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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Borelando Bloom 2. Absolutely the same situation except that Borelando`s agent was smarter and let him ride bigger star`s coattails before sinking his career with 2 big bombs in one year. This is how careers should be managed. Build fanbase, don`t carry a huge movie before establishing some credit, don`t get pidgeonholed in only one genre, mix up commercial with artistic.
  2. And they`ll be right. Enough with PJ and those same old movies especially since many worthy directors and movies are constantly snubbed or unawarded. To have PJ win 2 Oscars while the likes of Tarantino, Nolan and Fincher have none would be proposterous. or to have 2 movies form the same fuckin movie series win best Picture when Nolan`s masterpieces aren`t even nominated.PJ is like those decadent opulent emperors at the end of Roman Empire - Nero and the likes. Filthy unstoppable glutton living in an opulent palace that is far beyond anything any of his denizens can afford, all for show-off, with terrible tacky taste (Choo-choo, London Dungeon Vax Figure Museum replica), who promotes nepotism (his ugly daughter has kazillion cameos in his movies) while doing nothing for career boost of Kiwi actors (they all end up in infignificant roles while no-talents from other countries get big ones). So it`s understandable why he`s getting votes by regressive AMPAS voters such as Ernest Borgine, Tony Curtis,etc.
  3. By the time The Vow, 21 Jump Street and MM rolled, Tatum was already recognizable name with some opening power so those three movies were sold on his name and he was expected to draw crowds, which he did.Taylor, OTOH, was widely unknown save to FNL fans so he was a non-factor as a draw in JC. That one was a brand name with built-in fandom and regardless who played JC the result would have bene the same cause Disney screwed up royally.Also, I`d say that Rihanna was a bigger name and supposed to be a bigger draw for Battleship than Taylor who was expected to break out with JC but didn`t. ASkaars was also bigger name with bigger fandom than he was.
  4. With his natural copper hair he looks exactly like 50 Shades of Grey. Which is why his fangirls are terrified he might get the lead in that drek.
  5. Hiddleston is born for gifs. Is there a site for his gifs cause they are all awesome?
  6. Something like that. :rofl:I`m wondering if any of actors who are begging to be in the movie (TV actors from CW and MTV shows) read these shitty books or they are just going " everyone`s talking about it so itl`l be a smash like Twi and make me a star like Robsten".
  7. Is she an actress?But considering the whole "this is really a Twilight fanfic with changed names for copywright purposes" cameos and roles from those movies are more likely than from Mickey`s 80s softcore opus.
  8. Kim Basinger or that chick from Wild Orchid could play Christian Grey`s elderly ex who humped him while he was a jailbait. I`m not sure about Mickey. Third book turns into a really stupid thriller so maybe the guy who kidnaps Ana?
  9. It`s a total knock off but for some reason nobody is calling them out for it. Everyone`s pretending 50 Shades invented erotic stories where nothing happens except some weird sex.
  10. Nobody wants to see this in 3D: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/tampon-sceneSomeone made an animated vid of that. Hilarious. The link is in 50 Shades thread in On the Lot.
  11. These books are nothing short of terrible but didn`t Twilight teach anyone anything about horny frustrated mom`s effect on the boxoffice? And this is called Mommy Porn for crying out loud.Oh and if you thought Twilight was the epithome of "nothing ever happens" than just wait for this.
  12. It`s the love-making to a virgin that makes it anti-porn, says on the book cover, a blurb from a critic.
  13. They can`t make a porno because porno is about fucking harder. 50 Shades is about this OMG dmaaged guy who fucks hard since he was a tween and than he makes money so he buys women to be his submissives whom he fucks hard and than this dumb virgin applies for the next submissive and he falls in love right away cause she is so endearingly clumsy and virginal and decides to make love to her which is the first time for him ever to make love and not fuck hard. And now before I get a warning for swearing, lay off cause it`s from the book.
  14. 50 Shades can`t be PG-13. Absolutely imposisble. It was S/M, explatives, tampon scene. Readers want to see graphic shit.It broke HP sales record in UK so, yeha, there`s OS audience, pretty much everyone who wants to see twilight porn (which 50 Shades is only different names and no vampires). Should do gangbusters biz in japan cause they love weird erotica. I mean, tampon scene!
  15. I agree.Also, geeks should open their mind to non-geek posisbilities of grossing $1 billion. After all, first one was an old-fashioned melodrama. So I say 50 Shades will do the trick for R. Estogen factor will create unprescended OW and men will check it out for nudity.
  16. And it`s always good to have an imput from non-Yes Men so not to end up with a King Kong or Funny People.
  17. And the doom is sealed by playing I Frankensten trailer. People will leave and ask for refund when that shit kicks off.
  18. Loki gifs are :wub: :wub: . Keep them coming.That hysterical Tangled bitch one was creepy. The chick looks like a drag queen humping some poor guy from the back.
  19. Spideypoo. :wub: :wub: Fear not. That`s an early estimate. Number still has a shot at going down.
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