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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. makes you wonder if some have drastically lowered their expectations and ended up enjoying it.
  2. Given its director I’m expecting very good reviews, but after all this build up it’d take a heart of stone not to laugh if this landed at, say, 59%.
  3. The mcguffin was awful. I doubt even the writers knew what the hell was going on in that finale.
  4. Is RDJ barely in this? I thought he’d be all over the marketing but there’s hardly been a flicker.
  5. The Batman did fine for a three hour dour-fest with next to no spectacle. But I wouldn’t expect a massive jump for the next one, even/especially if they go with the absolutely shite joker iteration that was teased.
  6. Kubrick overruns on eyes wide shut > cruise has to push back mi2 > Dougray Scott can’t play wolverine > Hugh jackman is the greatest showman
  7. The joker discourse was 20% discourse about the film and 80% discourse about the discourse. It was like the inverse ghostbusters 2016 where instead of critics exaggerating fanboy anger it was fanboys exaggerating critical anger.
  8. This video's about Tenet but it also features the M:I series, which the author is a big fan of. In some ways he's stating the obvious but I think the last 3 M:I films (and I'm assuming the next two) really worked is because they finally understood what the IP's core appeal was:
  9. So... is this new title in some way a nod to Huxley's book or is it just as simple as Captain America: A Clean Slate?
  10. The 'part 1' stuff is irritating but I defy anyone to say they go to these movies for plot outcomes. Maybe when it really is the final movie that aspect will be moderately interesting, but before that it's all just vibes, propulsion and spectacle.
  11. Being rated R is quite a big deal for a Nolan movie these days. Certainly a good way to separate it further from the internet-annointed barbie rivalry.
  12. Forget hit, if this is anything less than a massive smash it’ll be a disappointment. Genuinely can’t think of a meme marketing effort that’s been as successful.
  13. I guarantee this will look better on imax than 95% of cgi heavy blockbusters.
  14. If a blockbuster’s not underperforming I’m probably not interested, but never let it be said that I take sides - marvel, dc, disney, star wars … disappointing numbers from any of them are fine by me. So it’s been a fun few years on here.
  15. Never saw zootopia but the central conceit of using predators and prey to reflect irrational prejudice always seemed odd to me given prey are absolutely correct to be wary of predators.
  16. Honestly, I wouldn’t start giving America a pat on the back just because parts of the rest of the world aren’t so hot on yet another mediocre Disney live action remake.
  17. “We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!” - Hollywood execs
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