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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Whoops, sorry adim! Didn't see your post above, I'm on my phone. Simply put...stunning film!
  2. The atmosphere, mood, and design were top-notch. Unfortunately, this is where the compliments end. I give props to Radcliffe in that it seems he gives it his all, but I just don't think he's that great of an actor. There's no real story until about an hour in, and once the plot begins you immediately recognize it from films that have done it before (The Others, The Orphanage). It's never scary, never intense, and is just another lackluster, poor horror film in a genre that severely needs a potent shot in the arm. C-/D+
  3. Inception at no. 2 is so predictable. Good film, but Christ, horribly overrated by mainstream and online audiences in general.As previously stated, A Prophet should be on there, but I believe it's technically came out in 2009. But damn, that was one awesome film.Toy Story 3 would be my top film for 2010.
  4. I saw this film today, but honestly need to see it again before I can even try to review it. I took a bar 40 minutes before it started, and honestly remember 10 minutes of actual screen time. I will say that about 12.5% of the film was pointing toward a C+ to B, but don't put any stock into this into I get a re-watch.
  5. There's no doubt! I felt the first half somewhat dragged when it focused on the wolves. The 2nd half was all about human nature up against nature itself, and was damn good.
  6. This film has stayed with me the last few days, I keep finding myself thinking about it.I love the last shot after the guy decides he's had enough. Sitting against the log, surrounded by nature and nothing else. Such a powerful scene!
  7. Who would have that that Hollywood would not only dish out a quality film in the first four weeks of the year, but also a film that's likely to stay in my top 10-15 for the year? This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but this is right up my alley. The Grey tries hard to be something more than a nature survival flick, and it largely succeeds. The wolves serve as the background to the haunting experience endured by the men, and the dramatic scenes were honestly more intriguing to me than the wolves. This is a harrowing, intense film that deserves credit for not only trying to be different, but for pulling off the feat in pretty damn impressive fashion. B+
  8. Definitely, I just haven't seen EL&IC yet. To be honest, I'm not even sure I'm going to bother seeing that one. And hell, I even liked War Horse. It's a good old-fashioned flick set in a more innocent time period.......there's just no way it's one of the best of the year, IMO.
  9. I don't think it's been a down year so much as the Academy simply isn't on the same level as most viewing audiences. And this applies even to film buffs, as I would argue most would want the likes of Drive and 50/50 to receive more attention and the likes of EL&IC and War Horse to be forgotten. Don't get me wrong, I liked War Horse, but a nomination for BP is laughable, and once again shows the Academy can't look past politics in its selections. I think the quality of film this year is on par with last, but the award selections are definitely boring.
  10. Ehhh, I don't really care one way or another.These award shows are all so political in one way or another, so to expect an unbiased awards show is not really realistic, IMO.As a result, I generally don't give a rat's ass what these organizations have to say pertaining to the year's "top films", and just enjoy film from a subjective standpoint. Trust me guys, it's not worth the stress.
  11. It basically behaves like a prototype of the prototype. That's likely nothing that you haven't seen in this film before, and it's just been done a lot better in other films. I will say it's not awful, and I was never bored.....but this is the kind of film I'll likely forget I ever even saw in a few months. C+/C
  12. Ehh, I thought there was plenty of suspense.It just didn't have the usual cheesy music or random loud noises to alert the watcher..."Watch out, here's some suspense!"
  13. It starts really slow and is mediocore at best for the first half hour, but manages to at least somewhat find its footing the last hour. Ultimately, the problems are the score is terribly out of place, and some of the attempts at "style" are just silly and don't work well. The action is decent, but feels way too choregraphed and staged, which leads to little intensity or suspense. It's a decent, passable action film, but ultimately passable feels the most appropriate word to describe this. B-
  14. It's a really dense, complex film that will likely need a few watchings to really fully appreciate. It's more of an old-fashioned spy drama than thriller, so the "lack of thrills" arguments don't really hold much merit. This is 10x the spy film that MI:4 was. I'll take an attention-to-detail, building supense spy film anyday over the ridiculousness of a nuclear bomb threat, climbing the tallest building in the world while a dust storm approaches, etc. First 20 minutes are somewhat slow, but once it gets going I was engrossed throughout. Definitely in my top 6-7 of the year, and could potentially break top 5 or even higher once I watch again. B+
  15. The Dubai sequence was incredibly overrated. Hell, MI:4 was pretty damn overrated to me. But on point, TF2 is one of the more embarrassing attempts at filmmaking that I've come across in my lifetime. It is an absolutely miserable film that caters to boys just entering puberty. D-
  16. I made a similar thread on BOM, but I figured a new site warranted a new thread, and thus, new opinions.You can choose as you wish, but my selections are based on entertainment value, and also how much weight I give to each posters' grades.Here is my top 5:1. Gopher- not only a great reviewer, but one of the 4-5 posters on here that I feel actually has legitimate good film taste. I always like to see how he grades films.2. Baumer- of course, always entertaining. However, they usually provide me with a lot of insight. For example, if Baumer hates a film that usually means that I will like it.3. Spaghetti- see Gopher.4. Andy- He tends to be a little lenient with his grading, but usually always provides a nice write-up.5. Noctis- decent reviewer and ok film taste. However, too much inconsistency to be taken seriously at times. For example, his Potter obsession. Contrary to his belief, it's a mediocore to decent series that will, and never has, achieve the greatness he envisions.
  17. This is what happens when you market a movie to the most stupid fucking demographic in the country.You shouldn't be allowed to see a film in theaters until you turn 21, it's time to bring back Prohibition.
  18. It's one of those films that everything is done well, but it still fails to really impress or make an impression on you. The acting is great, however, the whole film just seems way too theatrical for me. You get the feeling while watching the actors that they KNOW they are acting, and that's always a negative while watching a movie. These are great actors, but I feel the dialogue did not really allow them to lose themselves into their roles, it was simply too ochestrated from the outset. Likewise, the film is just told in a pretty boring, uninteresting way. There's really nothing in here that we haven't seen before, and as a result the script comes across as being somewhat bland and uninvolving. It almost has a soup opera feel to it at times and would have benefited from from artistic flair. I also thought the transition of Gosling from young, innocent politician to a changed, corrupted one was too abrupt and not handled really well. You really have to buy into this aspect to get into the movie, and that simply did not happen for me. C+
  19. One of the weaker films I've seen in 2011. The dark atmosphere simply doesn't work when the tone of the movie is needlessly light and downright silly. Not once do you ever feel that the characters are in any real danger, and Guy Ritchie's style is close to being just as annoying as the 3D fad. Not really much to recommend here. D+
  20. It's definitely a great trailer, but I thought the visual effects for the football game money shot were weak, and I also didn't think they should have included a huge shot like that in the trailer.
  21. Your film taste must be improving.Of course, following the master is never a bad idea, IMO.
  22. I enjoyed this. It's embraces old-fashioned cinema, and makes no apologies for it. It is definitely sentimental and emotional, but I never felt it crossed the line to cheesiness. The score was really well done......one of those scores that keeps you invested in the movie throughout even if you don't notice it on a continuous basis. Not one of the best of the year, but a great time at the movies to watch a movie made in competent, old-fashioned manner. Doesn't ever feel slow and is emotional without being overly sentimental. A solid holiday movie, IMO. B
  23. I'm visiting the fam for Christmas, so naturally everyone decided to see this today. One of the absolute cheesiest and emotionally manipulative films I've ever seen. It starts out decent, just Jesus Christ, the last 45 minutes are absolutely brutal. Unfortunately, the morons who loved The Blind Side will most likely love this, and there was actual applause at the end of the movie. Say hello to the "feel-good" movie of the 2011 holiday season, IMO. I will say Damon's performance was pretty good. C-
  24. LMAO at Tintin.Spielberg's name doesn't mean what it used to. Of course, when your marketing campaign consists of cringe-inducing lines like "From the two greatest storytellers of our time", and "An adventure beyond belief", pardon me while I laugh my ass off as your film crashes and burns.
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