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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Obscure shit has come out of the woodwork already this year hence why DH2 can`t even earn the blockbuster spot with 96% fresh. Next time, after this telecast fails miserably cause even woodwork worms won`t watch to support obsure shit, they`ll have to bring in the big guns.
  2. And who made statistics? Same people who beat the "Serbs are the new Nazi" drum. Jolie never bothered to go to Serb Republic (which is within Bosnia) or to Serbia and hear the other side and meet people. She only knows actors who sure enough will do anything to be in a Hollywood movie. Not the most averige Serbs you can find.And the example with that woman wasn`t that she lied. It`s that the government lied. It isn`t like she duped everyone. They just didn`t know, and most likely she didn`t either, that a black UN soldier scored. Out of other candidates.
  3. I hope WH wins so that Lincoln doesn`t next year. There are just too many interesting movies to have such predictable buzz killer as the winner. Django, Les Mis, TH:AUJ, TDKR, Prometheus may not be conventional choices but they have better shot, at least some of them, if Spielberg won the year before.
  4. The movie, CNN,etc pretend that all those things didn`t happen on all sides. I`m sorry but you people just don`t know the real situation. Everyone goes apeshit over Bosnian Muslims because they make oil lobby look good since jihad brethren like Al Qaida, Hamas,Hezbollah,etc gave them a really bad rep and rightly so (where do you think money they receive comes from?). OTOH, nobody mentions the fact that Serbs from Croatia were kicked out an masse during the same war and that all 3 sides (Serbs, Croats and Muslims) were copying each others way of retaliation. There`s a huge focus on Arkan Tigers paramilitary on Serb side while the fact that Muslims imported the mujahedeen and Croats Legionaires and other mercs to fight for them was totally swept under the rug. The movie is biased simply because it paints a totlaly inaccurate picture of some kind of Nazi/Jews situation where there was none. Muslims weren`t Jews in that war. They were aggressors where applicable and victims where applicable and the same goes for other two sides. yet everyone is,like, Serbs are eeeeeeeeeeeeevil. Fuck that shit. Is The Crusader eeeeeevil? Search your feelings, young padawan. That existed on all sides! I know this sounds like a major news but Serbs don`t have patent to rape camps so Muslims (that`s how "Bosnians" call themselves) and Croats had them too. In fact, nobody know who started it and it`s beside the point. Everyone practiced it so stop making just Serbs exclusive holders of the patent. Thgere was this woman who claimed she got pregnant in a rape camp. It was a huge brouhahah, she was to gave birth in Switzerland to protect her identity from evil Serbs. Bosnian government made a huge fuss. So baby comes and she`s black. True story.
  5. Unless Oscars make big FU to bloggers and give it to The Help , this is going to be the lowest rated telecast ever. Absolutely no nominees that many people saw or know about.
  6. Jolie movie deserved to bomb for being such a piece of CNN shit.
  7. GWTDT. Her name is Lisbeth Salander.
  8. For everything. Look, Salander didn`t break out. Check the PTA. It`s pretty damn low even though it`s playing in fewer cinemas than MI4 and SH2. So I doubt that itl`l keep full theater and screen count after holidays. There are no signs of Slumdog legs or run or whatever. Plain and simple, the thing got overhyped, expectations got out of hand and so did the budget. Now reality kicked in. Internet hipster chicks swear by Salander. The rest of the world swears by Bella.
  9. Rape isn`t in the trailers or is it? Either way, this isn`t a four quadrant. Even if it manages an Oscar nom, it won`t draw anyone but certain demographics.What keeps people away is that book obviously isn`t as cared for as previously thought, no stars, festive season that favors lighter movies, 3 hours of tedium and depression.
  10. OK, than.So people missed TC and Salander isn`t nearly as iconic as hype led us to believe. Nice twist.
  11. Why would 2011 be comparable to 2005? And even with 10% increase, there will be no breakouts. That ship has sailed. Only MI4 can be called one given the anti-Cruse sentiment in years prior to its release.
  12. of course but none of these movies is in for some out of this world turnaround. I mena, since MI4 is far and away the most popular choice, the demand for the rest just isn`t strong. Nothing is going to Avatar all of the sudden.
  13. Well, MI4 already has money in the kitty so $28 mio weekend is good. It`s new movies that should be very very worried (considering their low PTAs which don`t bode well for legs that some desperately expect).
  14. Now but it didn`t look on the paper and certianly not like a kick ass year. It still isn`t kick ass cause increasing over MI3 isn`t a big deal. I mena, that movie was quite low.
  15. How so? MI lost relevance 4-5 years ago as did its star. SH was just OK. Tintin we knew would have harder time doemstically. Only DT was hyped as the second coming. None of these movies is in event of the holiday season league like Avatar and LOTR were and TH will be. So I called boring holiday all the way since schedule became known and I was right. 2012 will resurrect the cinema.
  16. Not nearly enough. They still live in hope. And Wells was gloating over Tintin dying but "forgot" that his DT doesn`t look any better. May Tintin overtake DT to piss off Wells.
  17. "north of $9m" MI47m SH2$4.6m A&TC3$4m TATTOO$3-4m TINTIN"north of $3m" ZOOTintin and Zoo overtaking DT would be awesome.
  18. DT`s PTA isn`t very good. It`s playing in fewer theaters than SH2 and MI4, movies already in release, yet its PTA is worse and lower number of theaters should increase PTA. Just sayin`.
  19. Also, isn`t DT a type of a movie that plays well only in big cities?
  20. yep. Kick Ass wasn`t a flop but since hype machine set expectations too high and it fell well short of meeting them, it`s considered another geek bomb although it was not. GWTDT expectations were even higher. Heck, didn`t the tagline go along the "feel-bad movie of the Christmas" or something?
  21. It wouldn`t be a bad number in normal circumstances but they are not normal. There were serious expectations of a breakout due to book popularity (or what media wanted us to believe was the most popular shit since Twilight), Fincher post-TSN (as if that movie was a boxoffice breakout) and Maramania daydreaming that is now turning into a joke. The search for Lisbeth was a breaking news on may sites and in many trades so the movie definitely didn`t lack media hype long before it endered the production. So for such favorable situation, only $3 mio daily when tired franchise with an action star past his prime kicks its ass ten times from tomorrow is a big failure. And don`t try to bring up R rating. We know that R doesn`t mean shit when there`s a real demand (Hangover,etc)
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