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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. No love for Disney remakes but this struggling to get even 700m wouldn’t bode well for long term post covid box office.
  2. Ok, but I don’t care about those people and am only speaking for myself. 😀
  3. Rewatched Hercules recently as part of a prolonged D+ marathon. It has its moments but something is definitely… off about it. For a film about ancient gods it really lacks a sense of awe and wonder. It almost reminded me of shrek, despite predating it.
  4. They won’t touch it with a bargepole but Pocahontas would be a good one to redo precisely because you’d have to change so much from the original. A live action remake that would (gulp) threaten to be interesting on its own terms.
  5. It never occurs to me to give a shit about audience scores but I suppose I can see why it’s a useful metric for a box office site. If someone were to maintain a database correlating those scores with eventual money made it would make for an interesting read.
  6. 100m opening strikes me as ok for a movie that many thought would be a dumpster fire. As with all things DCU it’s really hard to gauge overall interest separately from its (let’s face it) often demented online fanbase.
  7. TDKR is bad (Nolan wrote a first draft then said ‘fuck it’, he’d already moved on emotionally) and the Snyder-verse is one of the worst things ever created by a human, but TDK holds up better than just a moment in time. And I think that’s because it’s the only SH movie so far that’s really delved into how a city would react to a supervillain. Very few of them give a shit, even now. Gotham’s hysteria is palpable. Much more than “SH movie but not really,” that’s what makes it feel bigger than the sum of its parts.
  8. I’ve never seen a Wes Anderson’s movie I liked but I’m glad he’s around anyway. There isn’t really anyone making the the kind of films he’s making to that kind of exposure. In today’s industry he’s like water in the desert.
  9. the transformers movies are a testament to how much convincing cgi can help. If they didn’t have that they’d have had nothing, and likely wouldn’t have been as big.
  10. “If a film didn’t have this one crucial element it wouldn’t be as good” has never been a convincing argument. Was used against TDK with the joker, as if his presence was somehow a lucky accident.
  11. Posters popping up over London now. Unsurprisingly Batman is framed far larger than its titular character. A quote from someone I’ve never heard of calling it “one of the greatest superhero movies of all time” adorns the top edge.
  12. It’s now cool to like temple of doom but beyond a blistering first 20 minutes the movie’s a real slog. Being stuck in one gloomy setting for most of the runtime doesn’t suit the strengths of the character at all.
  13. I will never not be baffled that people can get excited for this stuff but it’s certainly a relief that the run of classic animated films Disney can make serious bank from nostalgia alone on is over.
  14. Yes, it’s this in so many words. He gets a lot of shit on here these days, but Red Letter Media’s crystal skull essay is bang on. Indy is not an interesting character: like Bond he is enjoyed vicariously….and most people don’t fantasise about being old.
  15. don’t worry, all 20 of you are wrong. There are great bond films, and that’s assuredly not one of them.
  16. literally every film anyone saw before they were 13 is unironically brilliant.
  17. If Flash isn’t garbage I’m going to have to eat some serious crow. Come on, pre-Gunn DCU, don’t let me down.
  18. PS - after seeing the comparison to No Time To Die I looked up that film’s RT. How in the fuck did that manage 83%?
  19. Between this and the 60m Apple TV development fee that resulted in absolutely nothing she’s certainly made the most from a micro-budget cult tv success. Honestly, hats off to her.
  20. This is usually the part where I smugly post the “I hate being right all the time” gif (if you say a blockbuster will be bad then far more often than not you’re right) but I can’t do that here because I really did think Mangold would pull it off. Sounds like its biggest problem is that it’s just kind of dull.
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