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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Feel like this forum is underestimating M:I. Cruise has a newfound aura after Maverick.
  2. So I haven’t followed this at all, but they’re also casting a new Batman and he’ll be in this in some form? Or he’ll be in later movies. Boy, WB really is addicted to him.
  3. She’s as good a choice as any to give it a go but her involvement with the last bond film was massively hyped and we all know what a slog that was. I know she was only hired to polish the script, but…
  4. In my case you have it backwards: I had little interest in the film but amazing reviews may have encouraged me to see it. But they never materialised, and the clips look crap. I think many on this forum operate under the assumption everyone’s constantly going to the cinema, when in reality it’s a time consuming luxury that studios are making increasingly redundant with fast streaming turnarounds. So yes, poor-to-mediocre WOM does have an impact if you’re already quite neutral on the product.
  5. Nothing between a 60-120m opening would surprise me at this point. I know the internet isn’t real life but it’s getting pretty damn close, and it’s been completely captured by this movie.
  6. yes, he’s a man out of time in some ways. He should be on those longform televised interviews from the 60s, sat in a leather swivel chair, cigarette in hand.
  7. Whatever else one can say about Nolan, he's an excellent interviewee. Well, the growth of AI in terms of weapons systems and the problems that it is going to create have been very apparent for a lot of years. Few journalists bothered to write about it. Now that there's a chatbot that can write an article for a local newspaper, suddenly it's a crisis.
  8. A lot of them definitely confuse their excitment to be there/be the first to see it with the movie being good. I'm sure in this case the movie actually is good, but it's definitely annoying when it happens for almost every blockbuster.
  9. totally spot on. From a nostalgia pov I’m patient zero for the Keaton’s Batman, but this did nothing for me. I don’t want to see him in a sea of cgi vomit.
  10. Even the good reviews come with massive qualifiers. This feels like the definition of “catch it on Disney plus in a few months.” But that’s what Disney seems to want anyway. Cinema as streaming content hype
  11. I think it depends on whether they can transition the single joke (“barbie’s world is quite strange when you think about it!”) into a good story. I’d expect the first half to be constant winking and memes but the second half probably needs a bit more weight to it. We’ll see. On the whole I agree that MCU brand of self-aware humour has, to put it charitably, reached its limit. But this feels like something else. I haven’t seen marketing cut through like this in years.
  12. That clip was shite but you’re only allowed to say clips look amazing on this forum or else be accused of not understanding ‘context.’ Anyway, still think the movie will get great reviews. The world feels very ready for some deconstructed bubblegum.
  13. Too little too late. Batman ‘89 was a cultural behemoth 95% of SH movies can only dream of being, but it’s asking too much of old people to still give a shit and pay to see this kind of movie now.
  14. First time I’ve looked at guardians’ global tally - impressive.
  15. Glad the cgi is getting called out. A lot of studios treat special effects like an afterthought (and treat the people who create them similarly) but it matters when it all looks like shit, and it’s currently endemic. Give your artists more time, let them be proud of their product. But you won’t, because the SH conveyor-belt of diminishing returns can’t slow down.
  16. Lol, so I just found out Mufasa is an actual film. This shit’s getting beyond parody.
  17. it wasn’t, but I’ll let you off. And I think it’s naive to think that expectations don’t influence a movie’s reception, though of course we can never know what goes on in a person’s head.
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