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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Since there are no DT numbers yet, I expect some big ass fudging to get it to #4 considering that only that spot is open according to Nikki and there`s no other movie left to fill it. or maybe they`ll try to add up enough fudge to beat WH for #3.
  2. Her taking sides is disgusting and I`m 100% happy that her shitfest won`t be seen. The woman`s head has grown way too big. She now think she`s Simon Wiesenthal or something.FTF, I`ll give it rest but first thing first. Only in Fincher fanboy paralel universe, TSN snub is as mourned an masse as TDK`s. The movie may have been liked but not nearly that liked. Not nearly liked for people to care to see DT because it`s the same director.
  3. That`s good,no ? Considering how overcrowded this season is.OMG, Wells meltdown is coming!
  4. Sunday estimates are all over the place. DT`s enormous jump is suspect, SH2`s miniscule one also feels off.
  5. WH jumping over DT will piss Jeff Wells to no end. I`m really annoyed he isn`t throwing tantrums over DT underperformance which means his blog is dull as a dishwasher these days. Even LexG is uninspired. I mena, who would be when themes up for discussion are We Bought the Zoo bombing and Xmas day chruch chorus.
  6. Oh, dear, why did I honor this distrasteful movie with a tasteful comment? I should think up something really nasty.
  7. WH can`t beat MI4! All that people are talking about is TC`s comeback. le the man have his moment the whole season.
  8. DH2 should get a nom. It`s criticlaly raved so there`s no shame in a nomination and they`ll need viewers cause Artist, Descendants, other movie 0.01% of population has seen, won`t do the trick.
  9. Fortunately, there`s a great news. CNN propagnada bombed worse than Sarajevo. Justice!
  10. Most terrible news this week is WBTZ bombing. Now Scar-Jo will be playing Black Widow forever in every Marvel movie.
  11. I`m just saying that Fincher fanboys were expecting that DT will be some sort of public revenge for TSN Oscar bust. And since blogs, twitter,forums,etc are no more places of spontanious and genuine opinion but there`s a lot of studio shilling going on (especially blogs - when your site is running studio ads and you are invited to exclusive screenings, free set tours,etc, objectivity goes out of the window), all that hype was OK with DT suits. There was no TV apperances like Cameron`s that tried to decrease the hype and so on.
  12. Last time I checked, Oz economy kicks the shit out of Portugal`s. Heck, if EU didn`t let Balkans and ex-Commie contries in, Portugal would have remained the poorest in the Union.
  13. Portugal is on the seaside. I would go to movies much if I had the sea as an alternative.
  14. Absolutely. I doubt that increase. And we still don`t have WH numbers.
  15. It`s you who`s someking something. Swedish movie swept Swdish awards and Rapace was campaigned for the Oscar by US distibutor last year and surprise, surprise, studio capmaigns Fincher`s DT too. Oh, BTW, why else do you think it was released during Xmas where it really doesn`t belong? That`s right, awards season. So do your homework first.And Scott Rudin`s statement doesn`t mean shit since there is campaign.
  16. With bthe exception of odd Internet geek and Jeff Wells, you won`t find many tears over TSN Oscar fiasco. Certianly not enopugh to mobilize them in support of frame-by-frame remake of the Swedish movie that was hyped as the ultimate DT movie just a year ago. Remember Noomi Rapace?
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