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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. fifty wouldn't be happy seeing deadline give it up so soon , he's all about prolonging the release numbers !
  2. I didn't realise the novel was a work of non-fiction if it presented itself as such then bdsm associations would be in their right to sue the shot out of her As for the bdsm community I find it hilarious given their practices that they're offended,if I was bothered I could say same criticism about them it's the pot calling the kettle black As for last sentence I don't recall an instance where he gives her a rape drug ,or any other kind or have her drink more than a glass or two of wine that would put her in a situation where her judgement was impaired in any way ,the guy is a control freak he doesn't want her drinking alcohol or doing drugs,wants her to sleep 8hrs workout 4 times a week,eat 3 meals a day most of these she argues against but they come to compromise Really makes me wonder what amount of 'reading was done to base these comments on You know what read the book for yourself then decide how much you agree or disagree with what other people say online ! When I see criticism is true I say as much . Yes he's a control freak yes he comes off abusive and can be , no one is bothering to find out about the man behind the monster,no one cares to see the point is an what happens when a person like him meets someone like Ana who forces him to question a lifestyle he had no reason to before as 15 subs before her had no problems with his rules Can things work out for the best or is the relationship doomed and always was ,is he irreparably damaged ,should she run for the hills and denounce him on national tv? That is whole point of storytelling A to Z Ps: it's ok to say writing is shifty but as sole creator of her as story she has right to tell her fictional story how she pleases frankly I don't know reality of bdsm practices and I don't care either the whole thing is a bit obscure and way too kinky for me. It's like let's focus on this place all the blame there so no one pays attention to real issues that have been around way before this book came to the author imagination
  3. google is creepy sometimes i read that article and now i have ads on facebook asking me to join christian groups wtf moving on ...a few weeks ago it was muslims ads here and on facebook lol
  4. i was going to say huh but took time to read the article and stop about here ah-ha! a christian oriented article And Christians should care about this—more than just disliking the book for its R-rated content, we should also practice empathy and fight for the women that have been affected by abusive relationships. the more i read and hear , i'm starting to get where these people arguments are coming from even though i disagree completely , i also realized depending on your stance before even reading the books you're going to go into it with a fix point of view on the character of christian grey the whole point of the title is that he is fifty shades of fucked up something wich he says himself , he sets out to bring her into his dark world and she tries to bring him into her light , be a normal boyfriend which is something he's never conceptualized its a tug of war and will between them , yep the concept is messed up and yes one might say its a long standing misguided notion that women believe they can reform or transform a bad boy from guy you fuck to guy you present to your parents and get married with , the whole point of the fanfic was that it was an AU alternate universe not this one , like the twilight zone episodes and believed me there are some pretty twisted twilight AU fanfics out there, heck harry potter is another one dear me ! if one isnt willing to understand where both characters come from and only focus on the present situation then how can one see beyond that and have hope for redemption or downfall within the story boundaries of course , no point in reading the story then ! ehhh i gotta go , real life calls can't spend all day talking about fifty and his evil ways ....and how he single-handedly spearheaded abuse is ok
  5. yeah the movie got quite a few laugh in my showing , you know what i just realized dakota johnson is melanie griffith and don johnson child , hmmm i can see the ressemblance to her father for sure , the eyes in particular ... wonder how that convo went? mom and dad i'm playing the lead in an erotic movie where my boobies will be prominently on display , ha ha ha parents : what's your paycheck , be careful honey i hope your agent does a good job and gets you bigger roles after this , hollywood loves a splashy entrance !
  6. cool for fifty whipping that box office record up! so what's the OW record for march and is any film going to beat it ? AS beat january (not sure actually thought i read that though) FSOG beat february's who's next ? i'm not even a hardcore fan of the novel , it was a fun read overall but nothing worth getting that upset over , nevermind the film that is a PG13 version of the book lol frankly i find saying this book sends a wrong message to women or is a bad influence is kinda insulting to a woman's intelligence to assume that she would think this is reality , the norm what men expect bla bla bla like for real and is incapable of making up her own mind or having standards that aren't moved /shifted by exteriors circumstances , like saying incestuous scenes in GOT will make all females want to do the same or grow up thinking that's normal pfffff shit not even harlequins are reality , or fairytales for that matter and those two culprits have done way more harm to little girls all over the world than one tiny "badly written book " could ever do!
  7. surely they can find 2-3 million somewhere so it breaks the february record no? be a shame to miss out on it over that little amount
  8. its the ending ethan ...kinda leave you hanging for more i know i exclaimed "waiiit what don't tell me that the end ... " then i smiled and heard the clapping from the middle section of the cinema , everybody walked out after in good humor and chatting away
  9. ethan you should have said 30+ women , it would have been more reasonable an age bracket frankly while i went to buy my ticket i heard some women talking , these two were saying its not a good film to watch subject awful bla bla bla then when i was in line for the movie a group of younger women around 17-20 yrs were all giggling then one got a call and she's like hey we're in line hurry up and hanged up , they had one guy with them and he was going i can't believe i let you girls drag me to this and one girl said don't worry you'll like it giggling yet again basically like it or not , disappointed about some things or not everybody is talking about the movie ! that's good news for universal no?
  10. My audience clapped at the end the movie is just fine haters gonna hate yada yada its really a romance with a kinky twist if you're GA looking for something a little different from usual valentine fare you'll enjoy it then again it's clearly not everyone's cup of tea lol Kinda like mr grey who's into kinky sex but tries vanilla sex because of miss steele no need to get one's panties in a twist over it
  11. movie was hot hot hot for the first hr then it kinda fizzle when it goes from an illicit affair with a hot sexy latino to a person suffering from sex addiction and humping any walking penis , granted the black actor tyrese something is very hot too but you kinda get idea she would have downgrading to a sad male prostitute at some point ! i left my island just as this movie came out and i'm glad coz i don't know how i would have been able to come out after with ushers watching me knowing what i had seen , still good preparation for fifty shades of grey steamy scenes lets just say uhhh i give the film a B but my body gave it an A ! i mean helloooooo william levy is sex personified ,his lips gahhh his lips ok ok i'm going off track mamma mia pero este hombre es un pedacito de amor , da ganas de chuparse los dedos y mas , dichosos los ojos y labios ! gracias a su madre por el regalo al mundo ok back to the movie , this is her husband played by boris kodjoe , who would cheat on him , that gal was crazy but william levy would make a saint damned herself lol but then she cheats on her lover with this dude she picks up in a club , hot sex club with a stranger its hard being a woman !
  12. i'm actually surprised at the reception for JA in america at box office, the movie was good and i enjoyed it better than interstellar ! maybe i'm not that picky with my space type movies , i bought into their explanation for their world , its not that farfetched , i mean in gotg you have a talking racoon and a tree and genetic modifications is rampant , so i just went with the flow here too , i know some people were mocking tatum look but i think it was reasonable giving gotg reception to hope for something similar ! anyhoo mila kunis looked gorgeous in her different designs ! my viewing was packed...
  13. first huge shocker for me GOTG all the way down to 9!!!!! WTF WTF i didnt put birdman on my list , a big thing for me in picking movies for that list was the odds of me rewatching said movie , birdman i've watched it and feel no interest in rewatching it , it isnt bad just doesnt cut it for me on the rewatchable factor yep amazing amy deserves to be in the top 10 ,no complain here everything is indeed awesome go LEGO MOVIE your legacy will go on xmen:dofp made it without my contribution whiplash is such a creepy movie about verbal psychological abuse budapest hotel still haven't seen it and dont feel any urgent rush to do so either frankly what you did with mockingjay was unneccessary and hurtful to its fans i wrote this thinking it had made the list : mockingjay pt 1 YES , this movie made me change my tune on the hunger games series and read the trilogy finally at breakneck speed so 2015 wouldnt find me still reading it so yeah the movie was that good! haven't seen boyhood yet and not in a rush to see it either Zzzzz can't believe i stayed up reading pages to find out the top 10 list well this list ended on a burp pff sorry but i think i'll skip this next year , waste of my time but par for the course as such things as lists are always very subjective and my taste rarely aligned with that of the majority here so that's that for perspective ! goodnight , 2 hrs of sleep i won't get back now
  14. lol i tots forgot about godzilla , guess it didnt leave a lasting memory ! yeah 22 jump street def had more heart than one would expect plus that end credit dude! i'll check out chef , i had heard of this at one point but then it disappeared off my radar aka i forgot to keep an alert on for that one ! under the skin , inherent vice on my oscar potential backlog , getting there .... disappointed to see the imitation game so low , still its on the list guess, my cumberbaby is awesomee lmao i remember reading about the baby in american sniper here but had no clue what you guys were going on about thanks grimm for locating the clip legolas is hot nuff said! locke also on backlog pfff no belle, divergent or transcendence in the top 10 or top 20 for shame!! eh i debated on whether to put edge of tomorrow on my list also realized i forgot to add xmen dofp on it
  15. BELLE is the most beautiful movie i've seen in 2014, teared up and watched it again that same day i've since watched it a couple times more , just an amazing script and acting all around ! a shame the lead actress didnt get a best actress nom , it would have been a very well deserved nomination.... don't remember how i heard of it but i usually keep an eye out for period films esp if british , i think its nice to have a movie about an aspect of slavery rarely shown in films and from another country ! slavery wasn't only a thing in america , great britain was also a big part of the trade! i think i have an affinity for the unusual slavery story , one reason i loved 12YAS it was unusual a free black man being put into slavery and his plight to get back that freedom !
  16. ok grimm22 here's my list , i'm so sleepy but i fought my sleepy eyelids to write this down , still haven't seen a couple of films like boyhood, inherent vice, into the woods, wild , still alice, love is strange, unbroken, big eyes, wild 1-belle 2-guardians of the galaxy 3-the fault in our stars 4-hunger game mockingjay part 1 5-hobbit 3 6-the imitation game 7-vampire academy 8-gone girl 9-divergent 10-st vincent 11-captain america tws 12-the lego movie 13-maleficent 14-lucy 15-transcendence 16-american sniper 17-men women children 18-the theory of everything 19-dear white people 20- 22 jump street 21- nightcrawler
  17. Don't hate on the queen she's flawless So I have boyhood and Budapest hotel to watch and then I'm done with best pics I'm ok nominees
  18. I've now seen all nominees my order of preference Cumberbaby Blue eyes Cooper Old school batman Red my name is Redstone Yule tide carell
  19. i do ! i got an emotional connection out of the imitation game so that movie did something right but at any rate that's a very subjective stance , individualistic at that... like i said it probably has to do with fact that MLK is a very well known historical figure who did a lot for the civil rights of blacks movement , people might not know all the details but they've heard of the cliff notes version at some point in their lives whereas alan turing is an unsung hero and his collaborators i don't know if its right to compare these two majors events in human history , the only difference is one couldnt be hidden no matter how much the fbi seem to wanna dust him under the rug (amazing feat of free will by the way) and the other effectively was hidden in the name of national security and left to be scorned into an horrible ending kinda reminds me of Snape in harry potter , hated or disliked for most of the series until you find out otherwise , dies a horrible death and if not for the pensieve no one would know what he had done , what he had sacrifice for the cause and so harry rightly restores his name and dignity to their world i don't disagree though that the film should have been more present in the awards circuit different noms , its a shame for sure ! by the way did anyone else get a vibe that the fbi or cia were killing people off,hoover give off vibe he was saying to the president if you want me to whack him it can be arrange ? .
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