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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Is Madame Web going to be like a Charles Xavier figure and these other ladies her X-Men? The title needs to change then coz it's like naming a proper X-Men movie Professor X
  2. I looked up what totally ridiculous outfit people were talking about for Ken and it just turns out to be an outfit BTS Jimin wore in the Permission To Dance video 😭😭
  3. Minions will dominate from next week. Superpets drops in late July. This week was the only breathing space it had to recover.
  4. BW was mid and too late to arrive in a rapidly evolving CBM landscape. It would have been a much bigger deal if it had come before Wonder Woman or even Captain Marvel. DS2 was riddled with rumors that led people to believe the film was something it was not (a cameofest feat. everyone from Deadpool to Tom Cruise), setting them up for disappointment regardless of the actual film's quality.
  5. Agreed. There's no way 65-70% of Endgame's theatrical audiences watched Ant-Man and The Wasp. Some of the smaller stuff will continue to be for superfans only. The bigger stuff needs to ensure it is universally enjoyable to make up for the continuity ties.
  6. The funny thing is the show has increased viewership across all demos except old white Tho again that's the demo most likely to tune into Obi-Wan so it doesn't need to be "lack of interest due to racism"
  7. It might just be Margot for the Feyd scenes to showcase his depravity. Kinda like Ros to his Joffrey but hopefully better written and treated.
  8. It's more like why would I be spending another hour after the latest Kenobi episode watching another show when I can savor what I watched re Kenobi and check what people are talking about it online and be a part of those discussions in real time instead? I think there are other factors too, like Ms. Marvel being the next MCU show after Moon Knight which IMO didn't really pay off, at least not as a one episode a week show (maybe it's more enjoyable as a binge), and Ms. Marvel having "lower stakes", not making it an "event viewing" or an instant watch, but I feel Kenobi is affecting its viewership considerably.
  9. A lot because a huge appeal of experiencing shows in the post-social media/digital world, especially those aimed at younger demos, is to instantly discuss them with friends or followers online or check what people are saying on YouTube and Twitter. The massive popularity of teen-centric shows like Euphoria entirely rest on trending hashtags and online memeifications/discussions instantly after a new episode drops. It's a huge obstacle if there's a competing, bigger show dropping on the same day, especially on the same platform, that people will be talking about instead.
  10. The irony of climate change affecting a climate/environment change themed blockbuster 💀
  11. It's the first MCU show to actually have competition, and that too Kenobi which had D+'s biggest premiere till date, so the numbers are not a concern, yet. Post Kenobi finale we will find out if people get around to watching it. I think the MCU shows were initially moved from Fridays to Wednesdays so as to not affect the openings of the theatrical movies on Fridays. But you'd think they'd have waited for Kenobi to wrap up first. Was the concern that they didn't want Ms. Marvel to overlap with Love & Thunder's entire first month? Or Kenobi could have premiered earlier in May, unless they were concerned it would affect MoM's legs (which... um, lol) With MoM's crap legs and Lightyear's crap opening, they may as well move either the MCU or SW shows to Fridays instead of dropping them together mid-week to avoid a lose/lose situation. Chapek making/approving decisions that are getting him fucked from all sides
  12. Incredibles is Pixar's biggest IP. Toy Story is just a hair ahead of the Finding franchise. And truth be told, they didn't really know what to do with Buzz after TS1.
  13. I don't think this film is going to set the BO on fire (I mean, the fact that the WDAS film it most resembles is Atlantis... 🤷‍♂️). Also BH6 and Raya weren't exactly cultural resets either. If it does underperform, I'm sure the usual suspects would try to make the LGBT theme the scapegoat but I hope nobody else buys it.
  14. We are finally entering a more confident phase of Marvel where they are growing more comfortable moving away from the superheroics and deep diving into what makes their characters truly tick. That moment in class when Nakia said 6 weeks spent on Ancient Greece and Rome but a mere 6 minutes on Ancient Persia and the Byzantium. Dayuuuum. I love how Bisha K. Ali is not wasting one miniscule second of this show.
  15. And it's not even THAT abstract or unexpected a choice. What happens to Joker once he goes to Arkham? He either meets Harley or escapes and fights Batman If you decide to include Harley, who could play her? Well, Gaga won an Oscar for another WB film and was nominated for Best Actress. If Gaga is in the film, what genre could it be? Musical... if you want some of A Star Is Born's success Most of us here didn't want a sequel so didn't bother to think of where it could go, but honestly this was one of the only places it could possibly go 😛 Maybe not the musical part (which I still have doubts it will be a full-blown musical) but you can see how they decided on a Joker/Harley two-hander with the same actress who starred in a recent, very popular and award winning two-hander film for the same studio.
  16. TBF it made a lot of money and had a long run. Kinda bummed that Dazzler isn't the first superhero musical we're getting but honestly, if a Joker 2 has to exist, this is one of the most digestible ways to do it. Still think this will only have about 2-3 song sequences instead of being a full blown musical though.
  17. Did you have Emma Frost in mind by any chance? Have you read last year's Hellfire Gala comics for the Emma x Cap tease?
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