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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. This is why folks like Frank Welker and Tara Strong are living gods! They'll be voicing a gazillion million characters in movies and shows alike, sometimes similar characters, and you would never recognise them until their names pop up in the credits!
  2. A racially appropriate DBZ of that same quality would've been nothing less than an all-out racist hate crime!
  3. Lol true. It reminds of the overreaction regarding Ariel goddess when in fact she saves male characters three times (Eric from the shipwreck and by yanking at Ursula's hair so that the trident blasted Flotsam and Jetsam instead of Eric + Flounder from the shark).
  4. There are some REAL problems of whitewashing in Hollywood (like Aang in Last Airbender and Marianne Pearl in A Mighty Heart). But whining about things like Frozen not having a single POC of prominence (which I'd rather take over a useless token or caricature any day) dilutes the actual problem to a great degree.Not to mention it is highly patronizing to POC who actually enjoy the movie regardless of the race of its characters.
  5. Except that Disney never claimed Kristoff to be of Sami descent. Also, if he were a POC, I'd guarantee that the bitching would've turned to how the only prominent character of color "always ended up sorta smelly", "only tinkles in the woods", has an unorthodox relationship with his reindeer and a whole bunch of other flaws that needed a full song to be expressed! Oh, and is abandoned by his real family and then raised by trolls.I... can see why Disney chose not to go in that direction.
  6. I it!! Also, seems like the Hutcherson, Highmore and SLJ rumours were inaccurate.
  7. If they are faithful to the comics then you will love the girls. Gogo not just does NOT have a crush on Hiro, she is also kind of annoyed of having that pipsqueak as the BH6 leader. She also can't stand Honey Lemon as she thinks the ditzy blonde act is fake and a means of attracting boys. When in fact she couldn't be further from the truth as Honey is naturally like that and Hiro's crush on her is completely unrequited.
  8. I saw people of color during the ballroom scenes too and remember thinking that Tumblr didn't even get their bitching right.I think one place a prominent character could have been of color was Kristoff as the Sami race of Norway are not very blond or overtly Caucasian looking. But that's a minor complaint as we don't even know if Kristoff is truly Sami. He just seemed to be an orphan who used to hang around with the ice-sellers until being adopted by the trolls.
  9. Deserves the win? Geez, what if one, two, three or all four of The Boxtrolls, The Book of Life, Big Hero 6 and Song of the Sea turn out to be better than both?
  10. I actually enjoyed the "blind dismissal" of Jorah. Kind of emphasized that Daenerys is still really very young and prone to awkward emotional fits, despite her adopted role(s). Now it's the expression that she makes every time someone passes a lecherous comment at her or insults her in any way that completely cracks me up.
  11. Paquin starred in the first X-Men a full 7 years after The Piano. They are not going to waste a young Academy Award nominated actress like KCH for a tertiary character. The Sand Snakes and Ellaria ARE going to be the Dornish protagonists, especially if the leaked script readings are any indication.
  12. You know she was Oscar nominated for Whale Rider, right? That's also how she got the RotS gig. Ten years back, she was Hailey Seinfeld/Quvenzhane Wallis level of famous.
  13. Hmm.. Tyene maybe? She looks angelic enough. BTW hiring such a relatively big name for a Snake lends credence to the rumours about Nada Arianne.
  14. Tumblr went full retard for Frozen. Another white princess? (Incurring the wrath of the modern day Hilly Holbrooks). There doesn't seem to be a single person of color in this! I've heard there is no scene where a female character saves a male character! It was pretty embarrassing all around.Don't think things will be quite as bad for BH6.
  15. Wow!! Second trailer already? Disney must be REALLY confident with this!
  16. That last scene with Tommen and her on the Iron Throne + the ending. DA CHILLS!!!
  17. Charles Dance snub! Awful. Poor dude doesn't get another chance like many other snubs.
  18. Thanks. I don't think she will win for The Lion and the Rose though. I thought it was Oathkeeper. Her scene was pretty powerful there.
  19. Natalie Dormer should've gotten a nod for S3. She was a beast in the first 5 episodes or so and on par with Diana Rigg.
  20. I know. She was robbed for Blackwater. This is great though. Anyone know what episodes for Lena, Peter and Dame Diana?
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