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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I don't know. Was your response to my "film-making is fucked" post serious? Because mine sure wasn't. Or was it? Don't remember now. Hmm.... we were talking about MCU vs DCEU, correct?
  2. Glad you discovered the historical significance of that trilogy. Did you know Australia did not actually exist prior to its release?
  3. Both sides are fucked. Blockbusters have become nothing but endless franchise sequels, and indies have become nothing but hipster low budget rehashes of the all time greats that used to also be the blockbusters in their day. Film-making is dead. DISCUSS.
  4. Only because people can't look past their bias for whatever "side" and see facts. The plainly obvious facts I might add. When someone says "MCU is a more successful and better received franchise than DCEU", it is literally a factual statement backed up by a ton of data, not a biased opinion. There's no argument to be had. That's why I don't understand how the argument continues, even when numbers and statistics are laid out.
  5. Not really. It would elevate the true modern day box office phenoms like TDK, Avatar, and TFA instead of giving the illusion stuff like BvS or AoU actually had mega hit level runs. Hundreds of movies in box office history have been just as or more successful as them, there's nothing special there at all.
  6. Just because: TPM vs TFA original runs are something like 85m vs 100m admission, even giving TFA a high 3D share.
  7. FUCK ME. No it did not sell "about the same" admissions as TPM, and you're absolutely right, this is why we need admission reports.
  8. And TDK was huge OS for that time period. Just because we had the OS grosses of Potter, LOTR, and Titanic that already existed back then doesn't for a second mean that was close to the norm. Hitting 300m+ OS was still a big success. Hitting 500m+ was still massive. IM1 wasn't a big OS success by any stretch, but neither were BvS or MoS. And what's their excuse "in context." They had a far wider expanded market to work with and the two most well known comic book characters ever across the globe. Iron Man was literally a non-entity outside of DOM audiences as a character when the film hit. So let's really talk context here and try to tell me how they were more successful? As for that last statement, so then are you telling me it's harder for the big event blockbusters to get to 300m+ DOM these days than last decade?
  9. How about CBMs that should've been Oscar-bait dramas? I'll lead: The Dark Knight should have won Best Picture.
  10. No have you? What OS market were you tracking in '08? Cause the one I lived in was not even in the same stratosphere as the one that exists today. That's like comparing the OS market in the 90's to the late 00's. Not even close to the same reach from expansion.
  11. You mean the context of the OS market in 2008 in comparison to the reach of the one in 2016 tells a different story? I don't think so. Try again.
  12. Not least of which is the context that a 2008 film about a B list superhero nearly beat a 2016 film about the two biggest superheroes of all time in unadjusted gross.
  13. Adjutsed is not meaningless, especially when you consider budgets adjust down and up too. Wanna talk about how those early MCU films didn't cost 300m a piece either?
  14. People should stop making inaccurate comments in that topic and expect no one is allowed to fact check them just because it's in the "taboo" MCU vs DCEU subject matter.
  15. No, not really except for The Incredible Hulk, which was MCU before audiences even knew what that was. But anyways adjusted DOM: Iron Man vs BvS 384m vs 331m Iron Man 2 vs MoS: 340m vs 300m The Incredible Hulk vs Suicide Squad: 162m vs 265m And none of those MCU ones even had 3d either (nor IMAX iirc).
  16. The good multis for MCU are dying from the fact that we now have around 10+ movies that are mandatory viewings for most MCU flicks. A portion of the GA just can't be bothered with that anymore, regardless of whatever WOM may be. Thankfully, there's a huge portion that has liked them enough to stay invested and still shows up in droves on OW.
  17. Lord the DCEU fans are deluded. They've actually convinced themselves 1.9x multis somehow equal good WOM "outside of the internet!"
  18. You know JL will carry a similarly ridiculous 250m or so price tag that BvS did too. So best of luck to it being profitable without a well liked WW film at least.
  19. Yep. If WW is another BvS/SS received film then 125-150 for JL DOM, which is absolutely a disaster for that movie.
  20. Nobody cares about Batfleck now and no one ever really did about Cavill's Superman. So WW is going to have to be the big draw for JL. If she tanks her solo flick, the JL DOM box office is going to be one of the most epic disasters the genre has seen.
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