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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. So it beats the Wednesday ODs of the likes of Return of the King, Transformers 3, and Despicable Me 2.
  2. I want 2nd weekend over AoU OW so freaking badly right now...
  3. Let us all take pity on the poor poor souls who somehow don't like SW. It's a Star Wars universe baby.
  4. Meanwhile, in movie theaters not showing TFA across the country:
  5. Agreed. KFP3, Deadpool, and Zoolander probably all disappoint now. Zootopia may be the next real hit, like Alice after Avatar.
  6. We both predicted $1b DOM before the tickets went on sale.
  7. Or 5 months after Rogue one which is less than 12 months from now for that matter. They'd be absolutely crazy to not see how they are cutting into their potential $$$ by jamming that many together. Give a little room to breath and they can roll in mucho dough for VIII too.
  8. If it makes 200m this weekend, we all quit box office predicting forever because who knows anything right?
  9. How about we make it an even 40 so we score another >40m day? What would you like in exchange for this bargain Rth?
  10. Mother of gawd. If it doesn't drop at least 30% tomorrow I am seriously contemplating it staying almost flat minus previews for its second weekend.
  11. Agreed with your 9. Still holding out hope for Inside Out if there's a 10th. But Brooklyn or BoS will nab it if there's 10. Better yet, IO replaces The Martian (not happening, I know).
  12. The BP drama bait this year is just so underwhelming, imo. Though I still need to see Carol and The Big Short.
  13. I think my top ten might be like 70% blockbusters this year. The opposite of last year where DOFP was the only one.
  14. Deepest condolences Tele that one of your favorite franchises is going to be ruined with a certain Episode IX. I will be sure to send flowers when the time comes.
  15. Well considering like 8 of us have explicitly brought it up over the last page or two as iconic, I don't believe you.
  16. I am more and more convinced JW is just a series of awesome/memorable money shots more than it is an actual film. That is why I can both love it and hate it.
  17. Adele's records currently going on in the music industry are more mindblowing than what TFA is doing at the box office right now.
  18. Well Ok, who actively talks about a shot from a movie besides maybe film nerds like us? But you know people have it ingrained in their pop culture conscious. Same way they do the opening shot of SW '77.
  19. TA's circle shot is the most iconic shot in any movie this decade. What other shot or scene this decade has had anywhere near the pop culture impact?
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