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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. This, although I didn't see it in 3D and I would give it a lower rating. It's an ok time pass, but there really isn't much heart to the core of the story, and it just comes off as an off-the-wall movie with no emotional investment. Kind of the definition of forgettable, and I'm also not a huge fan of British humor. C
  2. It's a nice film with some really good scenes, but I really do think it is vastly overrated. The characters simply weren't interesting enough for me to get really invested, but it's a good movie if you're looking for a story about how humans interact and behave in unique situations. B
  3. 1. The Grey- B+ 2. Looper- B+ 3. 21 Jump Street- B+ 4. Dredd- B+/B 5. Brave- B+/B 6. Prometheus- B+/B 7. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 8. The Dark Knight Rises- B 9. The Avengers- B 10. Moonrise Kingdom- B 11. The Master- B 12. Savages- B 13. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B- 14. The Raid: Redemption- B/B- 15. Bourne Legacy- B/B- 16. Ted- B- 17. Haywire- B- 18. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 19. American Reunion- B-/C+ 20. The Campaign- B-/C+ 21. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+ 22. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 23. Hit and Run- C+ 24. The Hunger Games- C+ 25. John Carter- C+ 26. Men In Black 3- C+ 27. Lawless- C+/C 28. The Five-Year Engagement- C+/C 29. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 30. Safe House- C+/C 31. Contraband- C+/C 32. Premium Rush- C 33. The Dictator- C 34. Trouble with the Curve- C/C- 35. The Woman in Black- C- 36. Silent House- C- 37. Battleship- C-/D+ 38. Project X- D+ 39. Underworld: Awakening- D 40. Lockout- D-
  4. Is Switchblade Romance another name for High Tension? That's one of the most intense and brutal horrors I've seen in a while, great film.
  5. An enjoyable piece of sci-fi entertainment. I really wanted to love it, but there are parts I thought were weak and others that were awesome. A bit too uneven to be a classic, but still definitely one of the year's stronger films. I honestly felt that the Willis storyline kind of detracted from any momentum built up before, as I really enjoyed the interactions between the characters on the farm. The movie really came into its own at this point, and it was kind of like, "Oh, by the way, here's what Bruce is up to right now" whenever they took you into the other storyline. Still, it has a really great beginning and ending, and just a so-so middle. The kid was pretty fantastic, and the whole Rainmaker sub-plot was handled really well. Can't ask for much more than an above average sci-fi film. B+
  6. Good stuff. It's nice to see a movie that's simply trying to kick ass and take names, and wears its heart on its sleeve. Sure, it's not perfect but I thought there was just enough back-story to become invested in the story and some really awesome scenes (the machine gun scene was pure madness). I certainly enjoyed myself, and Urban made a pretty effective Dredd. Probably best action movie of year thus far for me. B+/B
  7. so I'm starting to get concerned it is more serious than food poisoning and might have to see a doctor after all! Holy shit man, I'd go to see a doc if I was you. 5 days is a pretty damn long time for stomach issues to be this prevalent. I know nothing about medical conditions, but I'd be more worried about some kinda parasite at this point.
  8. Evil Dead, Fright Night (original), and Re-Animator.
  9. I loved it. It's funny, and the mockumentary was done in an interesting, creative way that makes the film feel fresh. Performances were great, especially from Black. It's probably best labeled as a dark comedy, but it surprises you with moments of poignancy and depth. One of my favorites so far this year. B+
  10. I'll post my initial thoughts for now, as I will definitely need more time before I can give it a grade.It's impeccably well-made, everything looks fantastic and you have two powerhouse performances front and center. And yet, there is the problem. Two great performances, but no real reason to care about them. The fact that Freddie Quell is unlikeable is not an issue. In fact, some of the more fascinating film characters have been unlikeable people in general. The problem is that not only is Freddie Quell an unlikeable character, but the film doesn't give you much reason to really care about him. Being an unlikeable character and having no reason to care about a character are two distinct things. My opinion, of course. Another problem I had with his character is that there's no real growth or character arc. He's basically the same man he was at the beginning of the movie. It seemed like a movie of some pretty interesting ideas and meditations that would have been infinitely more interesting if it had given me the opportunity to get invested and care about the main characters. I can see how others may differ from my viewpoint, but at the moment I'll say it's a good movie, but nonetheless, a definite disappointment. I'll have to give it more time.
  11. Yeah, I'm going to say The Descent should be on the list, IMO. Perhaps The Hills Have Eyes as well.
  12. 1. The Grey- B+ 2. 21 Jump Street- B+ 3. Brave- B+/B 4. Prometheus- B+/B 5. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 6. The Dark Knight Rises- B 7. The Avengers- B 8. Moonrise Kingdom- B 9. Savages- B 10. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B- 11. The Raid: Redemption- B/B- 12. Bourne Legacy- B/B- 13. Ted- B- 14. Haywire- B- 15. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 16. American Reunion- B-/C+ 17. The Campaign- B-/C+ 18. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+ 19. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 20. Hit and Run- C+ 21. The Hunger Games- C+ 22. John Carter- C+ 23. Men In Black 3- C+ 24. Lawless- C+/C 25. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 26. Safe House- C+/C 27. Contraband- C+/C 28. Premium Rush- C 29. The Dictator- C 30. The Woman in Black- C- 31. Battleship- C-/D+ 32. Project X- D+ 33. Underworld: Awakening- D 34. Lockout- D-
  13. Translation: I used to run this box office game when I didn't have a life, and now I have one......so fuck off, IMO.
  14. I thought it was trying to be an epic story, but it was told in a mundane and cliche-ridden fashion. Good performances, but I didn't find the characters that well-written, and Shia still annoyed the hell out of me. The story doesn't really seem to have a clear direction until an hour in, and even then it's kind of all over the place. The humor seemed really misplaced to me, and distracted from the overall story. I had no emotional attachment to any over the brothers, no emotional connection to the movie, and the two romantic sub-plots were brutal. Sadly, I found this to be an average film that was striving to be more. C+/C
  15. There's uneven movies, there's tonally challenged movies, there's movies that are all over the place................and then there's Hit and Run. This thing has more mood swings than a 15-year old bipolar high school student who just got cheated on by his 7th grade girlfriend. Some parts are actually decent, but the main audience for this film should be those suffering from schizophrenia. C+
  16. I enjoyed this for some offbeat, zany fun. It will definitely work better for fans and followers of HST, as it's really interesting to see how his philosophy and viewpoints were formed. Kind of acts like a coming of age film for the HST drug debauchery and philosophy that is sure to ensue. Still, not only for fans..............a passable story and some funny sequences will offer casual viewers some entertainment, IMO. B
  17. Let's get one thing outta the way first: Battle Royale is simply better than The Hunger Games, and it's really not very close. I do think it's laughable after seeing the film that some actual were praising The Hunger Game for not holding back on the teenage violence. Damn, sometimes it sucks ass living in America..... It's not a masterpiece, but it basically does everything pretty damn well. Balances moments of depth and awesomeness for the most part, while actually providing relateable characters and most importantly, more realistic behavior from the kids, IMO. Of course, gotta love the score. B+/B
  18. There's no doubt that the choreography and action scenes are awesome, and the music is done in a way that complements the action and tone of the film well. One can only wish they had put as much care and thought into the story as they did with the action, because then we might have something truly special here. B/B-
  19. Emotionally manipulative and downright boring are the words that come to mind about this film. I don't really feel like saying anything else. C-
  20. Ehhh sure it doesn't live up to the first Bourne trilogy, but I still enjoyed it for the most part. It's one of those rare action flicks that could have benefited from more action and less story, as it's pretty clear that the story is the weakest part. Still, it wasn't weak enough to throw it off the rails completely for me, and I enjoyed Renner and Weisz's chemistry for the most part. B
  21. Basically, it's about as bad as you would expect. I really have nothing to say, except that the most memorable thing I can remember from the film is some tight female ass, and that time seems to move by pretty fast. D+
  22. The first half hour is the strongest, and it's surprisingly funnier than expected. There are some scenes that are actually somewhat clever and inspired, but it's still not one of Ferrell's stronger films and does feel a bit long by the time it's over. Go for some laughs and a couple of legitimate well-done scenes. Expect anything else, and you'll come out disappointed. B-/C+
  23. I wouldn't say I loved it, but I'll be damned if this isn't the kind of film that stays with you for a few days. That main music theme and some of the visuals do a great job of portraying the impending doom that is sure to come. I do agree with others that the first act was weaker.........I love a good art film, but the first hour is really almost too ludicrous and abstract to really get involved. Second act was pretty damn solid, a harrowing look into how humans face impending death. Dunst was good, but I wouldn't say great.......she had to act pretty emotionless for the movie, so perhaps that's why she excels here. I thought her sister was a more interesting study, and Sutherland's behavior was the most interesting in terms of analyzing, IMO. Good score, and it really does have a creepy, dark atmosphere that pervades throughout the film. I would probably have loved it if it weren't for the first hour, but it's still one of the better apocalyptic flicks you'll see. B/B-
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