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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Watch WB come out and say they just aren't gonna track TDKR's box office period. This board would implode and take the universe with it.
  2. Damn Chewy, we have like the same post count but I only have half as many likes.
  3. I felt like a Judas going to see Ted since I know as a die hard South Park fan I'm supposed to hate anything Seth McFarlane related.
  4. The past two seasons have been the weakest by far, imo, although last season (S15) still had quite a few good to great episodes. This season the best any of the eps have been so far are mediocre and I've seen some downright bad ones for the show. Like I said very disappointing for SP. I have faith Matt and Trey can turn it around though. I loved season 14.
  5. It's the only tv show I watch currently. It's probably my all time fav show as well. Have to say I have not liked this new season at all though. Very disappointing.
  6. Does Nolan have any real involvement in MOS at all besides his name plastered on marketing?
  7. Watchmen's trailers were some of the best in recent years. A big part of the reason that movie had the OW it did, imo.
  8. :hi5:Lol, right on man! Agree completely on SP. I was like dafuq is this after a half hour or so?Watchmen is definitely my fav Snyder film, but I'm a big fan of the graphic novel and I thought he did a pretty solid job adapting it.
  9. Visually cool yes. But that novelty wore off quick and you were left with a nothing, monotonous movie.
  10. I think it's been confirmed more or less that 3D won't be used in the THG series at all. Either way CF won't have it.Anyways, OW record is definitely out with no 3D, but as I said attendance could happen if everything goes right and we get a sequel to a well received blockbuster perfect storm with it.
  11. Not true. CF has a shot at the attendance record, imo. I definitely think it can hit 190 if everything goes the way it should, and that should give it the attendance record, depending on how high the average ticket price is by then.
  12. My one sister took it really hard. Was crying most of the time. It was great to see so many people there though. The community here is definitely extremely strong which I think is what's most important right now.
  13. I would like a memorial there as well. At the very least there should be a memorial where theater 9 was.
  14. Not to steer things too away from the movie and back to the tragedy or anything, but just wanted to share I was at the vigil ceremony in Aurora tonight (very well done), and visited the makeshift memorial of the victims and wanted to share these pics I took of it with my phone. The Century theater is in the background.
  15. I think this is the right decision as well. We're all pretty much in the same boat so throwing out the week wouldn't really make much sense. It's not liek this tragedy gives anyone here a real unfair advantage or something.
  16. Same. I thought it really established Batman as a "you seriously don't wanna screw with me" type of guy to his enemies. Added a great intimidation factor to him in a way no other interpretation of the character had. The "WHERE IS SHEEEEEEE!!!" in TDK did border on too much and silliness though I'll admit.
  17. Lol, glad to take you back. I wasn't born yet so I wouldn't know, though I can certainly imagine quite the uproar at the casting choice of him back then.
  18. When I think of Keaton I think of Beetlejuice. Beetlejuce isn't Batman.
  19. I've always maintained that Bale is the perfect Bruce Wayne/Batman. I don't understand how anyone could prefer Keaton.
  20. I would be shocked if IA doesn't. There's nothing else out there for families and kids right now, and the series got a strong CS so it should've had a good hold this weekend. That's the one movie I would count on bouncing back. Agree about TASM though, but that was always gonna be the case after TDKR came out.
  21. I don't think anyone is denying the shooting affected the whole box office this weekend now. That being said, TASM obviously would've had the worst drop with or without the tragedy since it fell the hardest. But that was to be expected, TDKR was direct competition for it. It probably would've dropped 60% or so this weekend under normal circumstances.
  22. I can't even be happy at TASM dropping 70% cause I know it's not a fair drop.
  23. Those drops are just crazy. It's like looking at a bunch of Twilight second weekends.
  24. I just see that this is clearly having an affect now, and Sunday is the most depressed day of the weekend normally anyways, so it just makes sense that this weekend it would be even more so.
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