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Posts posted by FTF

  1. So what the hell do SONY do with the TASM franchise now?The only positive things I heard about both installments was the chemistry between Emma and Andrew

    which is now gone due to Gwen Stacy's death

    and the franchise is dropping in ticket sales and interest with each new installment.

    The only thing they need to do is cut back the budget and marketing to non stupid levels ($175m and $100m respectively instead of $225m and $190m) and try a few new writers to increase the quality of the next film. TASM2 is still going to make $750m ww, and I don't see that dropping with the sinister six angle they're going with the third one.Oh and great opening for neighbors.
  2. Captain 2 dropped 57% with great WOM. ASM2 has mixed wom at best. 60% is the floor imo.

    Cap2's 57% drop is the biggest reason I don't think this can drop better than 60% or so. Spidey does have a much bigger potential audience though, but that gets cancelled out by it's ok to mixed wom, vs Cap2's very good wom. 61.5% drop is my guess.
    • Like 1
  3. Nothing comes out next summer. It going to be so boring. Nothing looks good so far expect for Pixar and Ant-Man. 


    …doesn't TA2 come out next "summer"? Or do you mean nothing else after that is really exciting in the summer.

    • Like 2
  4. I'll explain this a bit more: there's a girl in the musical I have a thing for, and as far as I know, she's single. Tonight at the dance, my date ditched me an hour into it... and so did her's. We danced and it was fun and I thought I finally had a chance with someone who might actually have interest in me too; like I felt the chemistry in the air.But the rumor I heard is that her prom date and her are talking, AKA starting to go out. Which I hope isn't true and I'm investigating. My mental/emotional health can't afford being really romantically interested in a taken girl for the second time in a row.

    Holy shit to be 18 again...fu<k you lolIf either of you are going away to college don't even bother anyway man.
    • Like 1
  5. You were a naysayer back then... FTF...No doubt about it... And Im not a pure illogical fanboy like you..Even BKB who loves marvel more than most and Neo and Mulder are saying this is a flop.

    You must be seeing things from other Dimension to try and spin it otherwise. I do agree with what you and FTF said between DVD and TV deals it wont be a huge loss like other blockbusters, and it may even post a small profit.

    Enough to continue with Webb and Andrew as the leads ......We will see.

    Posted Image

    Kal, you're losing it man. What back then are you talking about? How am I an illogical fanboy? How am I spinning anything? You agree with what I and I said? Just stop it before you go any more crazy.

  6. Amen Alfred FTF would get laughed at in debate we would have amongst BO peers at still spinning SM2 reboot as a success..LOLHes a true fanboy of Spidey. You and I we are fanboys too, but logic is logic.. Its the same logic why I won when folks were saying there is no way Avatar could do my high end numbers..lolAnd guess what, James Cameron is going to wipe the floor with naysayers again with the sequel . :)

    Please stop making shit up Kal and putting words in my mouth.
    • Like 1
  7. Going by the 2x2 profit Tele.. All dependings on if the costs were 430 or 550M.. Do a google search.. Some are saying SM2 cost over 500+M lol

    Are you sure, I read it cost $650m and it needed to do Titanic numbers just to break even!
    • Like 2
  8. Kal, that's absolute nonsense. C'mon.

    It's always nonsense. The worst part is I assume he knows what he writes is nonsense. It's like some crazy self created movie propaganda machine he can't control anymore. SM3's $334m is basically $400m, TASM2 needs to make $950m or more to turn a profit, Disney gets HV money (have no idea where he pulled that one from) and on and on.
    • Like 2
  9. Not true , SM3 faced tons of competition FTF or it would have made 380-400+M... I see you missed the above. SM3 also raped your SM1 reboot on HV BO and in every market without 3D..So hell no on SM3 was universally hated...Sorry nearly 400M with big films hitting your 2nd,3rd, 4th legs and over 13 million copies on HV domestically alone is not universally hated(disappointing for SM's usualy huge HV BO , but sorry SM2 reboot is the worst of them all)

    No one spews nonsense and made up numbers better than you Kal. Plus TASM2 will make about $700m ww, which may be under expectations, but is far from a flop.
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