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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. I wouldn't think so. He only envied him for his wife, I think. But it's possible.
  2. NCIS is just a beast still, going into Season 11, and its audience hasn't dropped off by much at all.
  3. Oh, I saw set pics on Robin's twitter and was assuming they were filming now.
  4. I'm interested in seeing a trailer for "The Crazy Ones." The David E. Kelley written comedy starring Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar. But I think they are just now starting to film anything past the pilot.
  5. I dunno. Every female I know loved the first one and also love Chris Pine.
  6. What I'm happy about is that ABC will be airing Once Upon A Time, Revenge and Scandal in two 12 episode blocks. As opposed to one new episode, 3 weeks off, two new episodes, a week off, etc. I think that absolutely killed OUAT and Revenge's ratings this season.
  7. Well I'm sure the dragons will play some kind of a part in defeating the Others in the end. Dany & the other two heads of the dragon. Whomever they may be.
  8. Yeah, that'd be okay. But people will still be like "I thought she was taking that huge army & dragons to Westeros!!!" like those of us who read it thought.
  9. Yeah... too bad this is the start of Dany being infuriatingly STUPID. Unsullied viewers are expecting her to continue to be badass and maybe head towards Westeros soon. But nope. She decides to sit on her ass twiddling her thumbs in Meereen and lusting over Daario for way too long. They better shorten that in the show or people will be pissed.
  10. My immediate reaction was the latter. Because Jeyne didn't even go to the Twins in the book.
  11. I wonder if they have Bran et al get to Queenscrown tonight. Cuz they have to get there a bit before Jon & the Wildlings do.
  12. I hope they reveal who Boy is (to Unsullied viewers) tonight. They're getting a bit frustrated at the Theon storyline going nowhere.
  13. Yes, but it's a fantasy. Magic doesn't necessarily come from a God. You're taking it way too seriously.
  14. Maybe so, but so far in the books no one is sure if it's just sorcerer tricks/illusions or not.
  15. There are lots of Gods in the GoT world. R'hllor (Red God), the Seven ("new Gods"... mostly in Southern half of Westeros), the Old Gods (Weirwood trees/Godswood are used, mostly Northern Westeros), then many places in Essos have their own Gods (i.e. Dothraki, the Summer Isles, etc.) They all think their own Gods are the true Gods, we don't really know if any of them are real or if it's all just magic.
  16. A fictitious God on a fantasy TV show. Mmkay. Guess it's telling everyone to believe in dragons & dead ice beings too.I'm sorry but your friend is an idiot.
  17. No need to be snippy about it, lady. Just err on the side of caution when it comes to discussing future events on the show.
  18. I don't think an episode can be considered "filler" if the story moved forward in it, and it was advanced quite a bit.
  19. I don't know if this is already in here or not, but either way:
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