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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Good point.. So there goes the bs hate theory for SM3. Its also did decent on HV.. Folks were really upset around the world at rebooting and losing the great one :aka TM and Rami from doing a SM4. :'( Still with this Andrew guy bringing the name of Spidey to the trashcan....Tobey and Raimi may live let again!!!!!!

    Please, SM3 is disliked by most fans and it has as mentioned (outside of Twilight) the worst multiplier of all time for a huge blockbuster movie.
    • Like 1
  2. I need to rewatch TASM sometime. Probably drag a friend over to view it before going to see TASM2 a second time. Based on comments from others, it looks like I need to see it in 3D.

    I thought the swinging shots through the city in 3D were really awesome. May be worth it just for that if you're a visual/sfx person.
    • Like 1
  3. I liked TASM 1 but it is kind of sad that this seems to be worse than that one. IT really should have been better

    I think it's better...there's just so much contrasting options about both movies that there is no consensus and views on both movies are all over the place.
    • Like 1
  4. I am kind of chuckling reading all of these complaints about the movie. I feel like I want you to defend it because I enjoyed it so much more than you guys but at the same time I'm loving this because this is how I felt about the first one. So this is KARMA. FUCK YOU SONY for such a shit first movie. Your sins will be atoned for with this movie.

    lol man I think you have some crazy view of TASM floating around in your head that keeps getting worse over time and now it's like turned into The Happening or something. TASM is fine and not that terrible at all :lol: In regards to paying for past mistakes...I don't think Spider-man has fully recovered from SM3's hate from fans yet. TASM had definite mixed wom, but SM3 hate seems way more harsh still.
    • Like 1
  5. Correct, that's my point. TDK dropped over 50% in July but would have been sub-50% if it came out in early May with smaller weekdays. The weekend number is inflated in early May due to much smaller weekdays, yet SM3 still dropped over 60% even with zero competition.


    Yup, SM3 (not counting the Twilight movies) pretty much has the worst multiplier of all-time for a huge blockbuster movie:



  6. This happens to me in the summer every year.  Before summer, I have like 2000 posts from October to April.  From middle of April till about Labour Day, I have about 3000-5000 posts.


    Ha yeah, I'm the same. I always sort of hibernate during the winter months and return for the summer movie season.

    • Like 2
  7. Don't you guys ever get bored with the same god damn argument going on in this thread?, its so tedious. :rolleyes:

    Seriously, this is the worst thread in this whole forum. And Kal and BKB (and Neo) arguing back and forth for months (and what will be years) about the same thing and regurgitating the same points over and over again is embarrassing levels of ridiculous. I come in here to try and catch up on what's going on with the Avatar sequels and want to burn my eyes out and nuke my brain because of them and their endless walls of text and nonsense posts.
    • Like 3
  8. Boooo!Oh well, it'll underperform at the box office due to very mixed wom from the first movie. It's better than the first and a good movie at least, but like many other better sequels, it'll pay and drop because of the first.$85m-ish ow incoming.

  9. The opening sequence reeled me in right away. It felt much different than the last film right away. The first film was sloppy, stupid and really felt rushed and it seemed like they didn't care about anything except getting it out. But the pace, the direction, music, action and the acting felt different in the opening 10 minutes.

    Spider-man's first appearance in the film felt all wrong and at this point I began to wonder if it was going to be like the first film all over again. But after 10 minutes of cringe-worthy stuff, it got really good again.

    Jamie Foxx was my favourite performance. He had a difficult task. Max/Electro didn't start off to be a good character and his reasons for hating Spidey are really sudden and dumb, but again, once I got over that, he was terrific and his story line was well done.

    Stone was great. Garfield much better than last time. Field was wonderful and DeHaan was good too.

    Cooper's story as Norman was bad and rushed.

    The relationship between Peter and Gwen was really well done.

    The big spoiler that isn't a spoiler anymore, hit me. I actually got somber when it happened. I was shocked at how many moments were (pardon the pun) electric.

    I think they had the smarts this time to tell their own story, not rehash one from 10 years ago and that made the difference.

    I didn't love it, but I liked it a lot and I'll see it again.


    Posted in main spidey thread but figured deserves posting again here:

    See this is why Baumer is great...he's always honest in his reviews, even if all thought he'd hate on this no matter what, he liked it and is honest about. No agenda, just Baumer.

    Also, I totally agree with him, just got back from seeing it in imax 3d and it was pretty damn good. The swinging shots and following spidey through the city in the beginning were amazing (npi) and I was hooked from the start. Peter/Gwen were also great. Yes there are some cheesy/campy parts and dumb lines, etc. but I liked this more than the first and am now really surpirsed it's rt rating is so much lower than the first. 8/10 from me as well (trying to be a spoiler free as possible, perhaps I'll elaborate later). I'll also definitely catch it again in theaters.

    Oh, and even though I knew (or expected) the "big moment" it was still a complete gut punch and got me a little choked up.

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  10. 11.9M puts Cap2 on pace for 40-42M for the weekend depending on whether or not it gets a kiddie bump today seeing how it is directly competing for that bump with Rio2.I think the 14M being projected by BO.com was never happening, opening the thread with that number led to expectations getting out of hand.


    There was an over $50m second weekend club since the beginning of the week, expectations were out of hand way before the start of this thread lol

  11. Well in his defense Captain America 2 would have had a shot at 400mil if May didnt have Godzilla and Xmen and Spidey.. :)Still I think he might still be able to get 290-300+Mil if the fans come back on the weekend and days dont drop. Thats pretty incredible considering Cap is just now becoming a top tier SH franchise Tele buddy. I also hope your on the Godzilla will be a monster at the Boxoffice and challenge some mighty big films this year.

    Kal giving a in his defense line for a BKB prediction is like OJ Simpson being a character witness for the Aaron Hernandez defense team.
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