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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Exactly. People like the character and not necessarily the actress. BW cna be played by anyone. I mena, Joker proved that you can recast and have a great character still or even better. Besides, all movies SJ tried to lead flopped so it shows that she isn`t popular outside of playing BW (and that only in TA cause character was hated in IM2).She shouldn`t be paid in double digits for an easily recastable supporting role period.
  2. I think this is a PR ploy not a real offer. Nobody is stupid to offer that kind of money to a supporting player who can easily be absent from the sequel and nobody would shed tears. She`s good but not essential and TA is ensamble piece with cast member who change in the comic books.Notice how this "offer" is timed close to release of TDKR considering that buzz is growing that Catwoman >>>>>>>> BW.
  3. Studios desperate for records or at least better numbers.
  4. Si TASM was overestimated by $3 mio? is that the biggest overestimation since AOTC`s $5 mio?
  5. No, they are just hoping that in the wake of great movie super-performance (TA, THG), certain demographic`s taste improved. But considering they jumped on 50 Shades waggon, hardly.
  6. Totally., especially since it isn`t a conclusion to a movie based on a beloved book.
  7. I come here mainly for forums cause I consider many posters to be my friends. But I`d like to read Authopsy Report on bombs and actors who misfired. Those are more interesting than gushing over successes.P.S. Unban Noctis, ban iJack from TDKR thread. he really ruined it.
  8. No matter how big or not names any of SM cast is/was, main draw by far and wide is SM brand.
  9. Agreed.IMO, they should drop canon and stick to Gwen as long as Garfield is PP. PP&Gwen are this movie`s only real asset and it would be stupid to change dynamics by bringing in MJ who may not have the chemistry. Plau MJ was covered in Raimi trilogy and could be covered in a next reboot (aren`t they planning only 3 SM movies?) with different actors.I just have Bond in mind where amazing pairing of DC and Eva was replaced by attrocious black hole of screen time that was DC and Sourpuss.
  10. Keep the lead actors, dump Webb. He`s utterly replacable. he established the romance and now it`s time for someone who cna actually do action and plot to take over. Cause script was crap and direction uninspired.Actors succeeded inspite of it not because.Oh and Lizard was fuckin terrible and his plot LOL.
  11. Yes, it was very good. Cliche story but performences make it. Channing and Matt were great, Pettyfer was very good, only the studio boss daughter who played his sister was awful but that didn`t distract too much. Channing charisma is great here.
  12. X Men was never a juggernaught like SM to begin with. So this will end between $275 - 300 mio and when you adjust all Raimi movies to inflation and take out 3D price hike, it isn`t all that impressive.Not that FC was impressive but it was also set in 60s which is harder sell than contemporary one.
  13. trilogy? :rofl: :rofl:I don`t hear much talk about completing GWTDT and what was that Hugh Jackman robot Rocky movie name? trilogies either, so this shitfest is a bust. Maybe DtD trilogy when Dredd bombs.
  14. That would rock especially since IA4 shouldn`t affect Ted as much as it`s going to affect Brave (direct competition).
  15. Why? TASM + Ted combo with a bit of Mike. These three are doing gangsbusters biz with women and girls and TASM must be popular with little boys too.Ted is a true success story of the last 2 weeks.
  16. I called Kitsch Borelando 2 but that`s unfair cause FNL proved Kitch can act unlike Borlando who really can`t. So he may bounce back from flops unlike Erroll Flop.
  17. And especially better than hacks from Shriekapoo. Back in their time, nobody was as bad as Shitto, Wenham, Wood, Oscar Wanker Astin. At least completely ignoring those hacks redeemed Hollywood somewhat from embarrassment was was giving them ensamble SAG. Now hacks can stick those statuettes in their asses and imagine it`s Fass`s golf club.
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