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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. :rofl: So true. Especially if the same people continue Guild sweep which isn`t impossible.
  2. Argo ensamble was actually great. It wasn`t your typical showy cast (save some Hollywood producers stuff) but they kept it real when it comes to actors playing hostages. They were all rather non-descript which was the point.
  3. DDL is so poised to win his 3d, Bigelow her 2d. Unless guilds really change the game and resurrect Argo and Affleck and throw love behind another actor.
  4. Yeah, "bandwaggon getting crowded" hints at annoyance. When the same thing wins all the time people get annoyed even if they didn`t have a particular champ.
  5. That`s true. Critics awards are just a warm-up for the real ones. They kinda give you an idea how guilds might vote. Once bominees are announced by the big ones, nobody pays attention to critics. Which is why major critics get their shit out before guilds and GG.
  6. Skyfall should replace Life of PI. Pi was expected to win cinematrography which I thought was awful,like cotton candy vomit. Skyfall rocked the shizzle and Shang-hai tower sequence is insane.
  7. NY Online Critics already awarded Biggie. Steamroll continues. Just wait.OMG, Bigelow two time Oscar winner, Fincher 0. Take that Fincherites! You did it by trying to cockblock Hooper`s second win. As if that would`ve happened.
  8. Thank you! Skyfall is the blockbuster to beat this Oscar season. If AMPAS had balls they`d give it its deserved blockbuster spot. Keep yawning cause ZDT sweep is next.
  9. Master is running LA in acting and whatever else. ZDT picks BP and BD just wait and see.
  10. Nobody`s resurrecting Phoenix so he`s in position to lose his spot to Cooper or Levant.I`m really sick of Waltz. No offense fans but he always plays the same character and is only effective in QT movies. he ddin`t garner much praise for his non-QT work.I`m really pissed about Leo. He`s playing a really risky role and is brilliant based on reactions from professionals and fans alike but they`ll snub him because it`s unsettling role. Fuck that. Go Leo!
  11. Perks love just shows how much Summit fucked up. Emma Watson becoming the runner-up to Field must amuse AD to no end. Ezra Miller won supporting. Logan is the lead so he couldn`t compete here.Waltz is getting more love than Leo because his character isn`t disturbing. Leo`s is. That Leo`s playing a real villain, not fun quirky one is working against him because voters vote for what they like and his villain isn`t likable, unlike quirky fun villains.
  12. Ugh, I hate when that happens, when a movie`s run towards a milestone gets cut by losing screens. I`ll never forgive AIW for fucking over Avatar by taking screens from it.
  13. I hate that too. Especially since we know ZDT will sweep.I think that Hooper will be replaced by someone else. Bad reviews won`t hurt Les Miz BP nom but may hurt Hooper. Fingers crossed Tarantino gets in.Unexpected list in some ways. Nice to see Leo making the showing again. Apparently the role is very disturbing, not a fun villain like Landa.Bardem! Perks getting Adapted and Logan for Breakthrough! Skyfall Cinematography!
  14. hello, just because they aren`t winning it doesn`t mean that awards organization can`t award their work. if only people who will win were winning it would be the most boring awards season and all awards rendered pointless. ZDT`s sweep has already turned the race from exciting to "game over, wake me up when the season`s over".
  15. Fuck no. TH deserves at least C on No Shitto fact alone. Bird shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto. Snot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Burps and farts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitto. Sam Jones career >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shitto
  16. If Blanchett signs for Cindarella I hope she sweeps Razzies. She`s so freakin due and this role is overacator`s dream. It`s going to be campful.Anyway, I hope Depp signs for AIW2 because that`ll cockblock POTC5 and I don`t want POTC to happen because Borelando wants to come back.
  17. When did shit not get a sequel? Including shit like this that didn`t even make money.But maybe they are filming a DTD sequel. Like Scorpion King 2-100,Poisen Ivey 1-3000,etc. I can`t imagine a smart producer greenlighting theatrical release for this.
  18. Looper entered another Top 10, saw it on AD. Perhaps unexpected throw-geeks-a-bone nomination a la D9?
  19. Taking to you people who think ZDT is another AMPAS misfire like TSN is like trying to put some sense into Ringers in 2004 who thought Shitto`s shoe in for Best Supperting Actress although not a single precursor, or even MTV MA, acknowldged her existance. ZDT and Biggie are winning big. Picture, Director, Actress, Orginal Script, Cinematography, Editing. Take that to the bank.BTW, Looper strong showing at NBR and some top 10s indicates there might be an unexpected BP nomination D9 style. It might snag an Original script nom and considering that BP slots can go from 8-10 it could get in over something like Life of Pi that seems to be fading.
  20. No it isn`t. Cooper is great really great and he was doing something he usually doesn`t. OTOH, DDL has shawn all his cards. he can do broad acting, he can be restrained. Licn is apparently closer to his pre-Bill the Butcher and Ham Chopper work. And both AMPAS and critics love "wow, who knew he/she could do that" surprises sometimes. Natalie Portman`s BS win was all about "wow, did you see that? Portman? Wow." Not that she used to be bad or anything (she was an oscar nominee for playing a stripper) but she took it to a different level in BS and there was also physicla work involved and that always impresses. Plus, Cooper is playing a bi polar, so it`s a baity shit and IMO much harder to play when asked to also provide some comedy along with drama. His timing for both here is insane. he was switching form one to another effortlessly. Phoenix may end up missing out a nom but he has only himself to blame with his shit talk about oscars. yes, he`s right, it`s all politics and money and not really about perforemnce and talent but by talking about how low it is to campaign for yourself you are aslo campaigning for yourself only in staged anti-campaign way. It`s still whoring for attention.
  21. The Master is fading but it`s likelier that Phoenix will be the victim than PSH. Harvey has Cooper who`s gaining momentum and didn`t talk shit about Oscar process (well, Phoenix`s technically right but that doesn`t help his chances). OTOH, Harvey has several candiates to choose from and neither seems as stable as PSH - there`s obviously a split among critics which Django actor is a standout among 3 oft-mentioned standouts (NYCC went with Waltz, NBR with Leo while some consider SLJ to trump them all) and DeNiro is yet to make a showing with precursors though he is in pundit`s conversation.Also, it isn`t unusual for Harvey to have more than 1 contender per category so he`ll likely try hard to push PSH, DeNiro and one of Django actors. However, between Waltz, Leo and SLJ, Waltz has no shot at winning, so it`s going to be Leo or SLJ unless critcs push so hard for Waltz that it makes no sense to push ones with weaker support.
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