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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Phones in cinemas are fucking annoying but I don’t really blame gen z for being disillusioned with movie theatres. It just isn’t cheap entertainment anymore and the best tv is better quality anyway.
  2. As a Londoner I get this, but… what else could they do? If drivers strike, that’s what happens. And now the government wants to close ticket offices too, because hey, no/one could possibly want to use them. anyway, as for acting - I think the Equity Union is a pretty big deal in the uk but I couldn’t tell you what major work it’s done. No doubt it’ll be following this closely. A lot of American productions seem to film here now.
  3. The actors leaving the London premiere to go on strike is now a headline on the bbc news. It probably wouldn’t have been mentioned at all otherwise.
  4. Kicking myself for not booking ahead with IMAX. The BFI a non-starter for the next few weeks if you have a job.
  5. I’d be surprised if that Atom review account has seen it. Their feed just looks like a bog standard film bot.
  6. Watched Logan again, it still really holds up. I know this is a prequel or whatever so doesn’t change that film’s ending but I’ve no doubt if Jackman’s non-wolverine career was going better he’d have probably thought better of this. The idea that Logan marked not just the end of the character chronologically but the last time we’d see jackman playing him was a powerful one.
  7. I’ve long said a mediocre RT after all this would be objectively hilarious, but at this point I’d be stunned.
  8. It’s like Nolan’s best film, the prestige? Shove it in my veins.
  9. Murmurs of Nolan films being ‘cold’ are usually in the background but the criticism was always very flimsy to me because really he has the opposite problem - being too frenetic and not allowing moments to breathe, like an excited toddler. Works for Dunkirk as a sensory experience but not so much for, say, the lonely desolation of space in Interstellar.
  10. ^ I don’t think they’re complaining. Just stating that, yes, no shit these films are expensive.
  11. Honestly, I think a big chunk people doing the double bill purely because of a runaway meme are going to be bored as hell during Oppenheimer. Not saying that in a judgmental way, just based on early word. Really doesn’t sound like a crowdpleaser (shock horror).
  12. ^ From everything I’m hearing JFK sounds like an increasingly apt comparison. Curious to hear the non-Zimmer soundtrack too.
  13. Was about to say ‘reminds me of Paddington’ and then ‘from the director of Paddington’ came up. Anyway, looks fine. “Wonka’s origin story” is pure Hollywood brain but I’m quite familiar with the city it was filmed in so curious to see what it looks like in this.
  14. There’s no rivalry for box office but I do wonder of the RT wars will get ugly with barbenheimer. Now there’s a sentence that would’ve made zero sense 20 years ago.
  15. Rough trailer. Suggests they don’t really know what the movie is beyond its star, which doesn’t bode well. god bless Scott (I might be the only person in the world who likes Alien Covenant) but I don’t understand why studios keep throwing money at him for these epics.
  16. Next to the absolute onslaught of barbie it’s almost impressive how little this has bothered with a promotional drive. It’s like they thought ‘oh, the ironic internet wants to do our job for us? Go ahead!’
  17. yeah, perhaps my main interest in the movie is seeing how it grapples with this. One person’s feminist reclamation is another’s ‘having your cake and eating it,’ and I’m curious what side I’ll end up on.
  18. It’s not going to be rotten. It’ll either be ‘brilliant’ or ‘brilliant with a couple of qualifiers.’
  19. Probably gonna regret asking this, but why has sound of freedom become a culture war totem? It’s not even like reviews are bad.
  20. nope, don’t remember any of them. I remember hoffman, but the pervading idea that he was some great movie villain is pushing it.
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