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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeah, these holds for HT2 are great, but will be over after next month starts. I doubt it can maintain strong enough late legs for 200. Who will be seeing it after Halloween and with the other options too? The first one's great holds collapsed after Halloween as well.
  2. Between Everest and The Walk, I am not at all sold on these IMAX first releases. Both should've had normal rollouts.
  3. The Walk is also an absolute disaster, and not really sure what on Earth caused it to do this bad? Unfortunate, since I think it is Zemeckis' strongest since Cast Away (though not a whole lot stronger than any of his stuff since then).
  4. You thought the marketing was dark? I kinda thought it was campy and silly more than anything. I guess they were banking on Jackman as the star power, but the man continues to prove he has next to zero bank-ability at the B.O. outside of Wolvie.
  5. Man, thinking about it Pan really could get slaughtered in terms of its multi. HT2 is obviously a big hit with the family audience. Goosebumps is getting surprisingly good reviews. 2 weeks later is Peanuts. And 2 weeks after that is TGD. There's a chance it only makes 40-45m with that combo of poor reception and very strong competition. It may already be out of theaters by TGD's release.
  6. The original July release was actually worse though. Would've been going up against Minions and Ant Man for family choices (and Pixels to a lesser extent). Maybe they should've just stuck it in December despite all the competition it would have this Holiday too. At least holiday legs may have helped it a small bit. In hindsight though, it seems it was always doomed all around.
  7. Pan could get to 20m off that OD since you can never rule out a huge sat increase for that kind of film, but even still it's a mini disaster of a performance. Even worse for it, if Goosebumps is a hit next weekend it could have an unusually bad multi for its genre since it will be going against two other well received family films. Normally 3x would be a safe bet regardless of WOM, but might only do like 2.7-2.8x with the competition.
  8. The 70's and 90's are the best decades in film. In fact, I've noticed movies have always been on an every other decade pattern for my preference. I like the 30's, 50's, 70's, and 90's much more on the whole than the 20's, 40's, 60's, and 80's. Not sure about this decade vs last yet though. So far this may be the first time the pattern is broken for me since I'd probably give the first half of the aughts the edge over the first half of this decade.
  9. Reviews are looking quite strong now. Almost on par with Lincoln. Oscars may be in play after all.
  10. Sadly, Vin is out there somewhere genuinely believing that right now.
  11. I'm more surprised by the reviews. They're pretty horrid, and honestly how hard should it be to make a mildly entertaining family film off of Peter Pan? Not very if you ask me.
  12. Well, I went in with relatively low expectations and had them exceeded. Not sure how you'll fare with high expectations though. It's a good film all around, but not particularly memorable besides that scene.
  13. Edward Norton feels as far removed from something like an MCU franchise as any actor out there, to the point that it becomes shocking to remember he was part of said franchise at one point.
  14. As long as it has good holds that don't come near Gravity's amazing holds then I'm happy.
  15. When I first heard Jackman was in this I totally thought he was playing Hook.
  16. Well I know I saw a lot of that floating around that summer. Not assumptions and ifs I made up. It makes perfect sense too when you look at the box office trends after Avatar made 3D big. There was the initial spike and then a big drop. So why the drop if not for 3D backlash?
  17. Minions already broke the typical franchise "trend" since usually third movies drop big after the second movie is so huge. And Minions was the third movie in the franchise for all intents and purposes, and it hardly dropped at all. So all bets are off for DM3. Could go up in spite of the usual trends.
  18. Correct me if I'm imagining this, but weren't there rumors of Rat 2 and Up 2 floating around not that long ago? Probably just rumors at that, but the fact that they would even be rumored to start with means we can't count them out. TS4, Dory, and I2 were rumors for a long time.
  19. True, and so their chances are slimmer I agree. However I doubt MU, Dory, and I2 were greenlit for merchandising reasons. To my knowledge their predecessors were/are not big merch sellers (except maybe MI in Japan). Ratatouille is still extremely popular in France, as they just recently built a whole Ratatouille land in Disneyland Paris that has been a huge hit. They could count on the sequel being profitable just from a likely 100m gross or higher in France alone. 500m would be virtually locked OS.
  20. Not really though. Technically both were unequivocal commercial hits. I'd say the chance is there unfortunately. Especially for Ratatouille, which was massive in western Europe.
  21. Dinosaur is live action sets, and I've personally never thought it should count in the official animated cannon. 1999 and 2002 were really the only two times it happened before it happens again next year(Tarzan/Fantasia 2000 and Lilo/Treasure Planet). Personally, I think all of those 4 are decent to good, so they pulled it off alright. Atlantis had 2001 to itself, and I think was a far worse movie than any of those 4.
  22. That is at least a positive. I was dreading the 2 a year, every year idea.
  23. 3D backlash (or lack of 2D options backlash) was still widely blamed for the poor summer that year, after the B.O. had been on a strong upward trend in Holiday '09 through Spring '10.
  24. I am also counting on Illumination building even more brand momentum next year with Pets being a huge breakout at the box office. That could also help DM3.
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