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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Well, that didn't stop him from giving us those Sun and Mon numbers
  2. I went to see a movie with my best friend during Christmas season last year. There are only 2 of us in the theater. Gotta admit, it was pretty damn awesome.
  3. 1. Thor: TDW 2. Cap: TWS 3. TA2 4. MOS 5. X-Men: DOFP TASM2 and GOTG are about equal.
  4. I know he's joking, I was just kidding back. Stingray does a lot of movies quoting around here, which is awesome
  5. All I gotta say is that these smiley icons sure are misleading. Well, for you at least Thanks I'm lucky so far with the bonuses and pre-season international questions. Pretty sure I'll do much worse later on cause I'm still new to these predicting stuff. And I already regret a lot of my choices for the pre-season questions
  6. Avengers sure could have jumped better for at least 110M 2nd weekend. Damn bastard it didn't But yeah, good point. I guess I'm kinda weary, I think Druv's Sat jump is quite plausible, but the Fri jump could be smaller though.
  7. Those are bigger jumps than TA, I don't think it's quite feasible.
  8. Yeah, I figure as much. He predicted big numbers for TA last year. And he usually low-balling movies he likes too, right? Like TDKR? That turned out quite interesting
  9. 0.2% increase. Yay? The rest are doing quite....
  10. I think I only went to a movie by myself once in my life. I often go with my sis or my best friend. Sometimes with bunch of cousins or bunch of friends, quite a few times with my whole family. And of course, with a date too. I actually prefer going with a small group of people, like 4-5.
  11. The Host is great Snowpiercer has the main actor and that little girl (now grown up) actress of The Host in it. I'm really looking to the movie, the premise sounds awesome.
  12. The director of this movie is the Korean one who directed The Host, Memories of Murder, Mother. Have you watched any of those? I would recommend them
  13. I'm first That's nice, gotta enjoy it for now I guess
  14. I think a 20-25% drop for IM3 today is reasonable considering the hold it has for Tues.
  15. 7M admissions is locked. But 8M, is it possible? I think it should get quite close to that?
  16. It's a roller coaster Sat number is TA-like, then Sunday is SM1, Monday is a toss up between SM3 and IM1. Then finally a Tuesday number that is kinda its own
  17. Between MOS and TDW, which one would win in Russia?
  18. Thanks :)Hopefully it doesn't drop that much then
  19. So what numbers would be considered as "bad" for Wed?
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