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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. So monuments men was good ! I liked it might seem a bit futile their mission at 1st glance but I like that there was a group within the war effort that thought something else was equally worth saving
  2. Ok decided to watch "monuments men"10mn in not bad, don't think its possible to dislike a film by george clooney's ratpack
  3. The other night I started watching MUD but a minute in ,I get an alert on my phone that a fanfiction story was updated so I read it but then that got me in the mood to read another fic and I never got back to watching the movie lol Wow I haven't watched id4 in ages ok maybe 2 yrs ago , last time I saw it on french tv probably was around this time RTH is YSL any good and which one did u watch I know there were 2 being released around same time As for right now just watched vampire academy for the 6th time,I was doing laundry and I kind of have my fav films I'll rewatch to keep me company while doing chores or cooking / ironing stuff
  4. If I really like a movie I have no problem rewatching it at a minimum of twice a year Right now I just rewatched vampire academy for the 6th time now , we're in honeymoon phase I'm also reading the book series its based on for the 2nd time nearly done on book 4/5 But that's a special case where going from movies to books and back again keeps me in a special fog Kinda like when you wear out a cd from listening to it on a loop A movie I've seen a lot and I mean a lot is clueless , easily 4 times a year if not more there aint a thing about it I dislike Also star trek films I'll watch all 12 throughout the year (love me some TNG cast)Special nod about my fav films I have them on different formats dvd , file for my laptop and books (physical) / pdf or kindle if film based on one !
  5. I feel awful I've yet to watch season 4 and season 5 will be starting sometime in september So yeah running out of time ha ha ha then again I only got around earlier this year to watching previous season of trueblood couple months before this current one started lol Hopefully get to watching it before july is up ha ha ha
  6. Having a nice treat tonight just watched first 6 episodes of Orphan Black season 2 and there's 4 episodes left !Dilemna go to sleep or keep on watching ? Hmmm its already 1am Some shows are just made for marathon style !
  7. hey community is alive again the dream of #sixseasonandamovie lives on
  8. pilot left me scratching my head , i have absolutely no clue what's going on not bored but def puzzled but imagine my surprise to see liv tyler in this just for that i'll keep watching and hope it gets better i was at the celebs who were abducted , poor pope too lol i think they got beamed up by scotty it was pretty scary to hear the numbers of people who disappeared esp in china yikes and still that amounts to only 2% of the world population i'll say this though the young actors seem better than "under the dome" teens kkkkkkk
  9. well i finished watching the rest of continuum season 3 all 7 episodes i've also finished "the mindy project" season 2 today i watched the last 4 episodes of "bones" season 9 which i hadnt had time since tv season ended started checking out a new show on TNT "the last ship" its not bad! only 2 episodes aired so far i also checked out " the leftovers" that one left me scratching my head
  10. "Transcendence" last night and "don jon" tonight , posted in their rtm thread
  11. Gave this an A not because I'm passionate about it but because it was weirdly interesting and out there not your typical topic in a movie And yeah it felt more genuine than many a romcom but I won't sneeze on them they serve a purpose just like romance novels but like everything in moderation There was a time where I was addicted to romance novels then I overdose and had to go to book rehab and try other genres and admit awful truth real life isn't a romance novel since then I'm jaded and a happy cynic Ok back on topic Scarlett character wow , at first I thought she was a good girl but then damn as she strung him along I was like dude she is playing you like a fiddle , the master player we think only guys do that but woman can to, gf had her endgame in sight , had she been more subtle she could have pull it off the whole shebang kids house a better job for him lolHer schtick got old real quick just like that gum she kept chewing no matter what she was doing sighhhI gotta say I was expecting her to turn out to be his fantasy girl from porn lore who did whatever he wants however , the girl was high maintenance and at end just any other girl 2nd thing I didn't expect them to get back together per se but the whole time he had that coffee encounter with her near the end I kept thinking what are you waiting for , tell her why you watched the porn tell her you how you wanted to have sex , how else will he know what she was willing to budge on but he never did Truth neither loved each other because neithere cared enough to actually make effort of getting to know each other , accept shortcomings and communicate out/in the bedroom His family , I was happy to see tony danza and in shape like that wow , you never know with older actors letting themselves go him and who's the boss chick should do a sequel or a diff movie but together they had crazy chemistry in that show The mom a number how she puts up with that husband of hers but mostly the sister , I know exactly how she felt how the fuck did I end up in this noisy ass family but somehow she just rolls with it and when she finally talks she is all wisdom female recognising a female shark for what she is lolJulianne moore tots saw the mrs robinson angle coming its a trope young guys get with an older woman for a time who deepens their sexual education from the surface scratching knowledge they get from wikiporn and then shoos them out of the nest into the brave new world I like the end he's not looking for a happy end rainbow and all that shit, he's more than ok with a happy right now and that's ok tooThey're both getting something out of it Really interesting topic I have to say I've read a report that says kids today think internet porn is the norm now and it has skewed their perception of sex and expectations and how to approach it Thinking about either watching another film or read for a bit before going to bed hmm we'll see
  12. I watched this last night and I loved it , ok not all of it but the essential idea of transcendence made me give it an A I think the characters love story was sweet! Not a fan of paul bettany character or that chick from house of cards or any of the other characters I love the idea of an AI , I like intelligent characters like that who can really usher in change , and make a positive impact on the real world To be honest I was sad some dumb ass terrorists poisoned and murdered him , a brilliant man with so much potential for all humanity Its like imagining someone murdering einstein or any other great figure of science So yeah I was ok with them transfering his consciousness to the AI , did I think it was going to work no but it was cool and I hate how paul bettany is all I'm getting out of dodge then, when before he helped all the way.Had he stayed I'm sure he could have help instead he goes all stockholm syndrome and leads the terrorists who killed his friend wtf Plus I love that he was all protective of her as an AI, got her off the grid so they could build his new place coz he needed more powerAnd I loved the place he built , they had a good thing going, he did it all for her The amazing technological breaks he did because of the state of art processors that enable him to achieve things Now don't get me wrong the whole robot thing of controlling people wasn't cool but it seems like a natural extension , this guy loved his wife and wanted to give her someone to touch , so maybe all these things weren't shot in the best way but I loved the sentiment as I did in HER , it seems natural that a sentient intelligence that is self-aware and super smart would want to achieve what would seem the ultimate goal become flesh, he wanted to come back and be with her the same way she didn't want to let him go and die and so uploaded his brain Maybe I watched this film wrong and should have found it awful but I didn't I was rooted for him and I didn't understand why they wanted to kill him , they never tried to understand him or work with him How easy would it have been to say hey dude let's compromise no turning humans into bots and we let you live and work with you at healing the planet and all sickness. So yeah in that sense the movie lost me I was just sad at how gun-ho they were , the guy wasn't hijacking planes and cars trains to explode crash and kill millions like I read in robopocalypse I believe he could have been reasoned with eventually but they never gave him the benefit of the doubt , they didn't give the world a chance to decide if his contributions were worth his existence So now all humanity went "revolution" lifestyle pff regression instead of evolution How long before same thing happens The concept of progress is in our dna , we can't help it or else we'd still be chasing our food and sleeping in caves , we're always striving to be better think better live better!That's why I couldn't stand those hippie terrorists Feels like I wrote a dissertation ha ha ha so anyway that was my 2 cents going against the majority hereNow to find don jon thread just finished watching that right now and I'm speechless lol
  13. phew what a world cup day!!! not a tought for cinema lol so what's up !! i'm thinking of going to see TLAM2 tomorrow , or do i wait another week (it has 2 screens very popular here ) TF4 is here but only in 3D so yeahh that will wait , i'm in no hurry to see it ,not even sure i want to but hey should be ok
  14. so i just binged through s1 of this , love it and it has me constantly lmao mindy is a serial dater! she and danny are too funny together , they love annoying each other ha ha ha, i love the other characters too s2 here i come!
  15. well i just watched the last episode of season 1 of the mindy project , can't believe i've ignored this show for so long but its normal, the only comedy i've watched in recent years was psych on USA and that's cable network wise i haven't watched a comedy since FRIENDS on NBC so def s2 this weekend !
  16. angie and brad they pick good project so it ought to be worth a look , maybe they get some friends to play in it for the love of acting and free buffet! OT: all i want to hear is leornardo di caprio and kate winslet getting married , but i'll make do with them doing another film they work so well together on screen , some actors just have it , another for me is tom hanks and meg ryan)
  17. the way they underused ginny character in harry potter and didnt develloped her relationship with harry the way it is in the book i had no clue how bad it was until i read the books a couple months before DHII trinity dying in the matrix revolution! i get upset just thinking about it even now.. its late i need to think some more
  18. everything is awesome!!!!! its the film secret weapon someone will start singing the song and make people vote for it and mail it and then its too late ony to realized they'd been kragled
  19. i remember i was shocked to see LS alive ! they wouldnt deprive the tv viewers of that now would they but i have no problem with them witholding that news until its relevant tv wise
  20. watched first 6 episodes of the mindy project last night, its so funny i decided to start watching after checking out a fan video on youtube of their best moments i was laughing so much i had to see more , hopefully i'm done with s1 and 2 by end of weekend , we'll see , between real life world cup and tennis might not happen !
  21. angels in america , yeah need to rewatch that ! that was one of the first movie about gays i had seen, the only other would be philadelphia at the time , ha ha still remember my eyes going watching la mala educacion by almodovar , i've since seen a few films , the more you know , the more its demistyfied ...
  22. cool , i'm up to episode 6 now will try to finish at some point this week , once i saw i flied through those 6 in one night , i decided to wait because there was still 2 more episodes to air , now that they've aired i can marathon the rest how are you liking season 3 so far
  23. jandrew , you must be totally pineapple expressing when writing this , its crazy its like GoT ep 10 where shit was happening all over the place, some deaths had me when i have time i'll read this from the start , dunno when though ps: i just realized when i signed up it was as lady daenerys snow-stark , but since the show is done i've reverted to my old name , so i'm not sure if i've been mentionned already or not , feel free to keep me as lady daenerys if you want , by the way i was thinking if i haven't been picked yet could i be like the oracle or trinity in the matrix ? basically i don't want to die lol so either as a badass trinity like i survived or as the oracle,type i'm way more knowledgeable than shawn or you kkkkk just throwing ideas your way....
  24. well its not like they haven't kill an american president before ! hard choice being blown up or alzheimized hmm at least one he gets to save millions of people , the other would only be millions of neurones connections dying in his brain poor audrey , i still hope she ditches hubby and shacks up with jack but then she's so proper ughh
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