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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Mmm hmm. Talk to me in a few months when we have its multi and its user scores have settled into their real ranges on all these sites.
  2. 86%/7.9 is where I'm guessing it ends on RT. Begins did 85%/7.7. That's practically the exact same critical reception.
  3. TDKR has pretty equal reviews to BB overall, especially since more reviews continue to come in for TDKR and it will probably drop a bit more. In time I'm entirely confident the vast majority will agree on TDKR being the weakest of teh trilogy. Even if it doesn't leave the top 250 on IMDB (although it should) I'd bet money on it being lower than BB within 6 months.
  4. That will drop like a rock in the coming days/weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if this one eventually ends up out of the top 250, even on Nolan's playground (IMDB).
  5. I went to see Beasts of the Southern Wild this weekend downtown at the theater that usually gets those indie movies. Really enjoyed it. I will say though that I noticed that the theater was only about 2/3 full and that theater is usually packed on weekends. Coulda just been cause it was an earlier showing though...
  6. And that would clearly be an affect of the tragedy if that were to happen. The point is those saying that 200 was in play before the shootings are using the shootings in the same manner the haters are to say "ha ha TDKR is a huge disappointment." We shouldn't be "using" a tragedy for box office purposes at all.
  7. I think people trying to use the tragedy in either case are disgusting frankly. The haters shouldn't be happy and rubbing it in everyone's faces if it debuts to less than $170m or something cause they know that the tragedy clearly affected that, but at the same time the fanboys claiming that the tragedy is the sole reason it didn't hit 200 or break TA's OW are equally as ridiculous sounding and trying to use it to their advantage in the exact same way. Both sides need to just quit it.
  8. Well I sure as hell wasn't looking at my phone during the TDK screening I can tell you that. Damn that movie is the epitome of engrossing, no matter how many times I see it.
  9. No Country in general pisses me off. Especially when I think of all the awards it won.
  10. 'That would be great and all but we all know Hollywood is too greedy to ever do that. This is the best we're gonna get. And I don't understand how some people can't see how gloating and boasting about box office numbers this weekend may seem insensitive on behalf of hollywood/the studio to some in the wake of what happened. Would it to me personally? No. But I'm sure it would to some. That's why they're doing it.
  11. Yep. One of my other primary complaints with it right there. I kid you not, I kept gazing at the time at my cell phone in my pocket about every ten minutes from the point after the first hour up until the last 40 minutes or so to see if it was getting closer to being over. It was so incredibly sluggish and flat out boring in parts. And I've never used the "b" word with this franchise before. Begins was slow, but never boring.
  12. Oh please. They're doing it out of sensitivity just in case it would be offensive to some and come off as inappropriate gloating. Sit the fuck down.
  13. Oh shit, really? Wow, I guess we really won't have #'s till Mon then. This could get crazy.
  14. Guys we will still get numbers. Nikki herself said she still has access to them.
  15. I still think we will get numbers from somewhere over the weekend. They just won't be any "official" ones until Monday.
  16. I don't know if WB can truly "block" or cut off the numbers. There are several other sources these days after all.
  17. When was yours made? I made a THG over TDKR thread way back in March that promptly got locked. I'll LMAO all the way to China if it actually ends up happening.
  18. 75M OD means as low as $160m OW would be possible, imo.7547 (-37%)39 (-17%)161m
  19. Uh-oh. 75m would be meltdown territory. If that's true I think the shootings definitely affected today's results.
  20. WOM will not be TDK level for so many reasons. It just lacks too many of the factors that made that movie a phenomenon, The Joker just being a very big top of the list. And one thing I don't think a lot of people are taking into consideration with this movie is it's heavy ties to BB. If you haven't seen BB the movie could flat out not make sense in areas. And believe it or not there is a large chunk of the general public that has seen TDK and not BB. I know several people myself. Just look at how TDK sold over twice as many tickets and a gazillion more DVDs than BB. So I could see its ties to BB hurting it in the WOM department since not nearly as many people have seen that movie. Whereas the thing about TDK is it was incredibly accessible to the uninitiated and didn't require seeing BB to fully get.
  21. On a happier note on this tragic day: TASM headed for 60%+ drop!!
  22. If the movie only does mid 170's for OW then I think it's a bit disappointing since that will fail to beat TDK's admissions OW. Anyone here can testify that I've always been one to keep my box office expectations for TDKR in check and never expected 200, but even I did expect it to beat TDK's OW admissions by at least a little. Then again we don't know how the shooting impacted the OW so there's that variable.
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