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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. i liked it , even better that i was not exactly weirded out by the chemistry between george clooney and that little girl , she's good heck they're both good !! to pull that off a fine line threading, at one moment i told myself aren't you suppose to be creeped out by the vibes these two characters are portraying , she being a robot hasnt aged and him having been kicked out has aged quite a lot (maybe the fact she's a robot lolll) but i felt he was portraying the kiddie love between 11 yrs old kids its not sexual ya know its innocent and sweet ! brie robertson was surprisingly not annoying even though her character's importance was a tad sketchy but eh like i said a fun movie and i like the environmental message in it , its true we're too cynical ! points for clooney being a film that might make money !
  2. tomorrowland was actually good , it wasnt as saccharine as disney films in that genre can be ! an environmental message gift wrapped in clooney goodiness ; marriage seems to agree with him hmmm! i saw it tonight just got back from the cinema !
  3. i'm sick ! you know me ever the hopeful which is counterproductive in GoT lollll it had a good moment sansa telling theon no to taking his hand thus ensuring he gets punish by ramsey ! but yeah for some reason i kept hoping the cavalry and by cavalry i mean littlefinger he left her there after all but i was also hoping stannis would pop in interrupting the wedding with an assault on winterfell , you'd think i'd know better by now That said I have to agree i'm a tad underwhelmed by Dorne depiction so far , frankly i think its a mistake growing myrcella that much or even having her talk and be all lovey dovey with Dorne heir, also they shouldn't have cut out so many dorne characters feels like we've been shortchanged and i have vague memory of Dorne prince having meattier? dialogue with his daughter ariane? and these sandsnake chicks whose stunts were a bit meh heck i even miss joffrey , i mean tommen is sweet but what a pup pfff!!!! I agree with grdma highgarden tywin is sorely missed , he was an epic evil bastard but stupid he was not ! i don't dislike them i just don't feel like we got to know them , for sure we accuse GRRM of stalling and meandering in the books but ehhh i agree lets see where this is going but for now all this has done so far is make me want to reread the books ! i did enjoy jorah and tyrion continuing on the road adventures , loving arya and jaquar its strange too because there still is so much crazyness to look forward too but with all the messing around with timeline and plots dunno if its going to pay off the same as in the books the good thing is the show is only 10 episodes so they can always rectify for next season if things don't pan out !
  4. yeah its been ho-hum by GoT standards ! i hope the straying from the book & cutting of plots has a point down the river but for me letdown was tyrion seeing the dragon , that poster had me thinking something more dramatic like drogon rising from under the water right in front of the book and recognizing mormont ! run jorah your queen needs you she is surrounded by strangers ! i feel like they should be focusing more on dorne , plus i really thought we'd see bran this episode !
  5. Chilling at Starbucks with a moccha grande waiting for next film to start ! I just watched a movie with Kate Winslet and alan rickman "les jardins du roi" about the gardens construction at versailles its rickman first film in a while since being busy with HP films it was great a reunion of sort for the actors since sense and sensibility and now I'm going to see another reunion kevin kline and Kristin Thomas Scott since life as a house later box office debbie downers!!!
  6. Calling it now star wars will be an galactic box office flop and mockinjay pt 2 will easily beat it so yeah MJ2 over SW7
  7. Off to the cinema not sure yet what I'll watch but see if I can squeeze in 2 or 3 movies
  8. you know what this is ? a case of rich people problem !!!! a poor man would look at avengers 1st weekend and 2nd weekend numbers and be like why aren't they celebrating and over the moon???!!!! rich man tells him well the difference between you and me is i think in billions of $ whereas you think in 1$ bills and coins !
  9. i'm back AoU was fun, crowd really loving THOR then i had grand idea of going to watch some lame drama with james franco "everything will be fine" nearly fell asleep , a movie is a dud when you can notice that not even the editor can save the film and make something of the director choppy skills if i am asking myself where the heck this is going and what is the relevance of this or that character or scene ? then the editor must have been wondering then trying his best to fit whatever the director was trying to infuse in his movie!
  10. ooh its the apocalypse in here !!! welll i'm off for my 3rd round with the hottest group of superheroes while you complain about numbers!
  11. your spoiler was a hoot with my audiences both times !!! so no fight ??! what a soufflé!
  12. oh shit episode 4 that's all i'm gonna say ! and that's a wrap people for my late night marathon session of episode 1-4 of GoT season 5 !
  13. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll margaery and tommen
  14. lol Drogon be like just came to holla mom! ok ok you saw me ! don't touch me i'm a big boy now ! ciao be seeing ya ! DID you see the size of him whaaaat !!!! hmmm sam pulled a smooth one on john !! see people reading isn't an iddle occupation for idle minds!!! ok episode 3 now , episode 4 plays this sunday right ?
  15. lol episode 1 of season 5 why i hardly recognize that young lannister tyrion was terrorizing a while back ! tyrion and lord varys unlikely companions on the road !
  16. watching game of thrones season 5 finally , i feel like its ok to catch up now that we're catching up in real time with leaked episodes ! also watched episode 9 and 10 of season 4 to refresh my memory , its after midnight i should go to sleep but nope ! its funny how i got a tad emotional watching the last episode though , arya , the hound and brienne of tarth fight , tyrion bloody exit from king's landing etccc
  17. so 85 huh? great number even though not the one expected by many on here! so no record bummmer i hope it gets A record this weekend , will be too sad! seems we'll have to wait for king james cameron for a splash to happen again !!!
  18. so no 100M$ OD , too bad would have made for great ad pitch on tv , "go quick to see the first 100M$ OD movie of all time" oh well lets hope its still beats the OD record though!
  19. well fuck i'm out of likes ! like i can't remember the last time that happened to me ! boy that was a tense finally , while they're chatting around a fire rick is doing the dirty work he's good at and then he shows up with his prize and puts that convo kaboom , he's like " you fine folk can keep on whining all y'a want , let me know when you can do the same ! " love his the world ain't kumbaya , carebear lets hug it out bs anymore ! lol its like they finally snapped out of whatever marijuana induced pleasantville dream they had going !!! you can also look at it another way and say its rick group that attract trouble like bees to a honey , or as he says they're luck just keeps going because now they have rick's group there to defend them! morgan ninja skills lolllll, rick better watch out he might find affinity with another weapon wielder michonne ! so happy glenn didnt bite it but i guess its to show these guys have been to hell and back , they're frigging survivors esp when the odds aren't in their favors , still he should have killed that moron ! hope he won't have to regret it a third time! i want some daryl and carol love shacking next season come on! esp if they mean to kill one or the other let them have a season of loving !!! oh michonne and rick too they were tots checking eah other out in their cops outfits ! we haven't had anything since glenn and maggy met , lol they were funny as shit on that farm , looking for condoms etc feels like forever! well fuck i'm out of likes ! like i can't remember the last time that happened to me ! boy that was a tense finally , while they're chatting around a fire rick is doing the dirty work he's good at and then he shows up with his prize and puts that convo kaboom , he's like " you fine folk can keep on whining all y'a want , let me know when you can do the same ! " love his the world ain't kumbaya , carebear lets hug it out bs anymore ! lol its like they finally snapped out of whatever marijuana induced pleasantville dream they had going !!! you can also look at it another way and say its rick group that attract trouble like bees to a honey , or as he says they're luck just keeps going because now they have rick's group there to defend them! morgan ninja skills lolllll, rick better watch out he might find affinity with another weapon wielder michonne ! so happy glenn didnt bite it but i guess its to show these guys have been to hell and back , they're frigging survivors esp when the odds aren't in their favors , still he should have killed that moron ! hope he won't have to regret it a third time! i want some daryl and carol love shacking next season come on! esp if they mean to kill one or the other let them have a season of loving !!! oh michonne and rick too they were tots checking eah other out in their cops outfits ! we haven't had anything since glenn and maggy met , lol they were funny as shit on that farm , looking for condoms etc feels like forever!
  20. glenn they do say no good deed goes unpunished!! ya shoulda kill him when you had the chance glenn! tsk tsk....weasel like that are like hyenas always biting the hand that's nice to them carol i fucking loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee her to death!!!! she's too much !!!!! damn i thought daryll was a goner for sure and it would have been such a lame death! i hope glenn isnt dead what a lame way to go if he died from that gun shot wound! that priest is such a lame duck !!! say why is he still alive????
  21. CAROL and that kid lollll how the fuck did these people survive for so long ? is there such a thing as sheer dumb luck for that long !!!!! or such cowardice !!! there's gotta be a catch , i mean for real they act all scaredy cat around the zombie its a complete mystery to me how they've stayed alive so long whereas our group has had to learn the hard way !!! shit people dying dying dying , oh boy is glenn next ?
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