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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Dude, one of the biggest reasons why DT was expected to explode was because of Fincher support. Poor David, robbed of the Oscar, but general public will fix that when they rally behind GWTDT and AMPAS will have no choice but to award him cause he is due.Right?And, for the record, I know more people who like TKS. Personally, couldn`t care for either movie.Personally, I hope DH underperforms so much to kibosh the sequels so Fincher uses his talents for something worhtwile. Like Cleopatra.
  2. The book was a giagntic best-seller and the budget was $100 mio. Paramount lowered official number to $65 mio when it was obvious that the movie was a no-go. But industry people claim it was $100 mio and even the studio confirmed that before retracting it when shit hit the fan (critical panning and limited run disaster). So it isn`t like TLB was poor underdog. Quite the contrary, it had some things going for it (such as built-in fandom).
  3. If WOM is so good, why so many people say I have hard time to recommed it because it`s 3 hours long and depressing? They don`t say it`s a bad movie just that it isn`t recommendable.
  4. Among whom? The movie was so overhyped that people made up their mind already. Why is everyone treatning this remake as an undiscovered gem is beyond me.
  5. Recession or not, this year`s movies were blah. Very few movies that had real anticipation going on as opposed to Internet inflated.
  6. Fincher doesn`t have mass appeal unless Pitt is in his movie. And most people don`t care for TSN, don`t think he was robbed and wouldn`t see DT because it`s from TSN director.
  7. And DT won`t becasue it has already found status and fans thanks to Swedish movie.
  8. Because the buzz among arthousies is that it`s too lightweight and essencially a gimmick.
  9. Why would The Artist do any better? It`s an arthousie. TTSS is also British thing rather than something with universal appeal.
  10. Thank you! Low grosses indicate low demand. Anyone who expect extreme recovery and insane legs for _____(insert favorite movie) is deluding himself/herself. Movies that have potential for better run show that from the beginning.
  11. Witht he bombing of ITLOBAH, Maramania and Dame Keira, I`d say Awards Daily Forums love is kiss of death. They should be hired as Grim Reapers for Cheap or something.
  12. If your movie costs $100 mio and the best it can muster is $4.6 Friday, than those drops are catastrophic.
  13. By the look of it, adults-oriented movies have just got a major competition.
  14. When I saw the trailer for this during Jaws on Spike, I thought it was a promo for a new Canadian sci fi show. They all look this cheap. Hell, turns out it`s theatrical release!
  15. Yep, too much has already been lost to suddenly make up and I don`t see where miracle could come from. Interest isn`t there and neither is the economy.
  16. Well, if 3 days mean Frida-Sun and it made $4.6 mio + 2.3 mio so far, I highly doubt it`ll spike to double digits of $13 -14 mio to cover the difference until $20 mio today.
  17. It is. Tracking had it in lower 40s and the TV ad syas "most anticipated movie of the year." You bet that`s helluva disappointment.
  18. Why is Nikki insisting that DT`s Tuesday or midnight or whatever isn`t included in Wednesday number when every other site says that Wednesday was really $3.4 mio when addition is excluded? She has no rpoblem pointed that out for MI4. Biased much?
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