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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. and by the time China realizes its shit , it will be gold again in USA round and round and round we go
  2. so its finally decided on i'm hitchhiking with the guardians of the galaxy wednesday evening , 3 more days grrrr
  3. on one hand i sorta get it but on the other i don't know how people can live like that , if i had to stop to check if there are black people in a film and as what character i'd be censuring myself from great movies and stories don't get me wrong as a black female i'm always happy to see black actresses doing well and having lead roles in cinema or tv but its not a requisite for me to enjoy the medium , of course i'm not american so i have a different experience with that ! hollywood is all about the dough , lets not kid ourselves they go where the money is ..no sentimentality involved !
  4. Warhorse, on 03 Aug 2014 - 1:19 PM, said: hmmm i'll have to get back to you on that when i see GoTG
  5. oh please let it be ....i'll watch anything with him in it except that pseudo doc he did i was like “I don't know you anymore! Anakin Joaquin, you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow!” Luckily he snapped out of that and went back to his usual brooding self
  6. why are they always in such a rush to give a weekend number ? its hardly 11am and they're already deciding how the rest of day will play out pffffffff i'd understand if they did it around 3/4pm
  7. lucy, scarlett is in it, she's black widow in MCU , you keep the connection going and its a marvel weekend by association
  8. ep 4 was pretty good , def finding out more stuff i wonder if they're going to also not cool zapping ethan like that , he's just a kid!
  9. oh my i'm going to love this , you just name two of my fav scifi shows ever (like in my top 5) sooo no meltdown because it did 37 instead of 40?
  10. night everyone, hope OD numbers are crazy high !!! all weekend audience be like i'll dream i fangirl my way to the theatre to see it somehow kkkk
  11. i'm worried i'll run out of likes before i make it to the last page , started reading an hour ago (on page 18 now) damn i don't think i'll be able to contain myself, i might have to ask a benevolent family member to buy me a ticket to go see the film this weekend .... until i see it , i'll be unconsolable and with all the crazy buzz and the weekend thread promising to be a fun ride !
  12. I wish this had been on HBO then we'd get to see the ken-isation of rocker dude in all its epic gruesome gloryAs for the vamp dude damn are they all going to lose parts of themselves he doesn't seem to have a nose or ears or throat , not the kind of evolution you liken to vamps .I too am glad that the scientists finally know what's going , that hobbit knows he got in bed with the devil lolllll kkkkMaybe next episode them and old dude can finally have a non-cryptic conversation now that they're all on the same page sorta Can't believe CDC boss is such a moron wrapped in admistrative BS , was he even a doctor before ? That's he's that out of touch with what his role should be in the preventing/containing of disease businessI sure jumped at the end though , lmao
  13. 2014 wolf of wall street non-stop divergent captain america godzilla xmen:dofp amazing spiderman 2 the fault in our stars maleficent edge of tomorrow transformers 4 wanted to see apes but its only in 3D which is strange because weekend i saw transformers it had 2D and 3D ! i chose tf4 thinking apes came out that weekend i'd have time to see it in 2D and now i'm wondering if i might not get to see this afterall, i guess we'll see
  14. Russel crowe is a good-looking guy even as he gets old Well it wasn't the worse film I've seen in the genre so eh whatever , I feel he used the time well even if film is long its not TF4 long I think I still prefer the more classic approach to bible stories , I did go to catechism once upon a time , too much liberties That said it does say a dan aronofsky film not bible documentary plus it wasn't too preachy as the more conventional films are Personally I'm sure pym? Will bump into survivors lol we're like cockroaches and rats when water comes they always find high ground or die trying like on titanic kkkkI think I read once that maybe the flood did happen but was biblical only in noah's mind as in maybe the area where he was didn't suffer a great flood but maybe up north since it was ice age still ok ok I'm chatting crap can't remember rest of article
  15. Damn I really thought he was going to murder the babiesI was saying do it quick before she opens her eyes and ensnares you with her nascent evil vagenda kkkkkWait he forgave his father for trying to murder his kids And so the 2nd son fate begins as everything belongs to 1st son who gets dibs on the girl, land , father etc , off to wander and roam Aw shucks really nice convo emma and noah , motherhood made her an oracle and conveyor of godly wisdom
  16. I tots called she'd pop out 2 ha ha ha. And girls to boot , this gets better and better !
  17. Kid helping the traitor ...Eh like all of men plans , there is always something that goes awry lol without fail Noah wife being comprehensive even though he shattered their kids dream kkkkk Baumer I tots get you saying that kid the 2nd son doesn't know his mind What the ffff they have herbal pregnancy test ha ha ha ha Noah needs to take a chill pillLife will always find a way Damn see what I always say us women from forever we're blame for everything under the sun yet its men who make war
  18. I'm watching this ...The talking rocks , where do you go from there Then all the magically appearing stuff , damn I guess the world really was built in 6 days at that rate The director of photography certainly had fun or is that cinematographyI'm at noah and ila convo about her being barren aww Is it me or ther sky seems weird stars during the day ? I can def see aronofsky touch in this , he went a little I don't know moulin rouge , romeo and juliet splashy biblical version naturally lol Poor kids they'll stay virgins ha ha ha
  19. So yeah I finally decided to watch NOAH Kkkk 25 minute in I'll say this much the presentation is rather originalWalking talking rocks Noah and family seems to be vegetarians kkkk
  20. Yesterday I watched "Sabotage"Mehh Day before that "neighbours" which was actually pretty funny but was a bit miffed by ending as I wanted frat boys to win and not the adult couple Thinking of watching "the other woman" tonight ehh dunno might read fanfic instead
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