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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Damn, Neighbors could hit 55m OW if it follows the trajectory of most R comedies. Feeling really good about my 170m prediction in the game now.
  2. TASM2 looking at 35-37m for the weekend then. Yawn. Was hoping for a disastrous 65%+ tumble, but guess I'll just have to settle for a bad 60%+ one. Oz and MNO both strong contenders already for top 5 lowest grossing wide releases of summer.
  3. Yeah questions 4 and 5 could both easily go either way I think, so no way am I taking a 25k point risk
  4. All questions worth 1000 pts UOS All questions pertain to the top 12 UOS 1) Will Neighbors open in first? 2000 YES 2) Will ASM 2 fall more than Spider-man 3 did in it's second weekend? 2000 YES 3) Will ASM2's Friday to Friday decrease ( from the 35.167 number) be more than 75%? NO 4) Which film will open higher, MNO or LOO:DR? MOM'S NIGHT OUT 5) Will Neighbors be number one on Friday (including Thurs) YES 6) Will The Other Woman fall more than 34.4%? NO 7) Will Divergent stay in the top 10? YES 8) Will Neighbors get at least an A cinemascore? YES 9) Will more than 2 films in the top 15 have a Saturday increase of more than 74%? YES 10) Will Transcendence finish ahead of Haunted House 2? YES 11) Will The Other Woman and Neighbors combine to make more than 8 million in Australia this weekend (TOW has been on fire there, it will more than likely pass ASM2 in Australia this week)? YES 12) How many films will have a drop of less than 40%? 5 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 6000 What will Neighbors Friday gross be (including early showings on Thurs) 16.010 What will ASM2's gross be for the weekend? 33.015 What will Captain America TWS's gross be? 4.480 What finishes in spots: 4. Mom's Night Out 5. Heaven Is For Real 6. Oz 10. Divergent 2000 each, 5000 bonus if all four correct.
  5. Thanks for letting us know you want the points copied as well as the questions Baumer. I usually delete the points, won't from now on.
  6. Ugh, seems like I always start out middle of the pack. Was hoping for a better first week this year. Didn't realize about the pre game points this year.
  7. By Thursday TASM2 will be around 4.5m if not lower, meaning it's going to need some gigantic Friday and Saturday jumps to even get near 40m second weekend. Yep, 60%+ second weekend drop definitely happening.
  8. I'm honestly shocked I'm the only one who voted for Let's Be Cops in the bottom 5. The director has a pretty bad track record, it has zero star power, and only has 2 weeks in the game to gross. Seems like an obvious contender. I'm also one of the 2 for Into the Storm. I agree about As Above, So Below. That trailer looks way too enticing to horror fans for it to bomb too bad.
  9. I agree with your New Coke comparison and TASM 3 and 4 becoming one film, but I don't know if any sort of regular reboot can work, even a non-origin one. It's just all gonna seem so redundant at that point, unless they wait a really long time and you know Sony sure as hell won't do that with this one of their only franchises. That's why I want something totally new if we are gonna get another reboot, like 2099. It would be entirely unique and different while still holding onto the brand name of Spiderman. And I think there's some cool potential there too for movies.
  10. Even better, TASM2 will likely sell less tickets than the ultimate franchise killer, Batman and Robin!
  11. Hopefully this reboot series dies after TASM3. Then I want Spiderman 2099. I can't see yet another reboot doing anything for the franchise. We need something totally new and fresh.
  12. That bit is not true. Gravity is more than enough evidence to show people do give a damn about 3d. But good 3d that adds to the film. Honestly I truly believe that a lot of people's vision doesn't accommodate the 3d effect very well. Because I've seen movies with jaw dropping 3d that others have said they couldn't even see a difference. But that doesn't mean those of us who can see the effects well and enjoy them when they're done right should be SOL just cause others don't have the visual capacity to see them. Those people can just opt for the 2d showings. But there should always be ample option for a 2d showing, and again 3D is most certainly way overused. It's haphazard and unnecessary for 90% of the releases today.
  13. Wow, you're right it did. Thought it was more around 55% or so. That's crazy. I wonder what it's total 3d share was. Also proves my point that Hollywood should realize people only want worthwhile 3d.
  14. I would think the 3d downtrend would make studios sit up and say "hey not everything needs to be in 3d, and if it is it should be worthwhile." But unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. We have just as many 3d releases as ever.
  15. Sad thing is that's not even that high. I remember when all the big 3d movies were clearing 50% OW shares with ease. Most of the 2010 ones were over 60% if memory serves. That never happens now.
  16. CA2's was 40% so around the same as that. That's pretty typical for live action films today, while animation tends to be more around 30%.
  17. So right around 80m OW then taking out 3d inflation.
  18. Just look at CA2. It had nearly a whole month to itself to gross and what most concede was good to great WOM, and will still only end up with around a 2.65x multi. TASM opened nearly the same, so again I say no way over 2.4x with way more competition and much worse WOM than CA2.
  19. There's no reason for it to go over 2.4x with what is sure to be mixed WOM at best and more importantly all the competition this month (Godzilla, X-Men, Maleficent are 200m+ players and Neighbors and A Million Ways are 100m+ players).
  20. Boring and expected number for TASM on the way to a boring and expected 210-220m finish. God that movie is just yawn inducing all around. Noah's gonna have to work for that 100m looks like. Ending up with a pretty abysmal 2.2x multi.
  21. Add in inflation and 3d and TASM2 only did roughly half the OW business of SM1 and like 45% of SM3's OW. Oh how the spider has fallen.
  22. Looks like my 93m prediction will be about spot on. Thought it would be more Friday frontloaded though.
  23. Pretty much. Burton was kept too under the thumb of the studio for '89 given it was such a major tentpole and the film definitely feels stifled because of it. Returns is the only one where his true vision for Batman came to fruition, and it was way more alive and interesting for it. And of course we won't speak of Schu-Who-Must-Not-Be-Macher-ed.
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