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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Who`s to say that they simply don`t like MvS,RD and HH enough or their roles when they were nominated? Just because it`s MvS, it doesn`t mean that the role itself is a win-ready. wasn`t he nominated for ELAIC? Yeah, I bet he wouldn`t have voted for that either.trouble with those old "name" actros is that they tedn to be overlooked for worthy work and then get a make-up nom because of the name. However, because everyone knows it`s a make-up nom, that`s their reward. No win.
  2. I didn`t watch TNG continously but maybe last 2 seasons or something. I didn`t watch many of those when Deanna had Greek vase for hair,lol.
  3. Tatum is definitely more than flash in the pan. FitP would be types like Jennifer Beals (one-hit wonder), Borleando(lucked out with a built-in fandom movie, a depp movie and a Pit movie but crashlanded as soon as he tried to fly solo and didn`t pick himself up since). he`s not A-list yet,though.
  4. It`s very possible that they aren`t trying to sell the movie on her name cause she is no star. the star here is Bin Laden kill. But since they are going to campaign her, it`s possible that the role is meatier than meets the eye.
  5. Yep. Patrotic, real life role. Not too young for the win. Comes off a great previous year. Already a nominee. Current frontrunner is really a supporting player in her movie. Will likely face off at least 2 previous winners (Cotillard, Mirren,Hunt).
  6. Chastain`s winning. i`m not feeling Lawrence win, not with a borderline supporting role. She has the best buzz so far but i`m not feeling the win.
  7. I watched all Klingon-related TNG episodes. Love Klingons. I hope they have them in JJ`s ST. Elba for Klingon? Hell yeah!
  8. Tyler Perry movie still made more money in its opening weekend than 3-4 Viggo Mortensen movies make worldwide total altogether.
  9. Butler never managed to turn his breakout in 300 into a decent career. Romcom shite, Z-rated action flops and now this.
  10. DC always looked old. My mom thinks he looks like a sphynx cat. Can`t artgue against that. So he can 2-3 more Bonds because men who always looked old freeze and look the same for years so in the end they look younger than their old age.
  11. It won`t be any of currently hot actors. By the time DC is done with JB, Fassys, Hiddlestons, Elbas,Hardys,etc will be either too big for Bond or too old or too irrelevant or a combo. Depending how their careers turn out. Look at Clive Owen. He had a great start beginning of the aughts, the original next Fassy/Hardy/Hiddles, but now`s been irrelevant for quite a few years.
  12. PJ shouldn`t be allowed to a) cast anyone and let Boyens and Walsh write the script. Enough with his charisma-free lead + Z-lister preference already and B+W write trully awful sap.Cameron would be perfect for this because he`s influenced by SW but isn`t a jaded fanboy like JJ whose Super 8 sufferend from too much drooling over Spielberg work to make an homage that also stands on its own. Auteur of Tarantino stature JJ ain`t.I`d rather have Nolan tackle Dune because he`s perfect for its intellectual matter.
  13. The way things are going, Phoenix could miss out on a nom. He was giving some anti-Oscar comments, won`t campaign himself and his movie is getting taken off pundit`s predictions. He`s likely to win many critic`s awards but AMPAS likes those who campaign so DDL with his Time cover and Jackman with his abandonded little boy sap are in.
  14. ESB best and favorite, runner ups ANH and ROTS.AOTC is by far the worst, trully awful.
  15. Bones.Kirk and Spok from JJ`s STSeven of Nine (Voyager)Worf and Jadzia (DS9)Kardashians and Klingons in general are always watchable too
  16. He should be because he`s a successful producer, and they want him as an actor for both prestige and commercial and he has boxoffice clouth.
  17. Rumour has it Chastain is the lead. So predictions aren`t so far fetched though they are widely supported by Lawrence haters (Crone and her cronies).
  18. Loved it. Top notch acting by everyone. Also, they edited the shit out of this movie, probably the biggest editing undertaking since Inception`s three-level dream sequence and Avatar`s digital everything.Little details that tie things up are astounding. Anyone noticed that Archievist had that under-skin shit like Meronym and other Prescients? I suspect he`s their founder because a) he had Sonmi`s orisson that Meronym showed to Zachry, Presients have that under skin shit like him and c) Sonmi said he believed her.
  19. Gargantuan storm better don`t stop Argo`s march to $100 mio.
  20. Best weekend ever was when Narnia started to kick KK`s ass and everyone who predicted KK to be the biggest movie of the year was going "No,no,pinch,pinch, I wanna wake-up from the nightmare, this can`t be real". What a great twist that was.
  21. I just want to clarify something from the book. There, it`s hinted that Zachry`s tribe (and likely other tribes save Meronym`s) are descendants from fabricants. There is a moment where Zachry says that he could never pass as Kona because his tribe didn`t have Kona features, while in Sonmi story Sonmi emphasized that fabricants had Sonmi features or Yoona features. So, basically, after the fabricant uprising, their descendants move to hawaii where they worship Sonmi as the Goddess (who inspired the uprising).
  22. Color doesn`t matter. What does is whether we are getting Elba because he`s the right Bond or because it`s politically correct to have a black/Asian/female/other opressed community Bond.Will Smith was perfect in IAL although the character in the book is whitests of white and that he is so white and blond and blue eyed and Aryan was underlined seevral times in the story. However, his whiteness or blackness doesn`t mean shit in the context because the role is essecially color blind. he`s the last uninfected man on earth. he kills ivampire-like infected. Who cares if he`s white, black, blue,etc? What matters is that he isn`t infected for some unknown reason. But race? gender? Piff.
  23. Big anti-DS9 rant - WATCH FOR SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN`T SEEN IT! NOT PUTTING MY TANTRUM IN INVISO OR SPOILER TAGS!DS9 would have been decent had it not been for that insufferable, annoying, fucking kill-her-now bitch Major with stitched nose. Gosh, what a horrible overactress and what a horrible character (basically space Al-Qaida that we were supposed to root for) and her ass was so fuckin huge and distracting because she would twirle it like a hooker and yet the character was an officer so WTF,geez,what an epic fail. I see on the Internet that there are so many haters of that idiot and with the good reason.Anyway, my cat loved this shit so I watched with her, she`d always throw a tantrum if I forgot the time and some episodes were actually really good, mostly when that lizard tailor spy fucks over everyone, the one when he dupes Sissyko into backstabbing Romulans was great. But, boy, the stiched-nosed bitch ruined everything and she had a boyfreind some disgusting jello man. Now I`m not a racist but some inter-species fuckin just shouldn`t happen. Humanoids and jellyfish or other type of slime, no sir, puke.Anyway, the bitch didn`t die,duh, but black captain did, duh, it`s always a black guy who snuffs it, although they introduced some really stupid religious mumbo-jumbo where he became a space alien with flat voice and inability to emote. Those,like, lived in a wormhole and acted as deus ex machina when the budget was tight. Like when there was this build up for a big battle but ratings were low and they didn`t want to spend money on SFX space battle but made those aliens-angels, who make Keanu look as animated as DDL in TWBB, produce some electicity and make the fleet disappear. Like fuckin Breaking Dawn showdown with Volturi that never happened but they built it up for the whole fuckin season/book.And they made the hottest girl snuff it and replaced her with some tomboy. Stupid or what?But Klingons and lizards were cool and Klingon wedding rocked, no wonder Trekkies get married like that.Useless trivia: I got vindicated when Friday the 13th hired the sticthed-nosed bitch for head-chopping. She played Jason`s mom for a second before her head got chopped off. Most rewindable moment in movies for me since that TV shit where Shitto is run over by a stage coach.
  24. This slash really pisses me off because everyone and their mother knows that Tom and Chris belong together and so do Benedict and Martin. So I relaly see no point in pairing T/B when each has his own true love that we all know of!That said, I vote Tom because he`s the schmex.
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