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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. $180M Also I don't think your signature makes sense at all now
  2. That's BOM universe. It's like the matrix in here. Anytime fanboys/girls cream over a movie a anti-fanboy/girl (i.e a Agent Smith) comes in and sets the balance out. It's how we work and it keeps order.
  3. Tracking is usually so wrong. Must I bring up Scream 4 every time lol
  4. Ok 1, FUCK TRACKING 2, $250M OS!! Sorry had to shout lol
  5. Unless MoS really breaks out huge...its pretty much a done deal. I don't know where this over confidence in MoS is coming from. It looks good but people are really expecting the second coming of TDK?? Even batman had to deal with baby steps before he took on the big dogs. $300M would be a amazing achievement for MoS. OS it's not touching IM3...probably $250 at most.
  6. This comment doesn't even deserve my trademark gif reply
  7. IM3 was never going to flop. I am looking forward to the battle weekend of TH3 vs FF6. That should be a lot of fun to track.
  8. TA was almost a Iron Man show with guest appearances from other superheroes so it's not that shocking. So I fully expect the US opening for IM3 to be HUGE.
  9. It was packed at my screening last night. Should hold well next weekend. This is getting at least £35m+ total.
  10. Whoa....not shocked though. TA pretty much made this a must-see event all over.
  11. Interested in UK takings since it really was under-marketed here.
  12. I've seen it. It's honestly not even scary. Bloody but with little suspense. 5/10 for me.
  13. The fact is Hollywood makes movies for a general target audience. So most movies will always follow a set blueprint. The only white guilt film I despised from the last 10 years (actually 2 if you add Australia to the list) is The Blind Side. How the fuck Sandra Bullock won a academy award for that piece of shit I will never know.
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