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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I don't buy for a minute that you don't know anyone who regards the LOTR films way up there, ROTK included. Don't buy it all.
  2. :lol:There is perhaps nothing in the known world that indicates virginity more than a dude crying in Titanic.
  3. Which scenes did I cry in what? Titanic? None, not by a long shot. TS3 it was nearly the whole ending. It was a brilliant farewell to one's childhood and innocence. It was simply beautiful.
  4. Trust me, this board is not the masses. There is nothing to indicate Titanic is beloved by the masses and Noctis and NYer will just have to accept that cold hard fact.
  5. I'll move on just as soon as soon as you and Noctis move on and also stop dissing the masterpiece that is ROTK I might add (that one's mainly aimed at Noctis).
  6. Well why would you cry at such a forced and obvious emotion ploy? I don't understand it. Surely you couldn't have been surprised by Rose jumping back onto the ship? Anyone could see that coming a mile away.
  7. What does crying have anything to do with the best film anyways? If we're gonna get into waterworks though, TS3 is easily the biggest tearjerker on this list.
  8. Actually I quite like Weaver's Grace over anyone in Titanic thanks very much.
  9. Huh? Titanic's story is as simple as it gets. I won't pretend Avatar has some groundbreaking or complex story because it doesn't, but there's certainly a whole lot more to it than Titanic's. Characters, I agree Titanic probably has the edge there due to more interesting leads. However the supporting characters in Avatar are better than Titanic's. Where Avatar is so much more enjoyable and entertaining than Titanic though is in being immersed into an entire new world. Few movies have ever done it as well as Avatar has, perhaps none. Titanic has nothing like that, a sinking ship certainly can't compare to exploring the world of Pandora. Avatar remarkably creates a truly exhilarating alien world that the viewer gets to go for a ride in.
  10. Just because you fall so easily for tired cliches that have been used for decades of film doesn't make you a "real fucking man." If anything it makes you very inexperienced when it comes to cinema. I recommend watching more movies so you can spot such blatant emotion grabbing ploys. Real emotional scenes should never be that blatant and archetypal in a film.
  11. Would be no more ridiculous than someone crying at that cliched "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK I'll never let go" melodramatic mess.
  12. Well it's a lot more entertaining and enjoyable to watch than Titanic, that's for sure.
  13. 1) Will Men Black make more than 5 mill from midnights? No 2) Will MIB have an opening day of more than 25 mill? Yes 3) Will MIB make at least 35 mill more than The Avengers does? No 4) Will MIB double the gross of Avengers? No 5) Will any film increase on Sunday? Yes 6) Will any film increase by more than 55% on Saturday? Yes 7) Will MIB have an opening 3 day weekend of more than 150 mill WW? Only Sunday estimates will count. Yes 8) Will MIB's worst grossing day of the 4 day weekend be higher than Chernobyl Diaries 4 day total? Yes 9) Will Chernobyl Diaries gross more than Battleship and Dictator combined? No 10) Will Dark Shadows drop less than 20% (so this means, will DS's 4 day drop be less than 20% compared to it's previous weekends 3 day number)? No 11) Will Best Exotic Marigold Hotel have an increase (same scenario as number 10...4 day to 3 day)? Yes 12) Will What to Expect When You're Expecting have a Saturday increase of more than 45%? No 13) Will The Avengers best day be within 10 mill of MIB's worst day? Yes 10/13 2000 11/13 3000 12/13 5000 13/13 8000 Bonus 1: What will MIB3 gross for the 4 day? 76.855 Bonus 2: What will the combined 4 day gross of Dark Shadows, Battleship and THG be? 27.303 Bonus 3: What will be the best combined increase for Fri and Saturday, % wise. So if you think Battleship will have a 220% increase Friday and a 75% increase Saturday, you would put 295% as your answer. If this is the highest total increase % wise, added up, then you get the points. 423% Three best answers gets points: 4000 3000 2000 What films finish in slots: 4 Dictator 5 Chernobyl 6 Marigold 10 Think Like a Man 3000 each. Good luck all!
  14. I don't have Bourne or BS in mine. Do have DS and Rock of Ages though. Really wishing I would've swapped DS for Bourne now.
  15. I wonder what's gonna be the 12th movie in the top 12 with both DS and BS missing it? I guess probably Bourne or Expendables even though there's not much time in August for them to gross.
  16. Oh lord Noctis. Because clearly I said EVERY male in existence dislikes it.
  17. BTW Noctis if you're gonna quote me, at least do it right. I said it's "well liked but not loved among older females". You left out the well liked part.
  18. Ah smug imbued in every word! How do you manage it? It's really almost an art! Anyways I'd rather complain to you bud.
  19. Lol, Titanic IS disliked at the very least among young males, you're blind if you can't see that. I don't think despised is much of a stretch either. It's not a whole lot better among older males either. The movie in general has no "beloved" reputation among guys, believe me. Young females may like it a little better than indifferent, but my guess is most would lean more towards indifferent.
  20. It simply mean I'd rather you not quote me in any way shape or form in your sig since you've seen so fit to insult me for no reason in the past. What's so ridiculous about that?
  21. Ugh, Noctis you're not deserving of my words in your sig? You taint them with your smugness.
  22. Well where are they? If it's the most beloved film of all time in my years as a movie buff associating with other movie buffs statistics are that I should have run into quite a few people by now that cite it as their favorite or at the very least bring it up in discussions. Why haven't I? Where are they hiding? Apparently on this board!
  23. Exactly. Noctis is downright out of his mind if he thinks it's one of the most beloved films today. I've NEVER in my entire life heard anyone say it's one of their favorite films, and I;m being entirely serious. Not one person, one time. Who are these people among who it's so beloved?
  24. I think you'd be batshit crazy to think that the majority wouldn't say ROTK. Provided you're asking people that have seen both of course. I've never in my whole life come across one person who's seen both that could honestly look you in the eye and say Titanic is the better film of the two. How could you even say that with a straight face?
  25. Yeah, as they clearly show by awarding it such high scores all the time on movie sites and constantly winning public movie polls and rushing out to see the re-release in droves...oh wait.Today Titanic is well liked but not loved among older females, indifferent to younger females, indifferent to older males, and despised by young males. Hardly a "beloved" film overall.
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