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Everything posted by JonnyCraig

  1. Its acting and scripting may be inconsistent, but it's just so much fun. Del Toro knows how to do a popcorn film for real and hopefully other directors learn from this, reversing some of the damage Bay did to the genre. 8.5/10
  2. I loved this so freaking much. It has been years since I laughed this hard, and I also appreciated the horror vibes very much. All of the actors were great, in my opinion, so it was difficult for me to say who was the best. Rogen actually is better overall in the director's chair than Apatow ever was, and unlike most Apatow-gang productions, it doesn't run out out of steam in the final third. 9/10
  3. 8.5/10 My favorite of the IM series, thanks to crisp pacing, creative action sequences and very good performances from the entire cast. Also, a lot of people don't realize that the reason for the twist wasn't solely to do something different, it was largely because of the common belief that
  4. Oblivion is headed for trouble in the coming weeks from the looks of it, with IM3 stealing screens in less than 2 weeks, Pain & Gain likely taking the college crowd, 42 holding onto the older crowd, Gatsby in just under 3 weeks and ST2 in less than a month from now. With a B- cinemascore and counter-programming spots being occupied, I don't see it going too far past 100 mil DOM and it has a decent chance of finishing under. However, it's guaranteed 250+ OS from the looks of it, so that should keep it afloat as long as it finishes above a 2.5 multiplier domestically.
  5. Oblivion 70% full. 4:00 PM on opening day Trailers: The Heat - some laughs The Hangover III - some laughs Fast 6 - no reaction Star Trek Into Darkness - no reaction Elysium - no reaction RIPD - no reaction The script is highly derivative, convoluted and rather uneven. However, the script's weaknesses are salvaged thanks to strong performances, good direction, stunning visuals and a terrific score. Regardless of the film's storytelling weaknesses, it is very entertaining, and with broad science fiction being in decline, a step above most recent blockbusters. 7/10
  6. The script is rather thinly plotted, tonally uneven (resulting in some pacing issues), convoluted and highly derivative. However, the script's weaknesses are salvaged by strong performances, good direction, stunning visuals and an excellent score. Regardless of the film's storytelling weaknesses, it is highly entertaining and with broad science fiction being in decline as of late, a step above most recent blockbusters. 7/10
  7. I have only seen three films in theaters this year, but here they are, ranked: 1. The Place Beyond the Pines - 9 2. The Last Stand - 6.5 3. Oz - 5
  8. Wow. Intense, thoughtful and absolutely heartbreaking, just like Blue Valentine. Give Ryan Gosling an Oscar already, the guy is insanely talented and managed to overcome typecasting in the best way possible, probably the best consistently working actor under 35 at the moment.
  9. The Place Beyond the Pines 11:45 AM, 60% full Crowd reactions: Complete silence Grade: A I have only seen two other films in theaters this year, both of which were underwhelming and this one was just what I needed. It's intense, thoughtful and absolutely heartbreaking, just like Cianfrance's debut, Blue Valentine. Even if it's not your cup of tea, I cannot comprehend leaving this one without a lasting impression.
  10. I loved this so much. The wait was so worth it. A
  11. Django UnchainedSold out10:30 AMTrailers: Dead Man Down - no reactionMovie 43 red band - lots of laughsOblivion - no reactionDark Skies - no reactionGangster Squad - no reactionZero Dark Thirty - no reaction Just pure awesomeness. Grade: AI found out that Les Mis was sold out for most of the day as well.
  12. Terrific performances and general craftsmanship, however... I thought the film would have been a more complex examination of Lincoln's legacy, and was disappointed that the film reinforced the mythology (interestingly enough, they acknowleged Mary Todd Lincoln's mental health problems though) surrounding him rather than trying something a bit different from the norm. It was supposed to be a Spielbergian epic, so I should have realized that it would do that, as including the various nuances of the period takes out the excitement. I felt emotionally disconnected, but nonetheless, the craftsmanship of the film is impeccable. 8/10
  13. I'd give the film about a 7.5 or 8/10. It's highly ambitious, which I felt to be it's strongest suit and it's curse at the same time. The ambition allows it to go deeper in exploring Wayne's mindset and showing that he has to confront his ego to become a better hero along with allowing for the inclusion of subtle nuances (allusions to various points in history, nods to the current economic situation even though any attempt to find a message about those may lead one to conclude that the film has some rather anti-OWS leanings which Nolan says he did not intend to do, etc.) However, I felt that it's ambition also leads to the film struggling to juggle the weight of containing multiple character arcs and subplots, and that the romantic subplots led to lulls in pacing and bogged the film down. I actually felt that with the scale of the story, it could have been quite a bit longer (come on, if it's the final film, you can pull a ROTK and make it 3 hours+) or instead they could of trimmed down or axed some subplots entirely for a leaner, more coherent film.Still, even with the problems I had with it, I was consistently engaged, the performances are almost all terrific (Hathaway and Cotillard were the weakest links for me, but they still did a good job for the most part) and the set pieces were terrifically executed (especially the opening scene.) I felt that it suffered from three-quel fatigue, but not to the extent of many other films, and I hope they do a 4th film that continues the Blake arc instead of another generic reboot (even if there is no Nolan and Bale.)
  14. It is performing well above expectations in the UK and France at the moment, and opened on par with SW in fewer markets, that is generally a good sign for a film of this sort. Under 25s will probably be turned off by it here in the states (although I am 17 and have been anticipating it heavily, I have been a film buff most of my life though and dark, cerebral Sci-fi is my favorite genre), but it looks to be the only summer blockbuster aiming for the 35-50 crowd and this will give it some solid legs.
  15. The political themes and the fact that even the film's most heroic characters were still anti-heroes, in addition to the moral ambiguity of the climax and the raw, brutal violence were also major factors. The only comic book film that I could say comes close to being as dark in tone would be Sin City, but they marketed that as being firmly dark in tone, while Watchmen's marketing was confusing. Prometheus is clearly being marketed as dark, adult-oriented science fiction and as such, will be received better. I saw a mother and a 10 year old dressed up in Superhero costumes for Watchmen and they walked out an hour in, I do not think that will happen when I go see Prometheus. Expect a 55%+ turn out for over 25s and a B+ or A- Cinemascore, since early reports overseas show it to be a crowd pleaser with adults.
  16. Here are my big predicts:Prometheus - 40-50 (the lowest I can see it going is 37-39 and a 50+ opening requires monster WOM, 140 DOM finish and 200m OS seems fairly likely)Madagascar 3 - 45 (DOM is unpredictable due to Brave coming out two weeks after, OS will follow pattern of previous entries)SW- 24.5 (steeper U.S. drop due to mixed WOM and the fact that the rush might have had something to do with crossover from Twilight due to Kristen Stewart, 150m DOM, 400 WW)MIB 3 - 15 (looks to cross 180 since comps to MIB 2 are unfair, as that had a 5 day weekend and opened in July and the gap will narrow due to superior WOM, 500+ WW is looking fairly likely too)
  17. Solid start for SW, however it's budget is huge and DOM WOM is so-so so it looks like OS business will be key. Great holds for MIB3 and TA. MIB3 will only need about a 3x multiplier from this weekend to get 200m or just short of it, possible since Prometheus is the only thing targeting it's audience for a while and that is R and high schools and colleges are now getting out, so summer weekdays will allow it to coast. TA looks to end up somewhere between 600 and 650 if it's legs don't drop too fast.TA will end up at or close to 1.5 billion worldwide from the looks of it, MIB3 is looking to cross 500 WW if it comes close to matching the original's OS cume or surpasses it. SW will probably get 150-180 stateside and over 250 OS, Prometheus is looking at 40-55 range DOM opening and much better than expected numbers OS for dark, adult aimed science fiction. 350 WW is looking very possible for it.
  18. MiB3 really didn't do terrible since it's a follow up from a very disappointing sequel which came out a decade ago. It's the studio's fault for going with the extreme budget craze and not preventing Smith from getting out of line (he is notorious for being difficult to work with but Sony didn't control it and it messed with the budget and the production, in addition to his ridiculous percentage deal despite him being inactive for 4 years and Seven Pounds having a disappointing run.) Still, it has solid word of mouth and the fact it got away with a 70m 4 day with Avengers still being direct competition shows it has some juice...an 85m 4 day was a chance before people realized how big Avengers could be. It does not have much direct competition for a few weeks (Avengers is not going to have Avatar's supernatural legs from this point out and the gap between it and TDK will start narrowing, Prometheus is R and targets older audiences, SNW&H appeals more to women, summer weekdays will soon start kicking in, etc) and MiB2 was maligned and crawled to close to 200m.It has a fine chance of crossing 200 DOM and 300+ OS with what looks like much better than expected WOM, not bad for a sequel nobody really expected or wanted. The studios just mismanaged it and had too high expectations.Avengers will cross 600 in the next month or two, TDKR and over saturation of the market from other flicks will make 650 a small chance.
  19. Solid hold, less than a 54% drop when you subtract midnights. Here is what'll probably happen, and I'm trying to be conservative here:Fri - 29Sat - 43 (+49%)Sun: 28.67(-30%)Total: 100.67 (-51.3%) It has a good chance of beating TDK's drop, unless it's Sat increase disappoints or Mother's Day kills Sunday completely.
  20. I don't really see how American Reunion is that much of a disappointment...the last film was nearly 9 years ago so it's target audience isn't as aware and it's bringing in those seeking nostalgia. A 24-25 mil opening with 75mil total, probably close to 100m from OS and guaranteed solid DVD sales makes it a success. 31-32 mil is guaranteed for THG and it could go as high as 35 as long as there isn't massive overestimations like there have been for the past 2 weeks.21 Jump Street is set to close as high as 135-140, terrific since most of you predicted around 80 or 90 total.
  21. Of course, Reagan supporters absolutely LOVED her...most of Britain absolutely despises her, and even as an American, I despise her...she's an example of a modern Republican, claims to be for limited government but turned her country into a police state, expanded the power of the Anglican Church once more and turned their economy into a corporatist free-for-all.Good numbers though...MI4 is almost locked for 200, TGWTDT still has a good chance of 90, not a bad weekend.
  22. A LOT (probably around, 4,000-5,000)...my theater attendance has decreased though, saw probably around 20 this year when I used to see 60.2011 favs:1. Drive2. 50/503. Source Code4. Cave of Forgotten Dreams5. PaulAll time: Chinatown, Chasing Amy, Trainspotting, Glengarry Glen Ross, High Fidelity, to name a few...
  23. Great acting, faithful to the souce material, terrific score and cinematography...it has a slightly episodic feeling in the first half (not a bad thing but somewhat noticeable) and the final 20 minutes are rather disjointed, but solid mid-level Fincher otherwise.B+
  24. The Girl with the Dragon TattooSunday6:20 PMAbout 70% fullPreviews:Expendables 2 (cheers when Norris and Arnold came up)Ghost Rider 2 (laughs)The Devil Inside (I wanted to laugh due to the obvious jump scares, audience members groaned or laughed)John Carter (groans)21 Jump Street (laughs, and yeah, I think it'll be funny)Although I have not seen the Swedish originals (intend to), Fincher's adaptation is very well done, though not perfect. During the first half, there is a slight episodic feeling, and the final 20 minutes or so are rather disjointed but even with it's flaws, a mid-level Fincher is better than almost anything else that came out this year, buoyed by terrific performances and an excellent score from Trent Reznor.8.5/10
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