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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. In what universe 83% fresh movie by David Fincher is "should be picking better projects"? Picking projects is the problem here only because he shouldn`t be the lead. Why is it hard to understand that some actors may kill the interest in a movie for which there was a mild curiosity? he isn`t the leading man. he may look like one because he is buff but he isn`t really, just like 90% of buff actors aren`t leading men despite looking like what Hollywood think is the elading man looks. People obviously don`t like him as the lead and that Bond is doing relatively well (QoS didn`t due to ridiculous $200 mio budget) is more due to the habit than to who is playing Bond. Many Bond fans hate him but watch movies out of habit. They skip the rest he is in.Besides, nobody forced him to be in 4 movies in one year. He was obviously aiming at turning 2011 into his year and that backfired.
  2. Neeson#s cool and likable. Definitely not a pouty android prick like DC.
  3. Than go ahead and invest hundreds of millions in movies DC will headline. And then when you come to welfare office to collect a cheque I will let you ahead of the line cause I know you from BOT.
  4. No, it was a terrible year for studios who thought he has any boxoffice power. The guy is boring, charisma vaccuum and terribly obnoxious in his interviews. Why anyone think masses would warm up to him is a big mystery. But fact is they did not and never will.Moreover, non of the movies he was in was a risk. C&A had CGI and was released in the summer wher stupid movies with SFX flourish. GWTDT was a big best-seller with built-in fandom. That horror whatever its name is was stupid and stupid sueprnatural shit usually makes money cause teens devour them and they cost little (unless overpaid supposed stars are in it). Tintin was expected to be big overseas due to source material and although he is not the main draw here (but did promotion on talk shows none the less) it would have looked good on his resume if it was a break out.I am sorry but I do think that his presence in those movies had something to do with underperformance. The guy is a total turn off. he cannot be 100% to blame but since all of these supposed breakouts failed to do so and he was prominent in marketing at least, there has to be a degree of blame. he is not the draw. Keep him in smaller movies in supporting roles but the leading man she ain1t.
  5. And Daniel Craig. 4 movies, none of them breakout and 3 were expected to be.
  6. I know,rightÉ But that just shows that what people really like isn#t necessary what is hyped that they do.
  7. The real story is that none of the movies was a must-see event that would defy recession. If one movie can do it (DH2) and a re-release can do it (TLK) than obviously these hyped movies are not in the same league no matter what their hype machine wants you to believe.
  8. Just ask for refund or exchange. Many people do that. Seriously, if you don#t want to watch Tintin after TH trailer than contribute to another movie#s boxoffice. Exchange the ticket for MI4, for example.
  9. Oh, please, lets stop the òverpefroming`shit right here! The movie costed $100 mio to make, is based on a huge bestseller so you bet that expectations werent conservative even with R rating. It#s doing OK. Nothing spectacular. It isn#t breaking out as some expected. So looks like it won#t bomb but it won#t be a sensation either.
  10. Mo`cap doesn`t work on humans, period, even when they are caricatrurized like Tintin characters. It works on aliens (Avatar) and animals (ROTPOTA) but humans (Tron Legacy, Polar Express, Beowolf, Tintin) just look off-putting. For exmaple, I don`t have a problem with Haddock in trailer but Tintin freaks me out most likely because he is the least caricaturish. And Jeff Bridges looked like dead young Bridges not like young Bridges. So yeha, not there yet, not even close.
  11. I have a question. Why people expect this thing to have legs? AD Maramaniacs (who started the whole Maramania trainwreck) are now spinning the low opening number as "it`ll have longevity, don`t worry, holidays aren`t about big openings but steady run". I mena, who the fuck would want to see a depressive movie like GWTDT more than once? And since it doesn`t have very braod appeal, it`ll have to reply on fandom to do repeat business. I don`t know, what do you say?
  12. We know that R rated movies can open just as big as non-R when there`s a huge demand (Matrix:Reloaded, Passion). Since GWTDT was the most read book of the decade or something and even people who didn`t erad it know who Saalnder is, there should have been the demand. Perhaps adults are still at work and waiting for holidays to flock to the movie, but so far it seems that demand is nil.
  13. Yep. He said Hugo was a masterpiece. And that Inception was his pick for Best Picture. Most likely is. Guaron ain`t no hack. I hope it`s groundbreaking. Lots of amazing stuff coming out next year. March can`t come soon enough cause that`s where big shit gets real.
  14. Sounds great and very scary. I always wanted to see this type of a movie, like, what happens when one is lost in space in a spacesuit, not in a spacecraft.
  15. Yes, this movie is about eeeeeevil Serbs. But that shouldn`t be a news for you cause you know The Crusader. Has there ever been a more evil entity than him? Voldemort shits his pants when he just hears about He Who Should Not Even Cross Your Mind Let Alone Be Named. So you know what averige Serbs are like and that`s all in this movie. 100% autheticity. So evil they twirl mustache literally. After all, they made Serbian Movie so yeah, that`s the proof right there. Not that Germans making Human Centipede proves anything about them but,hey, they are not Serbs. Serbs are evil in everything they do, say, dream,think,etc. Cause Angelina says so.In short, this movie will please only fans of eeeeeevil Serbs.Seriously, what a piece of CNN garbage. Shame on Angelina and eevryone who supported this piece of biased political shit.
  16. SH2&Shitmunks benefitted from spillovers.Since Avatar was a perfect 4 quadrant, it shared target audience with both movies so people went to see either depending on kids or lack thereof. Potter laways jumped when LOTR opened because it was the second choice fantasy flick.
  17. :lol: :lol:Well, that`s exactly what I`ve been saying for some LOTR actors` careers and people start to bitch.
  18. I know,right? Shitmunks finally bomb. Prayers answered 10 years later but it`s still worth it.
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