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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Yeha, I want to know how Mike did today. NIKKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Adding pennies from Puerto Rico cause its target audience flocked to Ted and Mike.
  3. The proven star power pimping crap vs reliable actors with decent drawing power. It`s easy to make that mistake. I`m sorry that Cruise was great in a Goddess Hough bullshit.
  4. ;rofl: All holdovers are feeling the Magic of Mike.
  5. There`s nothing disbelief-able about what I pointed out. Chicks are flocking to Magic Mike despite the deafening media and female blogger hype that we need more female-driven action movies or whatever. yet the target audience is flocking to a male eye-candy flick instead. I`m just pointing out that demand for certain type of a female character isn`t as big as media drums want you to belive because, obviously, what drives female audience the most is a hot male star. Yes, THG broke out in a big way in books and movies but the next mega thing in literature is and movies will be 50 Shades of Gray about a virgin playing a submissive plaything to a rich billionaire. A blantant 91/2 weeks rip-off officially inspired by Twilight. Go figure. I`m laughing because militant feminists are so bloody annoying.
  6. Kids will see it, don`t worry. It`ll make over $250 mio. But let me be happy that women are flocking to Magic Mike which is total opposite from cliche warrior chick flick made for women who never clamored for more of those characters.Nice slap in the face of everyone who hypes that shit. It`ll never gonna happen outside of THG.
  7. Magic Mike is already stealing chicks which is a perfect irony. This will fly solely on kids power.
  8. Once in 30+ movies he made. Why is it that good actors always play characters who die while shitty ones live forever?
  9. Wasn`t he just badly injured after the fall? See, doesn`t count. He always gets away.
  10. I hate when shit characters not only come back to life but become immortal like Will Turner in AWE, most useless character ever.is there a movie where Borelando freakin dies? he always plays some unkillable shit - this sucker, Legolas, enough!
  11. It`s crazy this has already 50 pages and though it may never be made. You never know with JC.
  12. Yes she is. I love Grace, so hell yeah. Bring her back.We don`t know much about Eywa so she`ll shed some light.
  13. Ronan was good despite stupid premise and acknowledging who primary target audience is by making the character a lesbian is nice.I cna muster some nice stuff to say when there`s any.
  14. Yep, that was a nice touch cause lesbians are the biggest champions of warrior princesses in movies.
  15. I don`t get it why Hanna wasn`t championed as gay since she obviously was.
  16. Merida defenders are sad. Nowhere in books and movies Katniss said she was a model of female emancipation which is exactly the point Merida tries to drive through eevryone`s head. Until, well, spoiler area. Katniss shoots arrows to feed her family not because she thinks that makes liberated from mom`s tradition. Big difference.
  17. Boxoffice performence proved that audience likes tradition. I`m just laughing because all those feminist poseurs think this is a hit because Merida won her own hand at the archery competition whereas it`s because she did what her mom wanted her to do all along.
  18. Until next time when you have to take a step back. I`m sorry but that doesn`t cut it.
  19. But doesn`t that undermine the whole point of moving forward? After all, the moden stuff was fun but it`s gender-specific tradition (and regressive one,at that) that saves lives and relationships. I mean, mom was saved when her daughter did the very same thing mom tried to enforce on her which daughter vehemently fought against. Ouch. Or LOL.
  20. Read spoilers, and,lmao, now I see where reviews that say it`s actually man world`s movie masquaraded as girl power one. Love that twist. ha,ha, good one.
  21. KK is not a boxoffice draw. General public doesn`t like her no matter what her loonies from Paralel Universe say. She`s annoying, stuck-up and downright unlikable. She makes Garfield look humble.low budget ot not that PTA is ridiculously small for such a semi-wide release. Bombs Away indeed.
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