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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Lol, we BO nerds all know better but this is gonna be one hell of a letdown tonight when they keep trending the numbers up.
  2. Yeah, more chances it trended down. And as always, it’s way too early for Friday estimates. Matinees not even over yet lol.
  3. So likely 4.5-4.7M admissions final for Thor R?
  4. Thank you. So if JL can reach around 3M admissions, that would be a good result for the franchise.
  5. It’s doing very well in Asian territories, which is nice since out of the Big Three, Thor didn’t really hit it big over there with the last 2 movies. I hope that the MCU good will would at least push Black Panther to respectable number in Asia next year.
  6. Do you have stats for DCEU in terms of OW/total in S. Korea?
  7. BlackPink is pretty popular these days so understandable. But still, not sure how you can fit a idol girl group Kpop song into these types of movies lol.
  8. Oh oops, my bad, I’m not good at keeping up with all the excuses throwing around for these bad/good WOM business
  9. So since WOM is not that good base on Monday drop, Tuesday number indicate the WOM is good again, right?
  10. Wow, that’s a great Sun hold. Obviously not saying anything definite about legs yet, but it’s an encouraging sign. Didn’t think a Thor movie would comfortably out open a Spidey movie but here we are. Only need a 2.4x to get to @aabattery‘s goal. Fingers crossed!
  11. So 5M+ admission total is very likely. What’s the competitions gonna be like for the next few weeks? Any potentially big local releases?
  12. Vietnamese Dispensing Justice. That's gonna be my aesthetics and life goal.
  13. No ddddeee, think positive! Do it for Pfeiffer and the mustache.
  14. There are some minor problems I have with the movie, but for being one of the few movies this year that got me deeply invested in the characters and their relationships, I'd give those problems a pass. Though sad to see there won't be these awesome kid actors in the sequel anymore, I'm still excited for following the journey of the characters in Part 2.
  15. I don't think I watched Jackie Chan playing a serious dramatic role in years, so this movie definitely has my interest.
  16. It's a very beautiful, well-directed movie but I guess I just find it hard to be emotionally invested in movies these days so I felt like something was lacking. Gonna try for a second viewing to make sure where I stand.
  17. I was referring to Avengers both as team and core popular member solos. IM/Cap are definitely above the rest. I really hope somehow Ragnarok can do well like them too. The first Avengers was an enormous WOM hit cause 2nd weekend increase from its OW. And that really established the Avengers brand over there which lead to big numbers for all related sequels. I think Spidey, though not as popular when you look at current BO, it still speaks volumes that the character has staying power even with mediocre/bad movies.
  18. Wasn't Wondy's numbers inflated last week? But yeah, I would say in general, DCEU is just not on MCU level in SK. And even within Marvel properties, only Spidey and Avengers are of significant popularity, everything else just not up to par.
  19. For SH movies, seems like outside of the Avengers and Nolan's Bat movies, everything else just have average to bad legs. Wonder Woman looks to have better than the average bad legs of the 3 DCEU movies that came before, so that's good.
  20. I was appalled at first with that username, but then looking at his thick skin in the portrait provided by @aabattery, I'm no longer surprised. I'm protesting the tyranny on principle.
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