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Everything posted by hegemony

  1. Eventually one of these will be the "Raimi's Spider-Man or Singer's X-Men" of video game adaptations and the floodgates will open. I wonder how many studios have tried for the Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto rights.
  2. http://www.slashfilm.com/neill-blomkamp-alien/ Niell Blomkamp says the art had nothing to do with any studio, but who just has professional quality concepts laying around for fun? Usually when you do preproduction on something its for an actual project right? I think we'll see Alien 5 sooner or later.
  3. Demand For ‘The Interview’ Is Shooting Up In North Korea And Its Government Is Freaking Out http://www.businessinsider.com/north-korean-demand-for-the-interview-2014-12#ixzz3N4cBLXMR
  4. they cancelled all of them http://variety.com/2014/film/news/seth-rogen-and-james-franco-cancel-all-media-appearances-for-the-interview-1201380917/
  5. When they were talking about Marvel and DC and then the Universal head was like, "but we have monsters!" I started to cringe.
  6. Thought this would interest people here.
  7. Can't wait for "Knights of the Roundtable: Sir Galahad" tbh. People will be out in droves for that.
  8. Wonder if they're still going with the "Game of Thrones, royal family in space" route with this. Should help set it apart from GOTG.
  9. Looks like they're doing a tv series once the films are over with. http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/constantin-to-produce-tv-series-based-on-resident-evil-mortal-instrument-franchises-1201328293/
  10. Fox Are In Deep Development On A Live-Action X-Men TV Show Fox Wants To Bring X-MEN To TV Could Fox Be Working On A Live-Action X-Men TV Show? RUMOR: FOX IS WORKING ON A LIVE ACTION X-MEN TV SERIES
  11. I knew this was coming. The PR are basically superheroes with their own giant robots, hell the rangers are supposed to be teens so they could add some YA coming-of-age romance if they really wanted. It screams $$$ i bet money the rangers will look similar to this. just with color. also pacific rim or michael bay inspired Zords? wait Lionsgate is behind this? They'll make it YA inspired for sure.
  12. This is a Chinese made film btw. It's their attempt at a global blockbuster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW-qcsDLxUY
  13. China's film industry is rapidly expanding. Will we ever see domestic Chinese productions getting wide releases worldwide? Yes I know a few foreign films wind up in indie/arthouse theaters, but China really wants their film industry to rival Hollywood. here's some articles: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/07/business/media/china-wants-its-movies-to-be-big-in-the-us-too.html?_r=0 http://www.cnbc.com/id/101065706 http://money.cnn.com/2013/09/23/news/economy/china-movie-hollywood/
  14. I feel like this is the billionth Peter Pan project in development right now. Channing Tatum was doing one.
  15. They also want their original films to be on the level of summer blockbusters.
  16. Netflix actually wants them day and date, but theater chains are going insane with that idea. http://variety.com/2013/biz/news/netflix-to-preem-movies-the-same-day-they-bow-in-theaters-1200796130/ Combine this with the fact that Netflix also wants to release original films.
  17. Since the Tolkien well is drying up in 2 years, this could be their flagship fantasy franchise if they approached it the right way. Like a new D&D adventure every year. Similar to what Disney is doing with Marvel and Star Wars.
  18. Burt Wonderstone had a bad Friday. That's 5 bombs in a row for WB. I can't tell if audiences are getting smarter or not. WB's roster so far has had subpar reviews, but then again movies like Identity Thief and Oz are successful. I bet WB wants to reboot Harry Potter right about now.
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