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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. You are Indian. It`s better to die a virgin than of boredom in an arranged marriage to a sure-to-get-obese arranged wife who cooks dahl 3 times a day. You`ll do better in the next life. Virgins always do.
  2. Hello, shaving armpits or not says a lot about the character. It`s apart of personal hygene. Or lack thereof.
  3. Just substract 3D and inflation from the opening number and it`ll survive alright.
  4. Lets see those $500 mio first. It tanked because nobody makes sequels so that they make elss money than the first movie. And I highly doubt that SH is a blockbuster merchandise franchise which is where real money comes from. If HP tanked, which it didn`t, WB would still rake in billions from toy&tie-in sales. SH is hardly a big trailer for new toy line,etc which most franchise movies are.
  5. :lol: :lol:So hairy armpits + Orc teeth + Leno chin + french fries nipples that can take 10 piercings in a row + short ghunky legs. That`s a gargoyle version of Salander. Oh, wait, she is playing a gargoyle in a new movie.
  6. Those studio spins are hilarious. Just stop insulting everyone`s intelligence and admit what`s obvious to everyone - movies tanked because there`s no interest.
  7. Considering that greta characters such as Michonne, Tyrese and The Governor haven`t been introduced yet, we`ve nothing to lose if they decide to run current crop over with a lawnmower.
  8. I hate Salander, the most overrated, obnoxious, disgusting character ever. Girl Power who doesn`t shave armpits? is that a joke? Fuckin gross. get that bitch off my sight. Second, I hate Craig. Most boring, wooden, charisma-free actor around. Ugly as fuck too. Obnoxious and douchy. And combover to boot. The latter is unforgivable. Finally, the books are stupid and Swedish movies were predictable and tedious. What not to dislike?
  9. It took Alkvin way too long to flop. Should have happened to the first movie.
  10. BD is holding well I think. Sub 50% drop is good,no? How is it doing compared to NM in the same week?
  11. But not better than fine. :PBTW, has there ever been a movie with more obnoxious leads? Craig is notoriously douchy but Maramania`s interviews and TV apperances seems to rub many people the wrong way including Maramaniacs. Apparently, the chick is a totally ignorant douche who thinks that school bullying of fat classmates is just a myth????
  12. First of all, nobody has been nominated for the Oscar yet. Second, Leo`s performance was just as praised as Oldman`s. I don`t get people who talk about Leo`s CC/SAG/GG noms as some kind of abomination. He was critically lauded. The movie was not. Therefore, he`s not the first nor the last actor who got awards attention for being great in a shoddy movie.
  13. So when did eevryone die? They all died but when? Same time, individually? Catholic propaganda anyway you slice it.
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