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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Lol, what? Here I was thinking the rankings were so different from mine.
  2. Fuck, you're young. Given my role as evil emperor, I may have to drain some of your youth some time. Hope that's not an issue for you.
  3. War of the Worlds??? It's ok if you wouldn't know that one, I think you were still in the womb.
  4. When I saw this J.R.R. Tolkan't passage...
  5. Oh, is that why I just turned 27 and this fucking acne still won't go away?
  6. Considering Detective Pikachu was an abomination of a video game, maybe the super secret formula to good video game movie is a bad video game.
  7. No one can take the weight of being a BOT pariah when it comes to SW except me. Of course Baumer caved under the pressure. Besides, in the end Vader turns good. There can be only one evil emperor, and I have...
  8. Thanks @chasmmi for your work on the list. I for one am completely dumbfounded at IO topping the list. All these years I've been so into Frozen being the overrated one, but I guess IO is the one I should be giving that title to instead. It's a good film, but its unique premise is far superior to its execution, which borders on underwhelming for me among high class Pixar. I mean it's nowhere near my top 5 Pixar, I really can't understand #1 out of all animated films. But whatever. TS3 took quite a tumble in recent years here, so we'll see what happens in the future with IO. @lolifofo Dammit man, why didn't you find this in time to make your list! Our opinions aligned way too much it seems.
  9. Lol @ pitch perfect 3. Couldn't think of a worse time on a worse schedule for it to release. They will absolutely move it if they have any brains.
  10. Well up until very recent years you would see most people argue that reviews only mattered to a niche internet subset and the public didn't care what the critics think. Clearly that doesn't seem to be the case anymore, though I've been arguing that since the end of last decade.
  11. Well I think it's a terrible thing because there are several worthwhile potential films, imo. But I don't think the video game adaptation is ever treated with much real respect in the filmmaking process.
  12. AC never had a chance FWIW. Marketing was just as bad as any other video game flop.
  13. There really is zero excuse though if a movie starring both of them with a very wide appealing looking trailer opens poorly.
  14. In spite of the reviews, I feel like this had a fantastic trailer that looked very appealing and who should, in theory, be two of the bigger current draws. If it tanks on opening, then it kind of confirms that star power is pretty much dead. Either that or RT's influence over the GA is becoming pretty enormous.
  15. Not a promising preview number for Passengers or AC, but pretty decent for Sing.
  16. Omfg, DON'T EVEN. I will have a heart attack if it comes anywhere near 700. But yes, the Monday # is good (goddammit). Was really thinking 15-16.
  17. Aladdin over Toy Story 3!?!?!?!?! Hoping to see Lion King, Spirited Away, Beauty, and Wall-E as the top 4 in that case.
  18. @Jason So my bad, what started him going in for the personal attack was me hating the film, and opinion I had every right to express: Note before all this we had been disagreeing about numbers all week in the tracking thread and he had been smug about how wrong I was going to be, but I certainly never went in for any kind of personal attack on him until he devolved into a total asshole towards me about the situation. And no, I'm not claiming to be innocent of ignoring him, I indulged him and started hurling the attacks back.
  19. Nope, talking about the point before all that where I made a prediction and he outright came in for the personal attack. Quite frankly I'm not sure if it happened in this thread, the tracking one, or Baumer's club but it was him that went off the deep end for no reason other than me giving predictions he didn't like.
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