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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. eh i still have my lifetime shows drop dead diva and devious maids but yeah i know what you mean nothing to do (have a desperate housewives vibe to them, tots fluff ) i'm waiting for boardwalk empire new season but that's in the fall, and i stil haven't watch the previous season s4 yet right now i'm waiting for continuum and orphan black to be over so i can watch , i find it hard if the first way i see a show is marathon style then i can't get into the week to week format so i rather wait just rewatched game of thrones s4 finale again (think its the 4th time today), it really is poignant , feels like a turning point no going back for many characters , on to the next chapter of their lives for better or worst
  2. true blood isnt bad , its like drinking a shot , you have to swallow it whole in one go and its really good that way , but if you're sipping it like someone who still hasnt gotten the hang of how to do shot , you're in for some mouth gymnastic as the taste leaves to be desire at some point i just embrace the campiness ! and i wait till the season is over and watch the entire show in one go or over 2 days at most marathon style !
  3. i just saw a tweet about coldhands and realize i tots zoned off him lolllll ,for 5 seconds i envy non-readers lol hopefully they introduced him later ...any news on whether the actor who played him is coming back ?
  4. he must be quite the unsullied then because i found it in character with the tyrion of the show at his trial jaime tells him stay quiet and accept your sentence but seeing shae there and what she said makes him deviate fromn the plan but then we wouldnt have gotten "i want trial by combat" here he's got an easy way out but nope he can't just do that he has to go see daddy first and confront him one last time ,i don't know what he was planning or if he had anything planned but once again seeing shae in his father's bed calling tywin her lion makes him see blue and off the rails eh goes again if people still don't get the complex and complicated relationship tyrion has with his father by now , i dont know what to say indeed
  5. personally i'm just glad i missed out on all the wait pre ADWD, but now alas i feel the pain of waiting and waiting but at least i'm more on the end side of the waiting than at the beginning i wonder what is his work routine , does he sit down every day morning or afternoon or night and write for 4 hrs minimum , what is he doing that is taking so long , sometimes i feel like he doesnt even do that for weeks it would seem i'd rather hear he's finished a 1st draft but is not happy and is rewriting a good chunk of it !
  6. i frigging loved this episode!!!!! what a season finale !! OMG i was alternating between repeating OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT and then clapping , lol i clapped a lot i think the fact i read the books only once , its been a while so for me , details are fuzzy enough i can enjoy the episodes ,its only when i read spoilers that i remember oh yes that's what actually happened the changes and omission so far aren't that bad to point where i can't see pass any disappointment i might feel , i truly enjoyed the episode, i was in such a good mood then i come here and read some comments and i'm like oh not everyone is high-fiving each other over a super cool finale i kinda went with the flow , yes i notice a certain character omission in tyrion/jaime convo but seriously if you haven't read the book , you're not going to miss it , plus i feel the only reason one would be pissed about that is because they know what's going to happen later on based on that but again that was in the book , we can't presume to know what's going to happen in the show already , what would be the point of watching then? i like that they keep us on our toes by making slight changes here and there so even book readers have doubt as to how things are going to play out Rewatching the episode again coz like duh the excitement was too much the first time around i have to say they got me good on that north scene by the tree with bran jojen etc , i was thinking they're by the tree they're going to go in , but waiiiit a minute wasnt there a zombie attack just before and i'm all ready to chunk it down to another scenario change when BAM BAM BAM they pop out of the gound and grab jojen i jumped and screamed my heart was pounding so hard lollll and then i laughed and clapped , basically my reaction all episode -not sad about jojen like i said i'm pretty easy going with the flow and accepting that book and show are like alternate realities of same story 90% the same but 10% room left for variation -bran and 3eyeRaven , cool cool cool ...i'm cool with them not trying to shove too much in one episode ! -damn podric and his good memory of people faces lol brienne and the hound fight woah CLAP , can i just say this is the fight i expected from oberyn and the mountain length wise and intensity but i guess here it makes more sense as B and hound are more even-matched , they weren't holding back any punches -happy father's day to you TYWIN LANNISTER his kids really screwed him figuratively and literally punched him to the gut -cersei and jaime woahh ...wait a minute i need a breather , damn cersei using her vagenda ,chica is cunning poor jaime still falling for it -jon scenes at the wall , hey i teared up a bit seeing him having to burn ygritte , his speech with mance great ! stannis conquering hero scene done well ! once again though i see renly point even though stannis is the righful king per the law in KL nobody cares for him , the guy just doesnt elicit that emotion in people who don't know him , but he did do right by the wall by helping so there's that ! -does that pseudo maester truly believe he can save the mountain or is that just him wanting a guinea pig to experiment on ? can't remember - oh danaerys how you miss having ser jorah to balance out what counsel you get boo, i was sad for her having to chain her babies , i like that she did it by herself , but lol at drogon knowing better than to stay close to mommy when she mad, like a kid when they've done something wrong they stay clear of their parents lol -season 5 for the wall is going to be great , about time they got more of the spotlight where the plot is concerned and loved that things are moving east on the chessboard -ARYA she's like my favourite character , so i loved that the show last scene was with her, she's finally moving on up to the east side , valar morghulis indeed!!! there she was trying once more to get to family , only family she has left when destiny comes sailing by and she's riped for the taking after all the shit she's been through my little warrior is like fuck this scene i'm getting out of dodge ! bravely going where no stark has , gal might not be going north but she has winter in her heart brrrrr -cheered for tyrion ,loved the way that entire scene played out from moment he decides to go see his father tip toeing toward the bed, and when he said sorry i said but of course you are mini-boo! family was a big theme this episode , parents and kids relationship , siblings ..nobody does it like game of thrones! ha ha ha special mention to varys who didnt need any little birdies to tell him shit had hit the fan and it was going to get ugly and uglier !!! special mention 2 , who when they saw the waterfall thought we were going to see somebody badass as last scene, yeah yeah i heard so much it was going to be included that yeah i was like but but i was ok with it , gotta keep something for next season plus seeing as how they're busy blowing up stuff right now elsewhere perhaps shooting schedule conflicted or maybe they decided to cut it out after the fact, TPTB do stuff like that all the time on every show i love this show ,"fires" burning all over the place in every corner of the realm ha ha ha a loss for season 4 no doubt but a gain for s5 and something to look forward too !
  7. damn a good thing i didnt read any of this before i saw the film lol went to see a 4.40pm showing this afternoon, got bored with football today i loved it , i'm not going to lie and say movie was perfect technically because i'd be lying, the CGI was dubious in some scenes the fairies were laughable , at one point the narrator said something like these fairies weren't really good at their job and i burst out "you think???!!!" when angie shush them i laughed , their scenes were funny because they were so clueless aurora was better off with maleficent and clearly as a smal kid she knew better ha ha ha , the amount of time she haul out of that dodgy house and they were none the wiser aurora was ok , i like the depiction of her they decided on , i'm glad of the choices she made , even after she learns who maleficent is , the heart doesnt lie , she had a bond with her ! OMG prince phillip dunno what he was doing there at any point , wish maleficent had dropped him in some hole somewhere or sent him on his merry way home but ehh she's a softy deep down stefan was cruel, i felt so bad when he ripped her wings away after drugging her , he's the real villain here , she trusted him she was innocent ! his guilt is what was eating at him not concern over his daughter or wife pfff ANGELINA JOLIE is just amazing in this role, those cheeks those horns, that smile , that laugh , her eyes flawless someone said there wasnt a lot of dialogue but i find she conveyed a lot through her expressions and actions this movie was about Maleficent not sleeping beauty per se so i don't know why anyone would complained they changed too much go rewatch sleeping beauty then or wait for the reboot she was just amazing to watch , and i enjoyed this new take on the character , reminds me of EVER AFTER another fav of mine where they retell cinderella story basing it on "facts" as oppose to a fairy tale with magic in it it goes to the point where they say as stories pass through the centuries details changed and the version most recent still might have essential truth in it but not all the truth so that's all they do here give you a possible version of what might have actually happened instead of the story that villifies a misunderstood character i was tots empathising with Maleficent the entire film , but then again i'm a fan for life of La Jolie and think she's perfect for the role , def in my top films of the year so far , i'd have to say this is my pacific rim of this year so far , i was thoroughly entertain and yeah i teared up at the end , if you go with the flow of the story , how can you not feel for maleficent as you watch this and root for her redemption as she tries to save aurora and she's the one who wakes her up , i really loved their relationship from the start to the end i was saying YES YES YES when aurora said she was going to live with her forever and then got grim when she met phillip and i'm like no no no here comes distraction , and she'll forget all about mal and her promise and break her heart again , and then she'll truly become evil if another person hurts her like stefan did by breaking her trust but phew it wasn't going in that direction def liked that the ladies were independant in this one , have no idea about frozen comparison as i have yet to watch that but the whole switcheroo on true love kiss was also in SWATH film nevermind OUAT (tv) on ABC ... i'm glad i watched this !!! one thing though i was surprised at the crowd there for this ,it was still afternoon it was full up to 80% percent , i missed the trailers and maybe 2mn of the film (came in as she was on a cliff and saw the king army coming) so here i am thinking i'll have my pick of seat since its afternoon , only the first 5 rows were empty , luckily i found a seat two rows from the back even more funny there were more adults than kids , but lots of mom with kids ! very quiet kids too apart from laughs here and there due to a scene, i didnt hear any crying , no one got up to pee 10 times ,kids were clearly into the film ! last time i saw a film with a near 100% audience in the afternoon was for the kings speech but that crowd was skewing heavy on the oldies lol , i felt like a toddler lol so yeah an all around good movie experience combo ! def getting the dvd when this comes out !
  8. i wish you guys would stop talking negatively about kristen stewart but since that's unlikely i'll leave the thread ! time for me to start prepping lunch anyway
  10. this is too funny can't believe the season is already over !!! whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. for a planet that got nuclear wasted ,there sure seem to be a lot of survivors , and i'm not even talking about those who were in space on the ark so these mountains dude have high tech???? why didnt they contact the ark all these years why didnt they help the 100 upon arrival?? is this going to turn out to be an experiment by the umbrella corporation ?? coz that place sure looks like the hive , is all i'm saying!!! so while this batch has moved on to sophomore year , there are new newbies freshman class : the adults edition poor chancelor last man in space but i was conflicted because i was like no desmond cannot die! octavia is off to live the grand life with her tarzan swoon! oh finn yep best not to get attached to anyone , i think i'll wait till season 2 is over before watching , i'd rather know right away rather than week to week who else gets the boot!
  12. 2014 wolf of wall street non-stop divergent captain america godzilla xmen:dofp amazing spiderman 2 the fault in our stars maleficent i really need to want to see a film on the big screen to fork over $$ otherwise its other method of viewing still lots of film so far for me ... next up maleficent and edge of tomorrow but not sure if it will happen , i'm waiting to see if they put edge in 2D cause right now its only in 3D and heck no i'm not paying extra ! i figure maleficent ain't going anywhere as its kid oriented
  13. jeez GRRM you don't need to be a douche about it and leave ol' willy out of it he's written the best love stories ever ok
  14. zulu 2013 had no clue what it was about except orlando bloom was in it and dear me what a performance , also starring forest whitaker and set in south africa , some dialogue went over my head as they spoke something not english to give film local colour i guess 2nd film i've seen set in south africa after district 9 , it certainly is different , only when you see a film not set somewhere you're use to do you realize there's a richness out there for visuals not explored by conventional action films
  15. it was a great episode action was off the wall lol !! i love what happens on the wall personally as jon is a fav of mine the attack was well done and coordinated on both side, plus A+ to the director on how he filmed the battle , the scene was constantly busy with fights all over the place wildings and crows dying left and right ! when that anchor thingy grazed the wall and cut the wildings climbing i cheered woohoo i love how jon was assertive and took command and no one blinked an eye , goes to show they see him already as a natural leader then you had the crow in the tunnel say but he's not lord commander and the other guy swatted his opinion off like a fly basically saying not yet but for all intents and purpose we're following his orders aw jon and ygritte maybe he still knows nothing but he did know love awww thanks to her i had forgotten the attack by mance takes place over successive waves , at one point i was wondering where is mance btw frankly it was nice that the spotlight was square on the wall with no kings landing mention! KL is like the navel of the show which people focus too much on when the big picture is at the wall and beyond , its because the wall is there that those in KL can keep on bickering , that's one reason i love chapters where sam is reading stuff or maester aemon is recounting history his or that of the wall episode 10 is shaping up to be a barn burner !
  16. thanks just came back home! i'm beat now to watch rafael nadal try to win his 14th tennis grand slam and 9th rolland-garros at the french open
  17. well goodnight u crazies gotta get up at 4am , start time for walk-a-thon is 5am !
  18. strolling around doesnt require the same effort from lungs as going up and down stairs plus she's dying , she had good days and bad days where her lungs , at one point she tells her lungs to behave themselves for a few days so she can travel to amsterdam , that made me laugh and sober up at same time , who hasnt talked to their body and said the same thing i hadnt read a walk to remember before seeing the movie , lucky for me i saw it on tv at home because omg here i was thinking i was watching a cute teen movie young love bad guy /nice girl bla bla when bam they hit you with the bad news i was bawling like a baby , i hadnt cried like that since titanic , my eyes were red and puffy for the rest of the afternoon , i was like noooooo its so unfair whyyyyy, hate the world for a few days after that , esp low lives gangsters, terrorists etc how do these people live long lives and sweet people like these characters get their hearts ripped out like that when a love like that should be allowed to prosper and bloom and bring more happiness into the world , the things you feel when you're young ! not that i don't feel them but time takes care of that too and you lose the veneer of adolescent innocence @baumer sorry about your mom
  19. ooh u did not just hate on scarjo i'd lucy you if i had time but i have to go grocery shopping , get stuff for smoothie making , i have a 10 miles walkathon tomorrow morning at 5 am oh didnt see pass you saying she sucked at least you liked her in CA2 so i guess we're ok lol , gifs are still funny as hell
  20. i like that they didnt go overboard with the sappiness , i mean it could have been like some films that are really heavy on the pathos and for a film about cancer patients that's a nice feat ! because just like in the book its not about the cancer but about the relationship of these two beautiful people who share a moment that lasts a lifetime but here's the quote from the book that says it so much better than i could its a beautiful sentiment ! and it applies to friendships also , its about people leaving an indelible mark on you ,however long their presence in your life was
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