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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Exactly. I knew this months ago so thankfully I'm not really disappointed. I am however a bit surprised that it failed to even live up to Begins for me, but then again I had forgotten just how good Begins really is until I saw it again last night.
  2. I'm guessing multi will be between 2.6-2.7. So if it does about 178 this weekend it's headed to a $460-480m finish.
  3. Oh thank god B, there's someone else on the board who isn't jumping through hoops over it! I thought clearly I must be missing something judging by everyone else's reactions here. Although I certainly wouldn't go as far as to compare it to SM3 and thought it was still a solid effort, it's easily the weakest of the trilogy and also probably the worst Nolan film I've seen to date (I haven't seen Following or Insomnia though ). I agree about the multi not being particularly strong though. It just lacks everything that made TDK such a phenomenon, and even a lot of what got BB off the ground and running.
  4. A low 80'sm OD would spell a somewhat disappointing OW for the reason that TDKR's Sat hold won't be anywhere near as good as TA's due to the much higher midnight # and the fact that it's the middle of summer now. With An $81m OD or so I'd say:Fri: 81mSat: 53m (-35%)Sun: 44m (-17%)178m
  5. Yeah as I said earlier this nut certainly won't scare me away from the movies, and it happened just miles away from me. I think the paranoia that ensues after tragedies like this is usually pretty unfounded. The odds of the same thing happening, especially right away are slim to none. However there will be those that I think it does scare away for maybe the weekend or so. Some people are too paranoid for it not to.
  6. I'm sorry but your whole attitude towards the shooting is beginning to annoy me. First you're calling the cops at the scene cowards, then you seem to try and downplay the shooting itself by saying it's not nearly as bad compared to ones like Columbine or Virginia Tech, and now you're saying WB is trying to gain free publicity off the tragedy? WTF dude? It just seems like overall your attitude towards it is increasingly disrespectful and it's as if you think we should just "get over" it or something. It just happened! Lots of people are still deep in grieving over their world being torn apart. I think a little more respect would be nice.
  7. True. Gloating about any records could seem very tasteless so that's where the insensitivity comes in I suppose.
  8. I do agree I don't really get the connection between TDKR's box office results and insensitivity towards victims of the shooting. And the shooting hit pretty close to home for me. But I think WB is just trying to be as careful and cautious as possible in this situation. We have to remember NOTHING like this has ever come close to happening. There's no precedent for how a movie studio should react in a situation like this. I'm sure they don't want to look insensitive in anyway possible.
  9. The theater is a total dump and people only go because it has uber cheap ticket prices that are like circa 2000. Also there aren't a whole ton of theaters in that area. Anyways, I honestly don't think they'll reopen it. It would shock me if they did. We had a shooting incident in Denver at a Chuck E Cheese back in the 90's and that one closed down forever afterwards cause no one would go. I'm sure this will be the same.
  10. Oh god. Can you imagine if going to the movies becomes a security nightmare like flying because of bastards like this? Ugh, I hate this world sometimes.
  11. The number of casualties makes the incident the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. http://gma.yahoo.com/colorado-batman-movie-shooting-suspect-phd-student-085940589--abc-news-topstories.html
  12. Caine followed by Hathaway. Everyone else was very forgettable, imo. Even Hardy.
  13. Oh, only the biggest mass shooting in United States history.
  14. You may wanna spoiler that. That's far from my only complaint with it though.
  15. I can tell you right now one of my biggest issues with TDKR is:
  16. Seeing all three back to back, I'm sorry but there's just no way TDKR can even stand in the same footing as TDK in any aspect. TDK really is a masterpiece of cinema . At it's absolute best TDKR is simply a good comic book film. No amount of "sitting" is going to change that. And I forgot how well done BB really is as well, especially the origin story. On a first viewing TDKR is the weakest over BB by a slight margin for me.
  17. TDKR was the weakest of the trilogy easily, tragedy or no tragedy, but that's a discussion for a different thread.
  18. What you have to keep in mind about TA though is it was early May and Nikki and THR were making stupid matinee projections off of it like it was the middle of summer, hence why they were lowballing it so bad. It's evening/night business was way better than matinees indicated, because they weren't accounting for the fact that it was early May. That won't be the case with TDKR. Matinees should give a fairly decent evening projection.
  19. I guess we can still count on Nikki to bring the lulz on a tragic day like this. Apparently she missed the memo that TA did a good $20m more than that on OD.
  20. Yeah I do think this has to have some affect on the BO at least today. If only in Western areas.
  21. Has anyone heard from Cocho since the shootings? As the only other person I know of that lives in CO on the boards I'm just hoping she's OK.
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