t taken seriously but they have better nominees than many "serious" precursors.
  6. Nope. Tough sell, domestic bomb, WB is busy pushing Argo.
  7. Deep Blue Sea is shite but Weisz was getting raves for it and quite afew ADers were mourning the fact nobody saw it and that she`d likely be forgotten. Turns out, NYCC resurrected her. Most likely for the moment but she`s more relvant now than several hours ago.Amour is doing great so Riva is a lock. Imagine if hotties split votes and Riva wins? Anyway, Jen, Jes and Emmy are locked and loaded.
  8. Harvey is pushing Waltz for the lead but he showed strong in BSA over Harvey`s BSA potentials from Django Leo and SLJ.
  9. Crone hates all "pretty girls having sex" because she`s fugly as fuck and that`s the only fuck she`ll ever see in her life. She always champions characters who nobody falls in love with. Chastain`s Maya in ZDT (nevermind that Chastian is pretty but she isn`t object of men`s dreams in the context of the movie), Princess Merida (ditto), Salander bitch (fugly and DC rides off into the sunset with another women). OTOH, she hates Katniss because at least 2 guys are in love with her and any character who is desired by men. So transparent. No wonder she poses like a Maxime cover girl because that`s what she really wants to be - sex kitten - but can`t. She`s a feminist out of sour grapes misery, not by choice.Oh, and Jeff, whom she was riding like a Seabuiscit, is disgusting and awful. So she rides disgusting and awful men. Self-respect just flushed down the toilet,eh?
  10. Both fucked up by trying too much. It`s just that having more than 1 movie in 1 movie isn`t the best idea. That said, I liked CA more.
  11. Splitting votes with Riva.Jack Black is going to score a Comedy nom at Globes.
  12. You`re welcome. Credit goes to Paralel Universe who are always the quickest to find stuff like this.It`s interesting to see that PSH isn`t even Top 3 while out of the left field-ers MM and Waltz took #1 and #2. If Waltz continues with critical response he may actually happen since BSA catgeory isn`t entirely locked. Unless campaigning him for the lead ruins his chances. He won`t win,though. Too recent winner, role to similar to that winning one.Riva is a lock now, I think. Strong showing here.I don`t know what to think of placing TH and LoP in Animated category. Sounds like visuals are considered stronger than the story and acting here. What else it could mean?Bigelow (frontrunner), Affleck and Spielberg are locked and loaded. Spielberg`s snub means nothing, he won`t miss AMPAS nom. Fight for 2 more spots.
  13. Don`t know if this has been posted but great read: http://blogs.artinfo...thirty-lincoln/ Several perennial contenders, notably Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master,” but also Wes Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom” and David O. Russell’s “The Silver Lining Playbook,” effectively shut out. The meeting, chaired by Joshua Rothkopf of Time Out New York, was amiable but consensus proved elusive. No film won on the first ballot and several took as many as four. The sense that we were in for a long day was apparent from the onset. Benh Zeitlin’s “Beasts of the Southern Wild”, a heavy favorite for Best First Feature, fell one vote short of a first ballot victory and one voter shy of a second ballot win, ultimately defeated by a single vote on the third ballot by the documentary “How to Survive a Plague.” Ken Burns’ documentary “The Central Park Five” came from well behind in the pack to push aside the first ballot leaders, “The Gate Keepers” and “This is Not a Film,” on the fourth ballot. Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie” needed two ballots to win Best Animated Film over Pixar’s “Brave” and the Focus Features release “ParaNorman,” in a race that saw a number of abstentions and included votes for several CGI-driven features, notably “The Hobbit” and “The Life of Pi.” Fish:LOL at voting for TH and LoP as Animated Movies.However, I don`t like that TH wa smentioned at all. Damn, this shit is happening again. Although a heavy favorite, Michael Haneke’s “Amour” still required three votes to prevail over Leos Carax’s “Holy Motors” and Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s “Once Upon a Time in Anatolia.” In the acting awards, Sally Fields (“Lincoln”) finally defeated initial front-runner Anne Hathaway (“The Dark Knight Rises” and “Les Miserables”) for Best Supporting Actress on a fourth ballot while, in a rare second ballot win, Matthew McConaughey (“Magic Mike” and “Bernie”) beat out Christoph Waltz (“Django Unchained”) and Tommy Lee Jones (“Lincoln”). Fish:Notice that Waltz is placed in Supporting although Weistein campaigns him in the Lead. The closest and most surprising race saw Rachel Weisz (“The Deep Blue Sea”) edged Jennifer Lawrence (“The Hunger Games” and “The Silver Lining Playbook”) and Emmanuelle Riva (“Amour”). Last year’s winner Jessica Chastain (“Zero Dark Thirty”) was a factor throughout, tying for the lead on several ballots. (This race was by far the most polarized; only three of the 16 ballots cast for Lawrence or Chastain cited both actresses.) By contrast Daniel Day Lewis (“Lincoln”), possibly the most feted actor in NYFCC history, led on every ballot but still required three rounds of voting to best the closely bunched trio of Jack Black (“Bernie”), Joaquin Phoenix (“The Master”), and Denis Lavant (“Holy Motors”). Fish:Jack Black?????????????????? Greig Fraser was named Best Cinematographer for “Zero Dark Thirty,” beating the initial favorite, “The Master” on the third ballot. (In a simple, up and down vote, the critics declined to acknowledge Fraser for his work on “Killing Them Softly.”) Although heavily favored, Tony Kushner’s “Lincoln” screenplay needed four ballots to win over those for “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Moonrise Kingdom.” “The Master”’s relatively poor showing in this race presaging its ultimate fate. Fish:The Master is dead. if critics got off its train AMPAS certianly won`t jump on it. An early favorite for Best Director, Paul Thomas Anderson was overwhelmed by Kathryn Bigelow on the second ballot, with Ben Affleck (“Argo”) finishing a distant third. (Strikingly, Steven Spielberg, who failed to get a single first ballot votes, was never in contention.) By this time, it was evident that “Zero Dark Thirty” would run the table and, indeed, “The Master” finished third for Best Picture behind “Argo,” although it took three ballots for the obviously exhausted voters to decide the winner. Fish:Critics don`t have faith that Lincoln will beat Les Mis hence ZDT bandwaggon. Though ZDT actually looks good.
  14. Fuckin A Skyfall! Take a cue, AMPAS, this is your blockbuster spot movie!Wit the exception of KK nom, pretty damn inspiring line-up.
  15. GG comes AFTER Oscars, nominations,etc. So it won`t have any influence. heck, guilds come after so AMPAS won`t have much guidance from them when they vote.
  16. Master`s dead for any win. Frozen Tilapia with a Lipstick will win original for ZDT and Kushner will win adapted for Linc. if ZDT wins Editing, it`s winning everything. DDL looks like having support for his 3d Oscar. So Phoenix is dead. Will be lucky if he manages a nomination.But this is just NYCC. They don`t vote for Oscars. They just tyr to enforce their favorites.
  17. Critics love to award cold movies.That said, this is now looking like Linc vs ZDT showdown which sucks because whichever wins Crone will be happy. Apparently, she was raging against RW win over Chastain on twitter or something.
  18. Ben Affleck. It looks like ZDT is stealing all Argo thunder, as far as critics go.
  19. LOL, looks like this year many winners will be past winners. DDL, Bigelow?Spielberg? Some supporting actor/actress?
  20. Well, RW and MM certainly brought some life into their category race which has already bene exciding.wasn`t Tilda swinthon last year`s winner who missed out at Oscars?
  21. I would be exstatic if Weisz bumped KK but lets not get ahead of ourselves. critics taste defers from AMPAS more often than not, especially when it comes to such who-saw-it-coming wins.
  22. I`m in heaven! he needs all the support he can get to happen for MM and I hope he gets it. Go MM! Go!
  23. I`m not backpedaling. TH movies won`t be #1 of the decade thanks to TA2 and SW7 as well. Because you are overestimating TH. End.
  24. For sure but SF is coming really close. That movie`s a beast.
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