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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. He`s hilarious. Poeple never know whether he`s totally pulling their legs or is 100% serious.
  2. :lol: "this is not 1997!" Lmao! What a douche! I do think he pulls these stunts on purpose. if it wasn`t wi fi, he`d throw a fit over breakfest with 2 scrambled eggs instead of 3 or something.
  3. Except Crone. There`s nothing insightful in her crazy ramblings. No wonder Fincher won`t make GW sequels. He doesn`t want that loon for a fan ever again.
  4. Ha,ha, Jacob Black famous line!
  5. They are all fun. Crone, OTOH, is not. She`s totlaly crazy. She thinks she`s Bigelow. She thinks she is Fincher. She thinks she`s Viola Davies.She`s completely off the rocker. The only fun comes from others poking fun at her dellusions but her writing, bitching and meltdowns are not in the slightest.
  6. Thursday? Who asked for this? last tiem I checked eevryone was waiting for friday numbers. Wrong timeline Nikki.
  7. What, there are such bloggers?Anyway, these guys will be supper happy to know there`s a blog dedicated to them. They are fame whores like Gosselins, Kardashians, Teen Moms and other reality show fucks. Just not camera friendly though they could be squeezed on IMAX screen.Polland was such Avatar fan he named his newborn son Cameron. Better than Toshiro Lucas McWeeny for sure.
  8. Well, Depp is more reliable opener than SBC. So good on both movies. Comedy vs comedy is pointless waste.
  9. As long as Shriekapoo falls to #16 dom.
  10. We need a trailer. Oh, wait, this is a WB movie! Means trailer 3 weeks before release.
  11. GFU! It`ll pass TTT and may it pass Shriekapoo too. Shrieking must stop!
  12. Great hold for 21 JS.Can THG not drop over 50% next week? I can`t wait for it to push TTT off Top 20 domestically.
  13. Screw you! Before $380 mio could mean before $377 mio and that MUST NOT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Same here! When I saw GRRRR I was,like, please be baumer! That`s greta for THG,eh?
  15. Shit, so you won`t be posting here as much as you do anymore?
  16. It`s windy but nice windy not wind chill windy. But i`m at Financial centre now so maybe big buildings save the day. I`ll see how it is in the park in the open.
  17. Weather is nice today. These no-lifers should take a cue from you. i`mn stuck at work but come 5:30 I`m free to enjoy blue sky, sunshine and fresh forrest air.
  18. Oh, no, you won`t! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. WTF, man?
  19. Fighting/meltdown threads are the best. Kayu is stoned.
  20. Well, when reading alternative is Twilight, you can totally understand why run away from Library sign. Who can they meet over there? Twi moms and fat chicks. And run into dad.
  21. Any hope HG increases so we get another epic meltdown? :wub:
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