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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. Yeah, it has its share of problems, but it's still an entertaining ride, and kind of feels like snorting a couple lines of cocaine amidst the boring summer schedule. There were some surprisingly appealing characters along with some solid performances (Lively and Travolta were the weak links for me). The action isn't spectacular, but it's edgy and gritty enough to do the job. The kidnapping angle didn't do much for me, but thankfully Chon and Ben's interactions and chemistry are just enough to keep the film moving forward. And goddamn, Del Toro was the clear badass in this film, pretty much all of my favorite moments in the film were focused around his character. As Webslinger said, it's not a real return to form for Stone, but it'll do for the time being.....especially in the middle of summer. B/B-
  2. I would respond to your point, but it's time for me to take my Adderall, IMO.
  3. Watching it now.....trying my best to get into it. That being said, posting this on my phone is more of a priority than the film right now. Regardless of how it ends, the Academy really needs to grow a sack sometime.Edit: Yep, didn't work for me at all. I tried my best, and watched the whole film................but damn, I never was really invested in the story or any of the characters for that matter. I'm not going to give it a grade, because it may have more to do with silent films just not being a good medium for me.I will, however, reiterate my point that I'm still waiting for the Academy's balls to drop.
  4. So...........how many people are on here waiting in the hopes that Nikki's first numbers are awful, and lead to a fanboy meltdown of epic proportions?
  5. This just barely worked for me. It's funny in parts, but it's largely too uneven in the laughs department. I also thought the story actually played it a little too safe, and would have preferred a more uncoventional story with more randomness thrown in. Still, it works (just barely) as a result of being just funny enough and having just enough emotional attachment to get by. B-
  6. Wow, I had forgotten that Holmes was even in Batman Begins until that pic was posted.What does that say........it was a chance for her to make a name for herself in a huge film, and a few years after I completely forgot she was even in the damn movie at all. Fishnets is right.......if she didn't whore herself out for attention, she would be simply forgotten. Hell, for the last 5 years her claim to fame was "TC's wife."
  7. This was pretty great. Obviously when you have Cheadle and Gleeson acting is going to be a huge strength, but Gleeson steals the show in this one. One of the more enjoyable characters I've seen in a film in a while. Not only is it pretty damn funny, but it also has more depth than most movies of its ilk. It's refreshing to see a film like this that manages to be funny while remaining character-driven and providing some pretty good drama along the way. Definitely one of the stronger films of 2011. A-/B+
  8. 1. The Grey- B+ 2. 21 Jump Street- B+ 3. Brave- B+/B 4. Prometheus- B+/B 5. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 6. The Avengers- B 7. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B- 8. Ted- B- 9. Haywire- B- 10. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 11. American Reunion- B-/C+ 12. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 13. The Hunger Games- C+ 14. John Carter- C+ 15. Men In Black 3- C+ 16. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 17. Safe House- C+/C 18. Contraband- C+/C 19. The Dictator- C 20. The Woman in Black- C- 21. Battleship- C-/D+ 22. Underworld: Awakening- D
  9. It's really pretty low-key, and works overall.........but not by much. I thought the set-up for the first 20-25 minutes was the strongest, but once Ed Helms's characters arrives the film struggles to keep its momentum going. I kind of wanted more attention on Segal's character, and the whole affair subplot with Helms just kind of got tedious and tiresome after a while. Still, there are some really pretty good scenes and moments to be had in the film. It's just that there are also some pretty mediocore sequences as well. I still enjoyed it though. It has some laughs, and just enough charm and heart to be an enjoyable watch. B/B-
  10. Oh man, more people need to see this. It's downright hilarious and just one of the more all-around fun films I've seen in a while, with character and heart thrown in to boot. I'd put it right up there with Shaun of the Dead and Slither as far as horror comedies go. A-
  11. This was pretty bad, but I was in between Netflix mailings and kinda just thought "Why the fuck not?" So I picked up this film at Redbox, and I got my answer to that question a couple hours later. You feel like this story deserves a better movie in all honesty. The story itself is somewhat interesting and involving, but it's handled in such a bad way that the film really has no chance from the beginning. The action itself is surprisingly weak, and never really exciting. There is maybe a good five minutes of character development tacked on during the whole movie, and let me tell ya.......the way it was handled, that was five minutes too long. So there you have it...........it's an film that has a decent story at its core, but from what I could tell needed a director/writer who could actually tell the story in an interesting way. As it is, it's too boring for an action film, and simply laughable from the drama/thriller angle. C-
  12. 1. The Grey- B+ 2. 21 Jump Street- B+ 3. Brave- B+/B 4. Prometheus- B+/B 5. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 6. The Avengers- B 7. Haywire- B- 8. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 9. American Reunion- B-/C+ 10. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 11. The Hunger Games- C+ 12. John Carter- C+ 13. Men In Black 3- C+ 14. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 15. Safe House- C+/C 16. Contraband- C+/C 17. The Dictator- C 18. The Woman in Black- C- 19. Battleship- C-/D+ 20. Underworld: Awakening- D
  13. Pretty good animated film. It only narrowly manages to keep everything together after the Mom's transformation. Let me tell ya, the first 10-15 minutes after that were pretty rocky. I was worried that a comedy angle was going to be used for the Mom's predicament, but thankfully once they escape the castle the typical Pixar depth and emotion started to shine through. Still, while Brave has the Pixar depth and emotion (a welcome return to form after Cars 2), you still can't shake the feeling that something is amiss. Perhaps that while this is an original Pixar film, one can't really shake the feeling that it's been done numerous times before. That being said, it's still a fun film that manages to display more depth than most live action offerings of late. But it's Pixar....outside of Cars 2, what do you really expect? B+/B
  14. Stewart is the kind of female you take to bed......and while you're getting laid, you're not sure if she's sleeping, pissed, happy, frustrated, etc. One facial expression to rule them all, IMO.
  15. The box office in general is boring now. There are no real surprises or break-outs anymore.I don't care who you are or what you think, having weekend estimates one hour before noon on the West Coast is simply fucking ridiculous.
  16. Ahhh this is such an under-appreciated film, I actually enjoyed it more than the first. It's funny, has some good action, but what really separates this from the first is I felt it had a stronger emotional core. The scene in which Po has the vision of what happened to his parents is one of my favorite scenes from last year. There wasn't a great deal of competition, but easily the best animated film of 2011. B+
  17. Saw it again last night to see how it holds up on repeat viewings. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold up as well as the first viewing, but I still enjoyed it. Of course it is amazing to look at and has some killer scenes, but there is a weird disconnect while watching the film. There seems to be no plan or protocol for the mission, which is a little strange. Characters just seem to do whatever they want, whenever they want. It's not close to Alien or Aliens, but it's still a fun film. I will say, if anything, Prometheus is set up in a way that the sequels can be pretty damn awesome if done right. B+/B
  18. As long as this is better than Cars and Cars 2, I'll be satisfied. In a way, we've been spoiled. Has a studio ever had a run like Pixar did churning out one amazing film after another? Regardless, good, but not great Pixar is still better than 60-70% of everything else that's released.
  19. You have no heart, morals, and are going to spend eternity in Hell, IMO.
  20. One of the better psychological thriller/horrors you'll see. It really is chilling and creepy at times, and it's really effective at getting under your skin as a result of two rock solid performances in Miller and Swinton. I enjoyed the style and art shots, but at times it felt a little forced and pretentious to me. It will definitely get under your skin, and will likely lead to an interesting discussion with your buddies after. I loved the last encounter Eva had with Kevin in prison. Was Kevin finally changing and opening his eyes, or was he simply manipulating his mom yet again? I tend to go with the latter..... However, while well-made and one of the better films of last year, I still didn't love it. Perhaps part of the problem is the fact that you already know the outcome and conclusion of the film 5 minutes in, it's just a matter of the film filling in the bits and details throughout. B+
  21. Not only the best horror film ever made, but one of my all-time favorites. I love Aliens as much as anyone, but this is an another level. Really gets better with multiple watches as well. Dark, brooding, menacing, claustrophobic.........one of the few films that is pretty damn close to being an objective masterpiece. A
  22. Crack is a helluva drug, IMO. Anyway, funniest film of the year, and one of the best so far as well. Pretty entertaining all-around. B+
  23. Regardless, 10 minutes of The Hangover II is 10 minutes too long, IMO. Fucking awful.
  24. 1. Prometheus- B+ 2. The Grey- B+ 3. 21 Jump Street- B+ 4. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 5. The Avengers- B 6. Haywire- B- 7. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 8. American Reunion- B-/C+ 9. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 10. The Hunger Games- C+ 11. John Carter- C+ 12. Men In Black 3- C+ 13. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 14. Safe House- C+/C 15. Contraband- C+/C 16. The Dictator- C 17. The Woman in Black- C- 18. Battleship- C-/D+ 19. Underworld: Awakening- D
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