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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. every studio is doing their own things , they don't all cater to same public or expectations so not sure your thread title is accurate , there's enough space for al the studios to come and play
  2. best actress for queen meryl , in supporting i guess since it focuses on mulligan ? they should give 6 spots to best actress /supporting actress category so queen meryl can have an honorary spot reserved for her greatness every year should she have a role up for contention !
  3. yeah i just saw that , unbelievable just when it was finally hitting its stride!
  4. this episode alone needs a few rewatch , that convo was everything got me doing some serious thinking!
  5. i'm a fan of cw shows deal with it ! barry was too cute and cringeworthy this episode omg lol , poor iris jeeze barry let the girl come to the same conclusion on her own time
  6. by the way what is grindr lol , this felt like that fight a guy has with his wife about the dishes but any woman will tell you it was never about the dishes !
  7. my head my heart my feels ! i think i got an hangover from that kevin and patrick discussion/fight and what it means moving forward ! i feel like one minute we were in la la land where everything was rainbows and kisses and now shit got super real REAL fast ! i found myself arguing with the episode , pausing trying to absorb bits of the long arse convo they had , i'm a libra i can easily weigh where each person is coming from! this was some deep reflective shit going down , man i feel like i got hit with a 1 ton weight on the head , i guess honeymoon phase is even shorter at gaysville lol i hope this isnt the end of the series , these two need to hash it out some more and find a compromise , they owe it to themselves and the love they have for each other !
  8. ehh i'm finding this boring , another cop show with a twist kinda like forever on cbs i thought zombie falling in love with a girl was lol but a zombie working as an MD in a morgue i guess i was expecting a zombie moaning and eating brain in a messy way !
  9. i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this showwwwww but now i don't know what i'll do with myself , this show give me viewers feels , last year it was true detective giving me that sweet new vibe ,on the upside won't have long to wait game of thrones coming back to claim its reign i spent the entire episode like this "wait ...what ?!!!....Bwahahahahahahaha" i thought cookie in lucious room was the highlight but then i got my catfight gurrrrrrlllll that was long time coming , people calling it the cookie punch , its going to be a pop culture reference that shit was too funny!!! i was screaming "fight fight fight" lmaoooo
  10. love barry and iris together awwwww i don't mind linda but ehh she's fodder plus i don't really get like she's heartbroken either , she kinda knew what was up with iris from the get go ..last night only confirmed that harrison wells i know he's shady heck he's evil but he's also delicious , i can't help how i feel even after he killed cisco , its hopeless! i keep hoping he'll turn a new leaf and save barry in the end ! poor cisco awesome acting there with dr wells ! thought caitlin would spill the beans to dr wells but she held her nerve somewhat , i kinda expected wells robot to send him discreet message about what cisco was up to ya know , i guess i sometimes overestimate dr wells deviousness so after this episode i'm so confuse and not exactly about time travelling but who is the baddie , dr wells or eddie , they've kept us shifting on one or the other foot all season on dr wells identity that i can't believe he killed barry's mom , didnt joe prove it wasnt him gahhh
  11. love barry and iris together awwwww i don't mind linda but ehh she's fodder plus i don't really get like she's heartbroken either , she kinda knew what was up with iris from the get go ..last night only confirmed that harrison wells i know he's shady heck he's evil but he's also delicious , i can't help how i feel even after he killed cisco , its hopeless! i keep hoping he'll turn a new leaf and save barry in the end ! poor cisco awesome acting there with dr wells ! thought caitlin would spill the beans to dr wells but she held her nerve somewhat , i kinda expected wells robot to send him discreet message about what cisco was up to ya know , i guess i sometimes overestimate dr wells deviousness so after this episode i'm so confuse and not exactly about time travelling but who is the baddie , dr wells or eddie , they've kept us shifting on one or the other foot all season on dr wells identity that i can't believe he killed barry's mom , didnt joe prove it wasnt him gahhh
  12. good episode and i gotta say loving the song choices! patrick and kevin make me want to gush and i try to refrain from doing that here, i go on tumblr for that dom missing doris , shit happens when your not the only dude in your bestie's life! augustine needs to grow a pair , i dont see that guy putting up with his bs very long speaking about that i kinda figured a fat guy wouldnt be that hung lolll i'm curious about dom lollllll, i want them to all go frontal lol
  13. that damn cookie y'all , Empire can have all my viewing cookies i get where boo boo kitty is coming from but she got kick out of the house faster than it takes a ferrari to go from 0 to 200 miles lollll seriously though andre dude he was owning his scenes too ,the elevator was another top notch display of the family love they have for each other ! i'm kinda sad how fast jamal seems to have moved on from his latino bf lucious as delusional as ever , that guy has bigger pb than ALS he's got big douchery syndrome with a particular virulent strain of heartless
  14. omg i loved the ending of this episode , i ship kevin and patrick so hard chemistry is chemistry people , a fangirl knows the real deal when she sees it kkkkk the episode was really good too as they focused during this breather episode on other characters after patrick party fiasco ,everyone viewers included needed some space , time to reflect , meanwhile apparently shit went down off screen in san francisco but i hope next episode talks about and shows us what happened back there ! i don't care right now coz i'm fangirling lol but the time for explanations needs to happen !
  15. yes they were an amazing duo on fringe , he played in two of my favourite scifi series , lucky me!
  16. cookie is slaying y'all !!!!!! each week i'm laughing my ass off, she's killing me! Damn right and she's hustling like a pro , every week i want more and she gives it lmaoooooo
  17. gonna go to AD can't bother to go through pages of arguing , colour me shocked though that boyhood lost in both top category given it was touted as unbeatable
  18. for those of you watching the awards i saw this on fb , have fun with it first time i don't care to watch the oscars at all , benedict is not winning and i don't particularly care either way about other categories, i'll read the condense version in the morning , no sense going through the false will they won't they win when you don't have a horse in the race pff night night
  19. Dont you just love when a movie is just a top notch grade A entertainment all around? this is what you get with this film absolute fun ride , my hubby colin firth just oozes classiness that church scene was breathtaking my oh kept going crescendo thats quite the feat to get me to feel awful at the mass murder going on feel bad for colin's character and simultaneously rooting for him to make it out alive because you realize its not his fault and they're all gonna die anyway his spy kills might as well be of use I loved samuel Jackson in this you could tell he was having a ball filming this nothing beats that feeling you get when u can tell an actor is really into his role becoz if he's having a blast odds are audience will too mark strong was good too, egerton as the young gun I was a bit ehh at first but I guess he cleans up well during his training and passed approval in his suit I didn't have any problem with the accents but I spent a yr in England so my ears are attuned now even though it took me a sec to adapt but got that out of the way with egerton and firth first scenes the head explosions had entire audience laughing , I think I enjoyed most fact that there were consequences to this villain plot and those who followed him I also loved the fact we got to see the plan go into effect despite a glitch due to heroes intervention even though in the end they succeed in foiling his doomsday plan I would love to know what happened in that world in the aftermath how to explain all the deaths of celebs and world government in the same manner, how and why everyone went berserk and killed people randomly Would kingsman be able to hide this event like others before ?
  20. kingsman was awesome , great ride , omg that tarentinoesque scene i was catching my breath after my babe colin was so impeccable guy is aging like fine wine , i gotta give kudos to visual effects team and the stunt team for making the cast esp him look good and agile lolll colin jr was cute , oh that princess ...ooh the ninja girl it was good fun my crowd loved it , so many good quotes too " manners maketh man" too true! did the intro remind anyone of team america ?
  21. ok peeps later then i have a date with my dream hubby! (see avatar) grey might be all cool for a weekend kink but colin is the guy you bring home to the parents and marry !
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