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Posts posted by FTF

  1. The LOTR films (on the whole) remind me of the first Jurassic park in the sense of the cgi has stood the test of time. The Hobbit films will probably look terrible in 10 years time, they also suffer from the horrid 'Crystall Skull' shooting in a studio look to its sets, its the lighting.


    This is true because, like JP, the original trilogy used so many practical effects and those will always stand the test of time over whatever cgi and computer effects were used 10+ years prior.  I only mean the cgi and computer effects of the original trilogy look dated, not the overall effects and look of the movie, which still has a great feel and atmosphere, etc.

  2. I'm not talking from an artistic standpoint, or which effects/movie you like better, etc.  But from a purely technically standpoint, the sfx/cgi in the 2 hobbit movies are leaps and bounds better than those in the LOTR trilogy.


    Also, WB is a bit too optimistic with that Sun drop, but ow will still start with a 7 so it saves some face.  OS total will still be over $700m so it'll push $950-$1b ww total and be a huge hit, albeit a "boring" one as those who do not like LOTR/TH will say.

    • Like 2
  3. Decent holds for both CF and Frozen IMOSo today in film theory I learned four things:1. Frozen is a Pixar film and ever since Pixar was bought about Disney, Disney hasn't done any of its own animation. (I actually corrected my teacher on this one.)2. Thor: The Dark World is overperforming. Marvel expected 150M total gross.3. Spirited Away wouldn't have won the Oscar if it weren't for Disney.4. Philomena is currently playing in more theaters than Catching Fire.

    You should get your money back.
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  4. Every time something like this happens it dampens the mood, at least for me. I was planning on watching Catching Fire tonight but after hearing about Paul Walkers' death I just lost the energy or eagerness to go. Honestly BO numbers and all that don't matter right now. We lost an entertainer at a very young age and one of the key characters in one of the most popular film franchises of this era. RIP Paul Walker :(

    Yup, reminds me (somewhat) of last year when I got home from TDKR midnight and couldn't wait to talk about it and the midnight #s and then the story of the shootings started and it changed everything :( This is similar mood changing :(
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